OREGON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FAX TO: Carla Martinez (503.378.5156)

Office of Assessment and Evaluation

Application Form: 2010 Science Item Writing

March 22-25, 2010, with remote item writing until June, 2010

___ Check here if you’ve been a part of ODE science Item Writing in the past.

Contact Information (please print)

School District:
Private E-mail Address:
For security reasons, e-mail address must not be a work, school, or shared e-mail address.
Work Address:
(street, city, state, zip code)
Work Phone:
Work Fax:
Summer Address:
(if different)
Summer Phone:
Cell Phone:
Summer Fax:


Science Item Writing Experience:

Grade(s) / Organization / Duration of Participation (dates)

Science Teaching-Related Experience:

Grade(s) or Subject / District / Years in this assignment

Check the grade(s) for which you are qualified to write items: (you may select more than one)

______Benchmark 2 (Grades 3, 4, 5) ______Benchmark 3 (Grade 6, 7, 8)

______High School

Education or Science Degree(s):

Degree / Major / Institution

For your performance assessment:

Write one multiple-choice item, which aligns to one of the 2009 Science Content Standards (http://www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/subjects/science/curriculum/2009_adopted_k-h_science_standards_updated(11.13).pdf), from one of the grade groups you selected above. Identify the benchmark/grade level, the content standard the item matches, explain student errors targeted by the incorrect options, and the key (correct answer)! Click here for the item writing form. Stimuli may be submitted on the Stimulus Sheet.

As soon as possible but not later than February 15th, please email, or fax, your test item and this application to Carla Martinez, Attn. (fax 503.378.5156).

Each participant will be expected to write a minimum of 60 new items for the assigned content standards over the period from March 22 - June 30, 2009.

Each item writer must have their own PC laptop (Macintosh laptops are not supported at this time), with a private, non-shared, email address and will be responsible for learning to use ODE’s proprietary internet-based software for item entry.

You will be notified via email by mid-February, 2010 of your selection or non-selection.

For questions, contact Leslie Phillips at or (503) 947-5835.