

We, at John Drugan, believe in, “improving the lives of all our students.” Our teachers and staff are committed to all students at all levels regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age. With the understanding that not all students develop academically at the same rate, we will provide additional help where needed. To accomplish this goal, we will encourage parent and family engagement through classes, workshops and meetings on topics requested in the parent surveys. We will focus on providing parents and families with tools that will enable them to develop a closer relationship with their children and to provide a better learning environment at home.

We strongly believe that with constant communication with parents and families,we will establish a strong learning environment between the school, the home, and the community, all working together to provide the means for our students to go “Beyond … excellence.”


A Parent and Family Committee consisting of parents, teachers, counselors, Parent and Family Engagement Liaison, community representatives and administrators will meet once a year to discuss any changes and/or suggestions. Once the changes are approved by the committee, the new policy will be in effect the following school year. Meetings will be planned at a convenient time and location for members to attend.

A copy of the updated policy will be distributed to all stake holders at the beginning of the school year.



To keep all Title I parents, caregivers and the community informed of all changes to the guidelines, an annual meeting will be held at a convenient time and location for everyone to attend. Translation services will be provided when needed or requested.

All parents will be offered the opportunity to be involved in revising and updating the John Drugan Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Parents may volunteer to serve on the SISD and/or and the John Drugan Advisory Committees.

In an effort to have the greatest parent, family and community participation, information about dates and times for the meeting will be disseminated using as many communication media as possible.


As part of the John Drugan Parent and Family Engagement Policy, the Advisory Committee will develop a Parent-School Compact. The compact will be designed to provide parent and families, students and the school, the responsibility for promoting student achievement and to ensure a safe school and home environment

Parents and families, students and teachers are strongly encouraged to read and discuss the compact to understand the contents, as well as each others responsibilities.

The compact will be sent home with the student for reference during the school year. A link to the school website for the policy will be placed on the John Drugan webpage.

It is strongly suggested that teachers post a link on their classroom webpage and have a copy available for Parent/Teacher Conferences.



We, at John Drugan, strive to maintain an optimum learning environment for all our students. With this in mind, we will provide the means for active parent and family engagement through activities such as:

  • Book Fair
  • Open House
  • Parent-teacher conferences
  • Partners in Education
  • Conduct parental surveys once a year
  • Parent participation in the School Improvement Committee
  • Tyler Student 360
  • Parenting sessions provided by the Parent and Family Engagement Liaison

using curriculum and other topics requested in the parent surveys

  • Active volunteer group
  • Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students)
  • M.O.M.S. (Moms of Magnificent Students)
  • Muffins for Mom
  • Donuts for Dad
  • Enrichment Tutorial Programs (Super School) provided by parent volunteers.
  • Latino Family Literacy Program.
  • Story Hour
  • Climate Survey


Good communication makes for a better informed community. Our parents and families,students and staff are informed through a monthly calendar, fliers on specific events, telephone contact (personal and through the automated messaging system) individual parent-teacher conferences as needed, publication of updated information on the school’s web site, and an Open House at the beginning of the school year.

Information sent to the parents will be in English and Spanish. If desired, translation service for conferences will be provided.


The Parent and Family Engagement program will be evaluated by the advisory committee. The committee will assess the degree of parental engagement through parental surveys, sign in sheets to parenting sessions and personal interviews when necessary.

Every effort will be made to identify any barriers to parent and family engagement so that measures can be taken to overcome them.

The school policy on parent and family engagement will be revised on the basis of input from parents and families during the annual review meetings.

John Drugan School

School Compact


John Drugan School will go beyond excellence by providing a nurturing learning environment that provides a solid foundation and instills a desire to be lifelong learners.

Student’s Agreement:

I acknowledge that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:

  • Attend school regularly
  • Come to school each day prepared with pens, pencils, paper and other necessary tools for learning
  • Complete all class work and return homework assignments
  • Follow the school rules of student conduct and treat my peers with respect
  • Keep violence, weapons, alcohol, drugs and bullying out of my school
  • Continue to promote pride, unity and responsibility in my learning community by keeping our campus clean
  • Think beyond my own individual needs to include the need of others

Staff Acknowledgement:

I promise to:

  • Communicate and work with families to support learning.
  • Provide a safe environment for learning.
  • Keep parents informed of their child’s progress by sending timely progress reports and scheduling parent-teacher conferences.
  • Inform parents of their child’s positive behavior and achievements; not just negative
  • Show that I care about all students and have the highest expectations for students, other staff members and myself
  • Continue to promote pride, unity and responsibility in our learning community
  • Think beyond my own individual needs to include the needs of others.

Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement:

I want my child to achieve and succeed. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following:

  • See that my child is punctual and attends schools regularly
  • Make sure that my child gets a good night sleep
  • Encourage my child to complete class work and homework everyday
  • Limit television viewing and participate with my child in family-oriented activities
  • Encourage my child to read by taking him on trips to the library.
  • Support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline
  • Attend school functions with my child and/or volunteer at my child school
  • Make appointment to attend regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences, or when requested in response to progress reports
  • Discuss with my child the “no tolerance” rule against any violence, weapons, alcohol, drugs, and bullying at school
  • Continue to promote pride, unity and responsibility in my child’s learning community
  • Think beyond my own individual needs to include the needs of others.

It’s great to be a DRAGON !