Hello! Welcome to what is sure to be an exciting year at Desert Thunder Elementary School! This is my twelfth year teaching in public education. I received my Bachelor’s and Masters’s degree from Oregon State University in 2002and 2003 respectively. I grew up in Oregon, but have spent my entire teaching career in Arizona.My first three years were in the Glendale Elementary School District, where I taught 3rd and 5th grade. I then moved to the Dysart district for the last eight years, where I taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. This is my first year at Desert Thunder and I am so excited to be a part of the Eagle family!
I am especially excited to have the opportunity to work closely with my students and their families to make this a successful, meaningful, and challenging experience for every child. I value open communication and hope you contact me with any questions or concerns.
Enclosed in this packet you will find some of the major points concerning policies and procedures followed in the 3rdgrade. More information will follow in the weeks to come. Please read the entire letter together and put it somewhere accessible for future reference. This letter is also on my teacher website!Please sign, and return any applicable pages by August 8th. Thank you.
Cheers to the great year ahead!
Mrs. Marci Partida
(623) 772-4747
Now Let’s Get Started…
School Supplies
Here are the suggested supplies that 3rdgrade students will find useful in our classroom. Donations of supplies for each child are extremely appreciated, but not mandatory.
Community Supplies – Items that will be shared by all students.
- 2 boxes of tissue
- 3 packs of pencils (pack of 12 or more)
- 2 packs of black dry erase markers, Not chisel (pack of 3 or more)
- 4 glue sticks
- Elmers white glue
- Colored pencils
- Box of 24 crayons
- Box of 10 washable markers
- 1 student pair of scissors
- box of Band-Aides
- zip lock bags( any size)
- 1 pack of lined paper
- 1pack of sheet protectors
- 2 bottles of hand sanitizers
- 1 container of CLOROX wipes (boys only)
- 1 ream of Xerox paper (girls only)
Individual supplies – only for your student to use in the classroom.
- 5 solid colored folders (1 color per subject: math=blue, reading=red, writing=purple, science=yellow, social studies=green)
- 1 black and white composition notebook
- 4 spiral notebooks
- pencil pouch(with holes that will fit in a binder)
- 1 three-ring binder-1’ with clear plastic pockets in front and back cover
- 1 package of highlighters
- 1 package of pencil top erasers
- 1 ruler (must have inches and centimeters)
- 1 pencil sharpener (with bottom to catch shavings)
- 2 red pens (or editing pencils)
- 1 old sock or rag to use as a white board eraser.
Getting to school on time ensures that your child will not miss important announcements
or instructions, or cause interruptions. Students may report directly to our classroom
at 7:30. Class will begin promptly at 7:35. Students eating breakfast should report
directlyto the cafeteria upon arrival to school.
Students are regularly dismissed at 3:00pm with the exception of early releases at 11:45 on Wednesday. Please do your best to refer to our school calendar and schedule doctor appointments accordingly. Pulling students out early can be just as disruptive as frequent tardiness. Thanks for your help with this.
Students may pay for their breakfasts and/or lunches daily or in advance. A computerized system enables the cafeteria staff to keep track of charges. You can pay online at EZSchoolPay.com. Meal prices are as follows:Students: $1.00 breakfast/$2.25 lunch
Class Rules
-Listen and pay attention to the teacher at all times, especially during instructional time.
-Read and follow directions.
-Listen when others are talking, do not interrupt anyone.
-Do not disrupt the learning environment.
-Raise your hand when you want to share/talk.
-Respect others and their property.
-Keep your hands and objects to yourself (no pushing, hitting, shoving, or touching others or their property)
-Respect the teacher’s and school’s property.
-Respect all adults on campus.
-Use kind words and be nice to everyone!
-No teasing, bullying, or lying. (Zero tolerance for this behavior.)
-Have high expectations for yourself! You are smart and worth it!
-Be positive, have a good attitude, and make smart choices!!!!
Positive behavior and kinds words encourage everyone! In our class the students have the opportunity to “boost” each other up! On a “Boost Up” sheet a student writes a kind note to another student and places it in the basket. On Friday, I read the notes aloud and give them to the recipients Example messages: “Thank you, Johnny for helping me with my multiplication! You are good at math! ~Sam~”
HELP!!! Bucket
Learning skills can be hard sometimes, especially when we are learning many new concepts! If your child is struggling with a concept and too shy to say anything, they can anonymously write the concept they are struggling with on the “Help!!” sheet and put it in the bucket! I will then re-teach that item to the class or in a small group.
Grading Scale and Rubric
Tests/QuizzesReport Cards and Assignments
100-90 = A Exceeds
89 – 80 = B Meets
79 – 70 = C Meets/Approaching
69 – 65 = D Approaches
64 and below = F Falls Below
There will be a specific grading rubric for each assignment and that will always be shared with the students prior to any assignment.
Below is the standard rubric that applies to all assignments and homework.
- Were the directions followed correctly?
- Were there any spelling errors? (all subjects)
- Were the sentences complete? Punctuation? Grammar?
- Was the work neat? Handwriting? Eraser marks?
- Was the assignment turned in on time?
Homework and Assignment Procedures
During school/instructional hours students will be given enough time to finish their “in school” work. However, if they do not finish their work it will come home that night and need to be finished and returned the following school day. Students should be finishing their work in class, they will be given plenty of time and are expected to finish. Late work will automatically be deducted 10 points per day late. After 5 days work is no longer accepted and will earn a zero. (Example: if an assignment is due on Monday, you have until the next Monday to turn it in or it will be a zero).
All work during the day will be printed in the student’s agenda. Unfinished assignments will be highlighted (by the student) to reflect what work they need to finish that evening at home. Unfinished work should rarely happen, if your student is listening and diligently working during class time.
Reading logs will go home every Monday in their “Homework Folder”. The student must read a total of 20 minutes each day. Logs will need to be completed by the student and signed by the parent/guardian.
Spelling tests will be given every Monday (pre-test) and Friday (final test with recorded grade). A score of 90-100% on pre-test = challenge words for the week!
Progress Reports
Parent-Teacher communication is so important to a child’s success in school. Your child will be provided with an agenda that will come home on a nightly basis. This agenda is used to help build responsibility and encourage positive choices as well as keeping you informed of your child’s behavior. Mid-term Progress Reports will also go home quarterly. I will also call home, e-mail, and send more frequent notes home whenever it is necessary. You’ve Slipped forms will be given to students that do not complete their homework. These forms must be signed by the parent and student and returned the following day.
Please read, sign, and return any communications in your child’s
Homework Folder the following day so I can be sure you received them.
Absences and Make-Up Work
Missed work will be on the student’s desk when they return from an absence. This work is due back in the amount of days missed by the student. (Example: child misses one day, they have one day to complete the missed work.) Special arrangements will gladly be made depending on individual circumstances
The 3rdgrade students will have agendas this year. Everyday your child will record what they did in school that day. PLEASE sign your child’s agenda every night! Please hold your child accountable for their work The agenda book is very important, please reaffirm that with your student.
Behavior Expectations
I believe we all have a responsibility to choose positive behaviors every day. We expect students to behave appropriately at all times. Disruptions and other inappropriate behaviors that prevent teachers from teaching and/or any student from learning will not be tolerated. It isn’t fair to the class, nor to their teacher. So, in order to guarantee your child and all children in my classroom the excellent learning climate they deserve, we implementbehavior cards that notes both positive and negative behaviors. It will also include parent comments on the back along with their bathroom pass record.
Be honest • Don’t lie, cheat or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends and country
Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements
Do what you are supposed to do • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your choices
Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t blame others carelessly
Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need
Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment
Daily Behavior Clip
In order to monitor student behavior, each child will have a clip on a five colored chart with their respective class # on them. Depending on the student’s choice of behavior that day, they will end the day on a particular color. If negative behavior or exceptionally positive behavior occurs during the day, I will be sending home a note with your child. That note MUST return the following day with your signature! I will file the logs in their cumulative file.
A student can earn or lose colors throughout the day as well. For example; if in the morning a student is disruptive and has their card turned to yellow, but after lunch they are behaving well and working hard, they can go back to green and end the day on a positive note. At the end of each day any blue, yellow, orange, or red cards will have the date written on them to track the student’s behavior and shared with you during conferences.
Behavior Card Color Codes
Blue = Student went above and beyond expectations. **Positive**
Green = Student met expectations and had a great day **Positive**
Yellow = Student had 2 reminders to be quiet or stay on task and a little disruptive to the learning environment.
Orange = Student repeatedly disrupted learning environment, etc.
Red = Student did not follow rules and disrupted learning environment in some form. A behavior report will also be written. (Teasing, bullying, swearing, defiance, insubordination, etc.)
I will take every opportunity to prevent problems before they occur. However, when a student chooses not to follow the classroom expectations and correct his or her behavior when requested, I implement the following:
- 1st consequence: Verbal warning
- 2nd consequence: (Yellow): 2nd Verbal warning
- 3rd consequence: (Orange): Reflection sheet / sent to another room
- 4th consequence: (Red):Call home / Behavior Report
Students begin each day with a fresh start, although the teacher reserves the right to make discretionary adjustments. Teachers will record your child’s behavior on their chart, which will go home everyday for your viewing. Administration will handle severe disruptions immediately and parents will be notified. Please refer to the Avondale Elementary School District Parent/Student Handbook for more specific infraction levels and school discipline procedures. Students who demonstrate positive character will be rewarded with special privileges, such as homework passes, an opportunity to use the computer, free time and lunch dates with me and their classmates!!
Kids at Hope
Avondale Elementary School Districtis a Kids at Hope district which means we are committed to the belief, principles and practices that support the success of all children, No Exceptions!
To achieve our vision we are creating a community where all adults see themselves as Treasure Hunters and all children learn to be Time Travelers.Treasure Hunters are caring adults who search for the skills, talents and intelligence in all children and youth.Time Travel is the learned capacity to envision one’s future at life’s four major destinations:Home and Family; Education and Career; Community and Service; and Hobbies and Recreation, return to the present and prepare for the journey. We call that HOPE.
For more information contact the Community Relations Department at 623-772-5000 or visit
Extra Incentives
Students can earn “Thunder Bucks” for overall good behavior, citizenship, work ethic, listening, and/or attitude. Students can earn these awards by being on their best behavior during their specials classes, assemblies, field trips, programs, turning in homework on time, etc. Additionally, they can earn Thunder Bucks from our principal and other staff members for being quiet in the halls, straight lines, and other positive actions seen throughout campus. Students will then drop their Thunder Bucks in the designated bin to be eligible to win a prize at our monthly assembly.
Other awards that students can earn include the Soaring Eagle Award, the Rising Star Award and the Character Award. Parents will be notified if their student is selected for one of these prestigious awards.
There is zero tolerance for bullying and teasing in my classroom and at the school! If I see it, hear it, or find out about it I will address the issue and contact any parents necessary.
Golden Rule: “If you can’t say anything nice - don’t say anything at all!”
I will acknowledge student’s birthdays in our classroom through a certificate and small gift (pencils, stickers, etc.) We will have a monthly celebration for all students with a birthday in a given month on the last Friday of the month. For example, if your student’s birthday is August 15th, we will celebrate with treats on Aug. 29th. However, your student will receive their small gift on their actual birthday.
Bathroom Breaks
Students may ask for permission to use the bathroom whenever needed.
Students are encouraged to use the bathroom in the morning, lunch recess, and afternoon recess.
Please discuss with your child that it is not beneficial for them to try and get out of class by continuing to ask to use the bathroom when it is not honestly needed. Students are always allowed to go when needed, but if a student is consistently going above norms, I will contact home about this issue.
Additionally, during instruction is not an appropriate time to ask to use the bathroom, but if it is urgent they most definitely will be allowed.
“Specials” at Desert Thunder consist of Art, P.E., Music, and Technology. The schedule will be posted online on my website.
Class Website
I do my best to update my website at least once a week. You will find forms, directions, large assignments, and upcoming events on my website. Also, you can subscribe to the website. This allows you to get emails when I update the website. Please refer to the website with questions about what is going on in our classroom; it is an excellent resource for parents and students! I will post all agenda items on my website, so absent students will know what they missed.
Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night will be on August 21 from 5:30-7:00 atDesert Thunder. I will be covering 3rdgrade curriculum, teacher expectations, and answer any questions you may have on curriculum/academics. This is not a time to discuss individual student needs/questions, please contact me at a separate time to discuss those matters.
Parent and Student Handbook
This handbook is available online will be discussed with your child the first week of school! It is STRONGLY encouraged you review the policies for yourself and with your child.
Please sign and return the “Acknowledgment” page to Mrs. Partida by Friday, August 8th! Thank you!!!
Book Orders
We will have scholastic book orders this year and with the first catalog I will be sending home the directions for online ordering and they are also on my website! Please order online and our class receives a free book
Web address: scholastic.com/bookclubs
Class Activation Code: GMBBC