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Practice Using CGCC Database for Research – Fall 2016

·  Select a topic of interest to you relevant to the topic of the U.S. judicial system. Your topic should be specific; otherwise your research will result in a plethora of ‘hits. Brainstorm what it is that you would like to learn about this topic.

·  Restate this topic as a research question – your research will answer your research question. (Note: this is not the research question for your essay.)

·  Locate information about your topic using the following CGCC databases


o  Opposing Viewpoints

o  CQ Researcher

o  Academic Search Premier

o  Newsstand Core

o  MasterFILE Premier

·  Source requirements

o  full text only (pdf full text preferable)

o  current information (publication date of 2006 or newer)

o  each source must be cited using MLA 8

·  Select one quotation from each of 4 different databases

·  Write a sentence including the direct quote

attribute or embed each quotation into a complete sentence

o  include appropriate parenthetical citations

·  Upload to TIIC.

Notes / Points
Topic / Why you are interested in the topic and what you want to learn / 5
Research Question / Labelled / 5
Quotation from Source #1 / Embedded or attributed/correct in-text or parenthetical citation / 10
Quotation from Source #2 / Embedded or attributed/correct in-text or parenthetical citation / 10
Quotation from Source #3 / Embedded or attributed correct in-text or parenthetical citation / 10
Quotation from Source #4 / Embedded or attributed/correct in-text or parenthetical citation / 10
MLA format of document / All or nothing / 5
Conventions / 5
TOTAL / 60


First Last


English 101

15 September 201X

Creative Title: Database Research

Research Question: What is the Electoral College?

In the United States, the selection of the president and vice president are officially selected by the Electoral College consisting of “nominated persons, known as electors, from the states and the District of Columbia” (“Electoral College 109).

The Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States establishes the Electoral College and was ratified in 1804 (Congress).

In The Political Quarterly, Michael Dunne questions whether the “presidential election system is ‘fit for purpose’” (265).

The Editorial Board of The Washington Post opines that, despite its flaws, the Electoral College is “an institution that should be adjusted only with extreme care” (“The Electoral College”).

NEXT PAGE: Works Cited – site ALL sources that are referenced in your research. Remember, your sources MUST represent all 4 databases. Your sources must be from 2006 or later.

Works Cited

Congress, U.S. "The Twelfth Amendment." The Constitution and Supreme Court, 1999. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

Dunne, Michael. "US Presidential Elections: Two Centuries of Constitutional Continuity And Political Change-With An Analysis Of The Political Geography Of Barack Obama's Re-Election Campaign." Political Quarterly, vol.84.2, 2013, pp. 265-277. Academic Search Premier. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-923X.2013.12017.x.

"Electoral College." Gale Encyclopedia of American Law. Ed. Donna Batten. 3rd ed. Vol. 4, 2010, pp. 109-113. Gale Virtual Reference Library,

"The Electoral College." The Washington Post, 04 Nov 2012. ProQuest,