
Tuesday 21stFebruary 2017


Section / Subject / Decision
3 / Cataloguing Group membership / Recruits needed
5 / 6 / 11a / Catalogue integrity / Some tidying needed – locations will be informed
7 (1) / Configurable create close copy / The group agreed copy most fields from main sheet, not Ed or Physical, and none on Related Items…. Sheet
10 / Recordings of WebEx training / Useful to provide list of timings for different subjects covered to allow fast forwarding
11 g / Link checker working not working / Agreed to just remove links if not working.
1 / Present: Anne Lancey, Elaine Beckett, Jill Buckland, Jenny Toller, Anne Brown, Catherine Micklethwaite
Apologies: Carol-Ann Regan, Chris Johns
2 / Since last meeting:
-Stock withdrawal and retention guidance WebEx training x 2 for 12 people
-Stock currency figures collated and circulated
-Introduction to Cataloguing document updated by JT
-T&F group looking at purpose/content of catalogue paused awaiting national group decisions and outcome of more regional subscriptionsin 2017, for example EBSCO Discovery & possible move to Folio
-New Wessex Classification mailing list set up and managed by AL
-Item in Swimming Pool
3 / Minutes of last meeting actions not on agenda

  • Outdated Proquest e-books - now deleted. Need to check 2017
  • e-Lancet SWIMS record and ClinicalKey subscribers: open holdings on SWIMS . Now resolved and see item 8.
  • South rep(s) for Cataloguing group required. AL to email LIB-SOUTH.
4 / Acquisitions Group update
  • H27 no longer hide title records for on order copies - see item 5(8).
  • EBreminded Acquisitions staff about adding publishers and will check new records
/ EB
5 / Data integrity checking – devolved to the group – feedback
  1. Parent records with no child records (JB) JB following up a few
-parent records where not all locations have copy records (although status is click volumes) AL and JT to compose instructions for local cataloguers to check own. Anomaly noted with TOR’s holdings. CM to monitor following export for discovery system. Audit trail may become incomprehensible…JT to follow up.
  1. Title records with no copy records (AB) Not working – JT currently checking
  2. Ebooks without an object and Title Note (EB)No problems noted
  3. Format of author names (EB) No problems noted
  4. Compound surnames & Author ‘see’ and ‘use’ refs (CM)- CM to send reminder and update FAQ
  5. MeSH cross refs linked to titles (AL) No problems noted
  6. Unhidden title records with only hidden copy records (JT) Improved. Weekly check
  7. H27 have stopped hiding their ‘on order’ records (JT)
  8. Category of Hidden in WebView + inappropriate Copy Status (AL) AL to circulate corrections needed[post meeting note: done 22/2/17]
  9. Missing over 18 months (EB) EB to send another reminder
  10. Withdrawn over 18 months (AL) AL to send reminder AL to circulate outstanding list
/ JB
6 / Rules updating
  • Govt (E) rule screenshot updating AL still to do
  • Dementia classmark updating. AL to circulate list of locations with reclassification outstanding[post meeting note: done 22/2/17]
  • JT removed old WM from the online classmark list.
/ AL
7 / Jenny update
  • Title records with no date in the imprint or blank field.JT to send reminder email[post meeting note: done 21/2/17]and run annual check. EB to remind Acquisitions users to enter date
  • Deletion of a copy record attached to a child record - you wouldn’t necessarily know that it’s a child record and hence that you also need to delete the ‘click volumes’ copy record on the parent (see 5.1)
  • Copy records with Category of Hidden in WebView, but Copy Status of Available (see 5.9)
  • Optional items from upgrade to Service Pack 9 on 18th Jan
  1. Configurable create close copy –It is also possible to create close copy the copy records! - Currently this is set to No. The group agreed no change is necessary.
Agreed to copy most fields on front sheet but not Edition or Physical; none on Related Items… sheet
  1. Cross refs of different types can be displayed in separate fields rather than the same field May affect journals more so JT to ask Journals Group for opinion.
  • Modify from hitlist, not all that helpful. Modify to add a copy quickly may be more useful JT to investigate
  • JT noted the Service pack 10 release (which may allow move to Folio from WebView) has been delayed
/ JT
8 / SWIMS Board issues – from 9th June
  • ClinicalKey Master content list is now on ILDS SWIMSNetwork website
  • AL to check who currently subscribes to CK and if they are all willing to give ILLs
/ AL
9 / MeSH updates 2016 / 2017
2016 new choices added and in Index (not yet uploaded)
2016 Deleted and Changed in SWIMS, but not indexes (AL)
2017 – some added - AB to distribute to groupto review and vote before 31st March 2017 / AB/All
10 / Training. Stock management WebEx – 12 attended + recording; 7 evaluations
Suggested it would be useful after recording training to send accompanying list of timings to enable skiming to different subjects in the training
11 / Queries
a)Old BNFs on catalogueAL emailed locations in Oct 2016 to remind them to withdraw these. AL to send reminder email. [post meeting note: done 22/2/17]
b)Classmark query WF142 and WF975 - radiology of thorax. AB/EBto consider rewording in classification
c)Classmark query soft tissue (H27)- WD720 vs WE285?Consensus cataloguers choice – varies with book, no change to classification
d)Title query from D01 re. MRCOG Part One. Consensus ignore preliminary words in title on Title page – Alternative Title added
AB to draft additional numbers to separate exam texts within xx18
e)Edition query – Anatomy(Crash Course) with different ISBN ‘updated ed’ – including e-book. Agreed to keep same record, but include two ISBNS and a note.
f)Series editors query - within rules to add in if wish
g)Link checker not currently working – but agreed to just remove links if not working / AL
12 / AOB – nothing to report
Date of next meeting – June 2017tbc