Sam Brodbeck / Date:
Our Ref:
E-mail: / 11th July 2011
(01273) 293297 / 293035

Dear Sam Brodbeck

Re: List of empty homes

As part of the Empty Property Team, which deals with privately-owned empty property in the city (the vast majority of empty property is privately-owned), I have been forwarded your request for: ‘the list of empty properties in Brighton and Hove (as listed under council tax exemptions) with their addresses. I would also like to request the number of people currently on the waiting list of council-owned property in the unitary authority.’

We do not provide this information for any properties at the present time. The main reason for this is that the information which could provide such a list is from Council Tax records which is a Data Protected source, and specifically that provision of this information would be likely to prejudice the prevention of crime. There have been two specific rulings concerning the provision of this information which support this view : Information Commission rulings Appeal noEA/2006/0060 & 0066 (London Borough of Bexley and other parties) and Decision Notice dated 8 February 2010 Ref: RS50259951 (London Borough of Tower Hamlets).

The council also has wider concerns regarding community safety and it’s responsibilities to residents to consider. There is a risk associated with such a list entering the public domain due to the known link between empty property and anti- social behaviour. The Council’s view is that any anti-social activity will be distressing for residents who live nearby, residents to whom the Council has a responsibility. Neighbouring local authorities operate the same safeguards and this has been endorsed by Sussex Police and the Fire and Rescue Service in other areas (Brighton & Hove City Council’s Community Safety Working Group).

The Council does not in any way condone leaving property empty and has a designated Empty Property Team whose aim is to ensure empty private property is returned to use. This can be a long process and a range of actions – both supportive and prohibitive - may be used along the way. There is also a regional group dealing with empty properties – Sussex Empty Homes Forum – working together sharing good practice and guidelines relating to empty property work.

There are also dedicated officers dealing with Council-owned properties which are generally empty when awaiting works before being re-let.

If you are seeking a privately-owned property to live in or to develop as a project, there are ways in which you can identify empty homes. Empty Homes (previously the Empty Homes Agency) suggest the following: Estate Agents, walking the streets, Auction houses and Property websites, as the best ways of identifying residential empty property. You can do a Land Registry search – (small charge) - which may reveal the legal owner. It may also be worth writing a polite note and putting it through the door of the property itself – some owners regularly visit their property even if they leave it empty. Do be aware though that some properties which appear empty may actually be occupied, even though they are in poor condition. We do have a factsheet with additional information on this which can be forwarded on request.

We also aim to work with those seeking to buy an empty property through our Investors List (for home seekers or developers). This is a list of people looking for an empty property and is forwarded to owners of empty homes on a regular basis. They can then contact owners direct if they are thinking of selling or renting their property. We would always represent a pro-active approach (as outlined above) as owners are often not active themselves – otherwise the property probably wouldn’t be empty in the first place. You can join this list by contacting the Empty Property Team as shown below.

If you are seeking housing yourself and would like advice or to join the council’s Housing Register then please contact the Housing Options or the HomeMoveTeam – both reachable on (01273) 294400), or email or . There is additional information on these services on the council’s website.

The Housing Statistical Bulletin which is published quarterly on the council’s website shows that there were 11,985 people who were eligible to bid for properties for part of or the whole of the period Jan to March 2011(the Bulletin also has a lot of additional information).

For further advice or information please contact the Empty Property Team on (01273) 293297 / 293035 or .

Yours Sincerely

Emma Kumar

Empty Property Officer