Author Bio

Elizabeth M. Hodgkins DVM, Esq. is a successful veterinarian of 28 years who currently owns and runs All About Cats Health Center in Yorba Linda, California. Dr. Hodgkins graduated from the University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine in 1977, after which she served an internship in small animal medicine and surgery at the prestigious AnimalMedicalCenter in New York City followed by a residency in veterinary oncology at the University of California.
During 1985-93, Dr Hodgkins served as the Director of Technical Affairs at the largest proprietary pet food manufacturer in the world, Hill's Pet Nutrition. Working in the pet food industry, Elizabeth became familiar with production and formulation of pet foods, and lectured extensively on behalf of the company on the many aspects of dietary management of disease in pets. It was during this time that the author developed her passion for veterinary nutrition that drove her later investigations into this subject, particularly the management of feline obesity and diabetes.
In 1993, Elizabeth took a three-year hiatus from veterinary medicine to attend law school at the University of Kansas. During her third year in law school, the author served as Editor-in-Chief of the Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy. After successfully sitting the bar in Kansas, she accepted the Vice-Presidency of the marketing department at Heska Corporation, a veterinary biotechnology company in Ft.Collins. During this time, she began clinical research into the nutritional basis of feline diabetes mellitus, culminating in the application for a US patent protecting the results of those studies. This application resulted in the successful issuance of US Patent # 6,203,825 (Method and Composition to Protect an Obligate Carnivore from a Disease of Abnormal Carbohydrate Metabolism).
After leaving Heska Corporation, Elizabeth opened her own feline-exclusive veterinary practice in California. Through her practice, she has continued her clinical research into the causes of feline obesity and diabetes, and the successful treatment of those diseases. She has developed a protocol from the management of feline diabetes that results in the successful long-term remission of her diabetic patients in well over 80% of cases treated. This success rate is unprecedented within the profession. She also breeds and exhibits national and international prize-winning Ocicats. Her book Your Cat: A Revolutionary Approach to Feline Health and Happiness will be published in June, 2007 by St. Martin’s Press.