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Fighting Fall Allergies? Bring it.


Although spring allergies get a lot of attention, fall allergies are pretty much just as bad and can cause the same miserable symptoms – sneezing, wheezing, runny noses and itchy eyes. The best way to battle them is to be prepared with the right combination of preventive measures and awareness of what kinds of medications might be used in your arsenal.

Ragweed will soon be appearing throughout the country, as well as grass pollens and mold. Below my signature is a press release that addresses what tools you might need to make your fall allergy battle most effective.

As a local allergist who specializes in treating allergy and asthma, I would be happy to speak with you about how those with allergies and asthma can avoid sneezing and wheezing this spring.

Thank you for your time,



Fighting Fall Allergies? Bring it.

These five tips will make you the victor in your battle against fall allergies

[INSERT YOUR CITY, STATE] [INSERT DATE] – It may seem as though every fall your allergies get the best of you rather than you coming out on top. Sneezing, wheezing, runny noses and itchy eyes can leave you feeling run down and defeated.

“If it feels as though your allergy symptoms flare up earlier and earlier every year, you’re probably not wrong,” says allergist[[INSERT NAME, INSERT PRACTICE. “Climate change may actually be causing an earlier and longer fall allergy season. In addition, windy days can mean heightened allergy symptoms because wind can carry the pollen from ragweed, grasses and trees up to 100 miles from its source.”

Ragweed pollen is the biggest allergy trigger in the fall, and needs to be avoided, along with other allergic triggers like mold and grass pollen. Here are five tips to help you steer clear of your worst allergy foes.

  1. Plan your battle in advance. Although they are labeled “fall allergies” many allergic triggers start to appear in mid-to-late August. Start taking your allergy medications about two weeks before your symptoms normally start. Getting in front of your symptoms means controlling them a lot better. Don’t stop your medications until pollen counts have been down for about two weeks.
  1. Fight mold. Mold allergies can be tough to outrun. Mold can grow anywhere there is water, and is a frequent foe in the fall. Mold can be found in your basement, bathroom, a leaky cabinet under your sink, or in a pile of dead leaves in your backyard.The key to reducing mold is moisture control. Be sure to use bathroom fans and clean up any standing water immediately. Scrub any visible mold from surfaces with detergent and water, and completely dry. You can also help ward off mold by keeping home humidity below 60 percent and cleaning gutters regularly.
  1. Keep pollen at bay. Ragweed, or any pollen that triggers your allergy symptoms, needs to be kept out of your house. Leave your shoes at the door, and take a shower, wash your hair and change clothes after you’ve been working or playing outdoors. Close both car and home windows, and use your air conditioning so pollen doesn’t get indoors. Monitor both pollen and mold counts to help you know when you’re less likely to be under siege.
  1. Be armed for combat.Wear a NIOSH-rated 95 filter mask when mowing the lawn or doing other outdoor chores. Wear gloves so you won’t transfer pollen to your eyes or skin. Take your allergy medication before heading outside. If you’re allergies are severe, consider having someone else do the gardening and fall raking.
  1. Find an ally. See your allergist. Allergists are trained to identify your allergies and provide a personal treatment plan. They can also provide immunotherapy – allergy shots – which target your exact triggers and can greatly reduce the severity of your symptoms. Allergy shots can also prevent the development of asthma in some children with seasonal allergies.

If you think you might be one of the more than 50 million Americans that suffer from allergies and asthma, visit our website at [INSERT YOUR WEBSITE ADDRESS] or contact our office.