Nebraska Veterans' Homes

Bellevue, Norfolk, Grand Island and Scottsbluff

The Application Process:

The admission to a home within the Nebraska Veterans Home System is initiated with the

completion of the application, which is obtained from theCountyVeterans’ServiceOfficer

(CVSO) in your county of residence. To begin the application process in SarpyCounty,

contact us at 402-593-2203 for anapplication worksheet and additional information

concerning the monthly maintenance charge.

Ourworksheet requests that the applicant indicates which facility (Eastern NE Veterans

Home - Bellevue, Northeastern NE Veterans Home -Norfolk, Grand IslandNE Veterans

Home - Grand Island or Western NE Veterans Home - Scottsbluff) he orshe wants as first,

second, third and/or fourth choices. The application is completed during a schedule

appointment in our office to receive our endorsement and then sentto the Nebraska

Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) forreview and approval by the Board of Inquiry

and Review (Board).

Their review includes verifying statutory eligibility and completeness of theapplication,

criminal history and sex offender registry checks. All applications aresubject to approval

by the Board.

Board of Inquiry and Review

The application for admission may be denied by the Board.

Examples of reasons for denial include, but are not limited to:

Inaccurate or incomplete applications

Failure to provide requested information and/or written release of information

Consent to a divorce decree in order to change the amount of income and assets belonging to a member so the monthly maintenance fee is affected

Denial of income or assets that could affect the amount or payment of the monthly

maintenance charge

Certain felony convictions and/or registration as a Level 3 sex offender

Certain transfers of property, income or assets prior to the application

In addition, an application may be denied by the Board if it is determined that the Nebraska Veterans’ Home System is unable to meet the needs of an applicant based on either psychosocial or physical needs.

Examples include but are not limited to: danger to self or others,care needs greater than the

system can provide, or does not meet the minimum criteria for domiciliarylevel of care as

defined by the VA. When this determination is made, the facility of first choice

recommends admission or denial to the Board.

Nebraska Veterans' Homes

Bellevue, Norfolk, Grand Island and Scottsbluff

The Admission Process:

Applications for possible admission to the Nebraska Veterans Home must be evaluated.

The Home of first choice pre-screens the applicant. The Home uses this information and

the date the application was received to place the applicant on the waiting list.

As a bed becomes available in the appropriate level of care, the applicant is contacted and

offered admission to the Home. Applicants who do not respond within the seven calendar

days are considered to have declined the offer of admission.

If admission is desired, appointments are made to screen the applicant in person / byphone.

Those applicants who do not currently desire admission will be placed on the inactive

waiting list, or they can ask to have their application canceled.

Every effort will be made to contact applicants via telephone, or through CVSO. If contact

can not be made, a certified letter is sent to the last known address. If the applicants do not

respond within seven calendar days the System considers the application canceled.

The actual date of admission to the Home is agreed upon by both the Home and applicant.

What is the Criteria for Admission?

The Nebraska Veterans’ Homes are authorized by the DVA to provide Domiciliary and

Skilled Nursing Care. Applicants must, at a minimum, meet the requirements for admission

Non-veteran members (spouses, widow/ers, and Gold Star parents) are required to pay for

their medical expenses through Medicare, supplemental or private insurance or demonstrate

the ability to pay.

A Home may be unable to meet the needs of an applicant based on either psychosocial or

physical needs. Examples include physical structure of the facility, or care needs greater

than the facility can provide. If this happens, referrals to other Homes in the System will be

made or the applicant may choose to be moved to Inactive status until the needs of the

applicant can be met.

Domiciliary Care means the member’s medical condition is stable and predictable without

requiring daily nursing supervision.

Assisted living means a level of care between Domiciliary Care and Skilled Nursing Care,

is provided only when resources at the Home allow for it. Where resources do not allow for

Assisted Living, applicants may be denied admission until their needs fall under the DVA

criteria for Domiciliary or Skilled Nursing Care.

Skilled Nursing Care means medical care, skilled nursing supervision, rehabilitation or

related services and associated treatment are provided.