Dear ______,

As you already know, I am a daily user of the (Name of System), a site developed by Geographic Solutions. Since July of 2014, many enhancements have been made to (Name of System) for our site to remain in compliance with the guidelines and requirements set forth by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Virtual OneStop has been pivotal in the effective management of key programs outlined in WIOA, with much of the new functionality beinghighlighted at the 2018 Workforce Technology Conference.

This year’s conference agenda will be concentrated heavily with numerous workshops on WIOA service delivery, data collection, case management, and reporting.It would be of benefit to both myself and my agency to learn as much as I can about current and future enhancements in Virtual OneStop. In doing so, I am requesting to be granted approval to register. By allowing me to attend the conference, I feel as though we would be maximizing our investment that our state has made in (Name of System). The conference will also allow me to engage with other workforce regions that use the same system and exchange best practices.

The conference will be held Wednesday, June 20, 2018 through Friday, June 22, 2018 at the Wyndham Resort located in Clearwater Beach, Florida. In addition to the regular conference schedule, I also have the option to attend a Pre-Conference Training session on either Virtual OneStop or Virtual LMI on Tuesday, June 19, 2018.Recommended airline bookings can be made in and out of Tampa International Airport or the St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport.

Here is someadditional information on the conference:

The conference, which has been held consistently for the past 15 years, is tailored to workforce development staff, administrators, case managers, labor market specialists, and unemployment insurance professionals.

The conference agenda features top industry presenters and speakers who are hands-on thought leaders in workforce development, unemployment insurance benefits, and regional/state/national government agencies. There will be an agenda full of sessions covering topics such as WIOA and partner program case management, federal reporting, staff and system efficiency, system enhancements, best practices, and so much more.

You can check out the conference website at . Conference updates can also be found on Twitter @geosolutionsinc. Questions may be sent to

Thank you for your consideration,

(Name of Attendee)