Sarah A. Huett U.S. History Lesson Plan T.I.S.D.

TEKS Lesson Plan/Unit Plan

Texarkana Independent School District

Teacher: Sarah A. Huett Subject/Course: U.S. History
Grade(s): Grade 11 Time frame: 45 minutes

Lesson Plan Number: 131

Topic/Process: U.S. Moves Toward Conflict

Textbook: The Americans: Reconstruction to the Present, McDougall Littell

Ch 22, sec 1, pgs 730-735

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): US6 G, US9 A, US16 A, US19 A

(6)History. The student understands the impact of significant national and international decisions and conflicts from World War II and the Cold War to the present on the United States. The student is expected to:

(G)analyze reasons for the Western victory in the Cold War and the challenges of changing relationships among nations; and

(9)Geography. The student understands the impact of geographic factors on major events. The student is expected to:

(A)analyze the effects of physical and human geographic factors on major events including the building of the Panama Canal; and

(16)Government. The student understands the changing relationships among the three branches of the federal government. The student is expected to:

(A)evaluate the impact of events, including the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the War Powers Act, on the relationship between the legislative and executive branches of government; and

(19)Citizenship. The student understands the importance of effective leadership in a democratic society. The student is expected to:

(A)describe qualities of effective leadership;


(9)Geography. The student understands the impact of geographic factors on major events. The student is expected to:

(A)analyze the effects of physical and human geographic factors on major events including the building of the Panama Canal; and

Concepts / Enduring Understandings/Generalizations/Principles
The student will understand that
Conflict / Cultural diversity can lead to conflict. Social, economic and political oppression can lead to conflict.
Leadership / Effective leaders often emerge during times of conflict. Americans look to their president to be an effective leader.
Change / Change often occurs as a result of conflict. Change is inevitable. Change can be positive or negative.
Roles / Roles in society and government change over time.
Chronology / Chronology is important to the study of U.S. History.

Sequence of Activities (Instructional Strategies):

1. Activity: Have students work with a partner to create a timeline that shows the US’s

increasing involvement in the Vietnam Conflict. Students should include the

following events on their timeline: formation of Vietminh, Japan exit of Vietnam,

French soldiers return to Vietminh, U.S first involvements (1950), Eisenhower’s

domino theory, fall of Dien Bien Phu, Geneva Accords, cancellation of

Vietnamese elections, overthrowing of Diem, Tonkin Gulf Resolution and

Operation Rolling Thunder. Make sure students note the significance of each

event on the timeline. When everyone is finished, review the timeline as a class.

Questions to Consider in Lesson:

1)  How and why did the US support France’s Vietnam War efforts?

2)  Why was the Diem government so unpopular?

3) Was congress justified in passing the Tonkin Gulf Resolution?

Assessment of Activities:

Classroom Observation

Time Line

Prerequisite Skills:

1. Time line construction

Key Vocabulary:

Ho Chi Minh, Vietminh, domino theory, Dwight Eisenhower, Dien Bien Phu, Geneva Accords, Ngo Dinh Diem, Vietcong, Ho Chi Minh Trail, Tonkin Gulf Resolution

Materials/Resources Needed:

Textbook, other resources, pens, paper

Modifications: Allow students to have extended time to complete activities. Follow all modifications on students IEP.

Differentiated Instruction: Have students write a short essay to answer the following question: How was America’s support of the Diem government a conflict of interest?

Teacher Notes:

Sample Test Questions:

1. ______was the United States’ main goal in Vietnam.

A. Reunifying Vietnam

B. Containing the spread of communism

C. Upholding the Geneva Accords

D. Negotiating a cease-fire agreement with North Vietnam

2. After World War II, the United State aided ______in its efforts to keep control of Vietnam.

A. Japan

B. China

C. France

D. Britain

Project developed and delivered through a Collaborative Research Grant between Texarkana Independent School District and TAMU-T Regents’ Initiative.