Stakeholder Compact for U.S. Training

1. Name of Participant (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.) (Family, Given, Other)
Ms Thianny Trujillo-Rodriguez
2. Name of Training Program


3. Brief Description of Training Program
This training program is strengthening Mexican fish farmers, private partners in Mexico and United States, and several Mexican universities by supporting scholarships for Mexican students for long and short-term training at the University of Arizona and Mexican universities.
4. Name of Activity Provider and Phone, Fax and Address of Primary Contact

University of Arizona

Kevin Fitzsimmons, Environmental Research Laboratory, (520) 626-3324,
FAX (520) 573-0852
5. Program Start and End Dates
07/15/2005 – 11/15/2005
  1. Defined Expected Outcomes, in performance terms, for the Training Program
The program is providing faculty and student exchanges and sponsoring internships for Mexican students at U.S. aquaculture farms. Also, we will be developing specific new techniques for improving aquaculture products and expanding their output for both domestic and export sales.

I. Participant:

I, Thianny Trujillo-Rodriguez , as a USAID-sponsored participant, hereby agree to conform to USAID regulations and procedures for the duration of my training program. USAID reserves the right to terminate my above training program in case non-compliance of any of the conditions occurs. Specifically, I will:
1.adhere to my above-approved program, devote my time and attention to my studies and/or practical training;
2.comply with J-1 visa requirements to return home immediately upon program completion and appear for work at Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas to apply the benefits of training on the job;
3.agree to repay training costs if upon returning home, I refuse any employment that was planned;
4.remain in-country for a minimum of two years after the completion of my training program before re-entering the U.S. for permanent residence or as non-immigrant to perform temporary services or labor. (Note: The participant may apply for and receive a second J-1 visa from his/her home country from a different sponsor; the effect is to delay completion of the original two-year residency requirement until the second visit to the U.S. is completed, but not to cancel it. The required 24-month residency need not be consecutive, but must be completed.). The participant may also apply for and receive a visa to visit the U.S. for a vacation or personal business;
5.agree to render services to my employer for a period of 1 year of service* to utilize the training acquired under my program for the achievement of the defined expected outcomes from my training; and
I understand that USAID is not responsible for any costs related to medical care while I am in the U.S. I understand that I will be enrolled in an insurance program and I will be covered only for the coverage/limits provided by that health insurance program. I understand that I am responsible for paying the insurance deductible and co-payment (if required) and for the prompt filing of medical claims. I understand that in many cases, medical conditions existing prior to my sponsorship with USAID are not covered by USAID’s insurance program.

II. Employer:

I, Abundio Gonzalez Gonzalez, as the supervisor/employer of Thianny Trujillo-Rodriguez, a participant in a USAID-funded training program, will be responsible for permitting the participant to attend the training course, and maintaining him/her in an equivalent or superior position upon his/her return, so that the knowledge acquired can be utilized for a minimum of 1 year of service.*

*For training duration of: a) 3-6 months - 1 year of service; and b) for more than 6 months - 2 years of service. Note: These are the suggested employment duration of the participant's stay with his/her employer after completion of his/her training. Other stakeholders can modify the employment duration as appropriate.

Signature of Participant: / Date:
Signature of Employer: / Date:
Signature of Mission Training Coordinator: / Date: