Staff Council Annual Report


Staff Council focused on two major issues during FY 2002: Staff compensation and improving its own effectiveness.

In the area of staff compensation, Staff Council made the following recommendations to President’s Cabinet on October 9, 2001:

·  Apply funds for university-specific market adjustments “off the top” when the second round of strategic plan initiative (SPI) funds are allocated in October.

·  Fully fund 100% of the average base rate salaries in the university market by September 1, 2002.

·  Fully fund 100% of the average target salaries for university-specific and local markets by September 1, 2004.

·  Perform or have performed separate title-specific analyses for the associate and assistant vice president positions and make individual recommendations.

·  Write into university policy and procedures the university commitment to apply general and performance pay raises funded by the State or university after market adjustments are made.

Subsequent decisions by PC set the minimums for most staff titles in the university market at 100% of the average of the base salaries for job matches in the 10 largest universities. PC asked Staff Council to work with the Human Resources Department to recommend a grade and step program for staff compensation and to recommend improvements to the University’s Longevity Program. Work on the grade/step and longevity programs began in FY 2002 and will continue into FY 2003.

Several actions were taken to improve Staff Council effectiveness in FY 2002:

·  Pens imprinted with Staff Council’s name and the website URL were purchased and distributed to new SWT employees at New Employee Orientation. The pens were distributed in lieu of sending welcome letters to new employees in hopes of making a lasting impression on new staff.

·  Staff Council general meetings moved from the Faculty Senate meeting room to JCK 460, the Quality/Staff Development training room, to provide more space for the Council and its guests.

·  An e-mail process for reviewing and approving minutes was developed to ensure distribution of approved minutes within two weeks of each Staff Council meeting, rather than waiting until the following monthly meeting to approve minutes.

·  A new version of the Staff Council poster was distributed and posted widely across campus.

·  A survey was developed and conducted to assess staff satisfaction with the Council and to identify issues important to SWT staff that we could address in the future. The survey was distributed to 1,508 regular staff members and achieved a 42% response. Initial results were reported in the Human Resources Bulletin, posted on the Staff Council website, and distributed to President’s Cabinet.

·  Strategic Plan Initiative (SPI) funding was requested to fund Orientation expenses on a permanent basis.

Other actions of the Staff Council during FY 2002 included:

·  A review of UPPSs as part of the routine review cycle. Documents reviewed included:

o  04.04.04 – Affirmative Action Program

o  04.04.06 – Dual Employment

o  04.04.11 – University Classification and Compensation Policy

o  04.04.20 – Staff Performance Appraisal Policy

o  04.04.46 – Prohibition of Illegal Discrimination or Harassment Based on Race, Color, National Origin, Age, Sex, Religion, or Disability

o  05.03.20 – Quick Copy Service

·  Members of Staff Council met with Faculty Senate to discuss collaboration on issues of faculty and staff compensation.

·  The Staff Council Chair made a presentation to Associated Student Government regarding Staff Council’s history and activities.

·  The Staff Council Chair spoke on behalf of staff at the Community Picnic in honor of President Supple’s retirement.

The following guests presented information at Staff Council meetings:

·  Gordon Thyberg (September 2001) reviewed development of the budget and provided a detailed analysis of funds available for FY 2002.

·  Don Fehlis (September 2001) presented the staff salary markets.

·  Dr. Joanne Smith (December 2001) met with Staff Council to solicit staff input into the presidential selection process.

·  Dr. Jerome Supple (January 2002) presented information about the proposed university name change and discussed the relationship between Staff Council and the University President.

·  John McBride, Michelle Massey, and Don Fehlis (February 2002) presented information about changes in the Personnel Office and its projects.

·  Dr. Robert Pankey and John Campbell (February 2002) answered questions regarding the proposed fee for noontime users of the Jowers recreation facilities.

·  Dr. Joanne Smith, John Megerson, and Steve Prentice (March 2002) presented the proposed parking permit fee increase for FY 2003.

·  Dr. Michael Abbott, Dr. Joanne Smith, and John Megerson (April 2002) presented recommendations from the Transportation and Parking Study.

·  Dr. Cathy Fleuriet (June 2002) provided an update on the marketing/image initiative.

·  Dr. Gilda Garcia (July 2002) discussed equity and access issues.

Standing committees of the Staff Council in FY 2002 were:

·  Executive Committee (Susan Thompson, Chair; Gordon Thyberg, Chair-Elect; Debi Perkins and Gabi Rios-Fraticelli, Secretary; Debbie Chandler and Jerry DeLeon, Members at large)

·  Compensation and Benefits (Gordon Thyberg, Chair; Oscar Barrera, Donna Bourke, Debbie Chandler)

·  Elections (Martha Bird, Chair; Susanna Garza, Elida Hernandez, Patricia Prado, Ruth Ross, Tom Royal)

·  Orientation (Jennifer Beck, Chair; Linda Allen; Margaret Yackel)

·  Public Relations (Sally Moss, Chair; Rhonda Acker, Ruth Ross)

·  Strategic Planning (Gordon Thyberg, Chair; Birdie Bagwell, Oscar Barrera, Debbie Chandler)

·  SWT Perks (Jerry DeLeon, Chair; Jennifer Beck, Margaret Yackel)

·  UPPS Review (Tina Schultz, Chair; Oscar Barrera, Ron Akin)

·  Webmaster (Tina Jackson)

Staff Council also appointed staff representatives to the following groups:

·  Child Care Task Force

·  Facilities and Environment Committee (Faculty Senate Committee)

·  Faculty/Staff Service Awards Committee

·  Grievance Committees (n=2)

·  Insurance Committee

·  Library Committee (Faculty Senate Committee)

·  Mariel Muir Mentoring Award Selection Committee

·  Presidential Retirement Committee

·  Campus Recreation Advisory Council

·  Transportation and Parking Committee

·  University Council

Members of the 2001-2002 Staff Council were:

Rhonda Acker

Ron Akin

Linda Allen

Birdie Bagwell1

Oscar Barrera

Jennifer Beck

Martha Bird

Donna Bourke

Lisa Cameron2

Debbie Chandler

Jerry DeLeon

Susanna Garza1

Elida Hernandez

Tina Jackson

Enos Jones2

Susan Killebrew2

Susie Longoria

Jonathan Lopez

Sally Moss

Debi Perkins1

Patricia Prado1

Gabriele Rios-Fraticelli

Ruth Ross

Tom Royal1

Tina Schultz

Susan Thompson

Gordon Thyberg

Jan Tidwell2

Margaret Yackel

1Served partial term

2Replaced outgoing member