(Required routing with all awards)

Title of Sponsored Project

Proposal and Account Numbers

Principal Investigator


PART I: AGREEMENT REVIEW (To be completed by Office of Research Services)

Does the agreement contain any clause that:

a)grants the Sponsor a right to prepublication reviewYesNo

b)allows the Sponsor to claim intellectual property as proprietary or trade secret?YesNo

c)limits participation by non-U.S. citizens?YesNo

d)references U.S. export regulations?YesNo

e)restricts non-U.S. entity participation based on country of origin?YesNo

f)restricts the use of proprietary information?YesNo

g)addresses classified security concerns?YesNo

Completed by:Sign/date:

If any question above is answered “Yes” PI must complete Part II, below.

Part II Technical Review. It has been determined that the sponsored agreement for the project identified above contains provisions that may require Texas Tech University compliance with export control laws or regulations issued by the U. S. Department of Commerce and/or State. A final determination of the application of those laws or regulations to this particular projects depends on whether the research falls within a category of technology the U.S. Government has determined raises particular issues of national security or economic interest. As the PI for the project, you are the person most qualified to decide if your research falls within covered areas.

You will need to review descriptions of technologies controlled by International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 CFR Section 121.1 (use “Back” button to return to this document) and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR Section 774 Supp. 1 categories 0-9) (use “Back” button to return to this document) and decide if the technology involved in this particular project falls within one or more of those categories. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Cook, Office of Research Services, 806-742-3884,

I have reviewed the relevant ITAR and/or EAR regulations and have determined that my project entitled, , (please check the appropriate response, below)

1. Does not involve technologies that are covered by ITAR or EAR;

2. May involve technologies that are covered by ITAR or EAR;

3. Is dominated by EAR-governed technology, specifically (identify category by name and section)

4. Includes discrete, easily identifiable and separate components that are within the scope of an ITAR-governed technology, (identify category by name and section)

5. Includes discrete, easily identifiable and separate components that are within the scope of an EAR-governed technology, (identify category by name and section)

By EAR--Specify ECCN:By ITAR--Specify Sections:

If Box 2, 3, 4, or 5 is checked, please complete the “Certification on the Handling of Exported Controlled Information Form” and return both forms to the Office of Research Services. If Box 1 is checked, return this form only.

Name of PI making certificationPI SignatureDate