Overview of Experience:
Cecilia Blondet is a professional historian who has served as Executive Director of PROETICA, the Peruvian chapter of Transparency International, since January 2006. She is also serving on numerous boards and commissions including: the Peruvian High Level Anti-Corruption Commission; the Peruvian Open Government Partnership; the Civil Society Consulting Board of the Inter-American Development Bank; the Advocacy Group on Early Childhood; Board of Directors of Asociación Civil Transparencia; the Institutional Ethics, Transparency and Integrity Commission (Comisión de Ética, Transparencia e Integridad Institucional, CETII) of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima; Board of the Ancash Association of Antamina Foundation; Advisory Committee of the Social Responsibility Fund of the Canadian International Development Agency; and the Consulting Board of the Social Development Institute. She is also Lead Researcher at the Institute for Peruvian Studies.
Cecilia Blondet has served as Peruvian Minister for the Advancement of Women and Human Development, former President of the Ethics Tribunal of the Peruvian Press Council, former Director General of the Institute for Peruvian Studies, and member of the Board of Advisors for the Open Society Institute in Peru and the Young Lives International Project as well as the Ford Foundation’s Steering Committee on Governance and Civil Society. Cecilia has worked as a senior consultant for the Ford Foundation, USAID, CARE, the World Bank, Telefónica del Perú and the Hochschild Group on social and community development issues, among others. She has also authored numerous publications on social politics, poverty, development and women's social and political engagement, and has been a columnist for the newspaper Perú 21.
1975 Catholic University of Peru (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú). School of Literature and Humanities. History Programme. BA in Literature and Humanities with a Minor in History. Dissertation: MACO, changes and conflicts in a farm in the Tarma Valley.
1973 - 1974 University of Wisconsin-Madison. History Programme.
1970 - 1972 Catholic University of Peru. School of Literature and Humanities. History Programme.
1968 - 1969 Women’s University of the Sacred Heart (Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón), Peru. Major in Literature.
2006 -
present Executive Director of PROÉTICA, National Chapter of Transparency International
2011 Peru’s representative to the Open Government Partnership international initiative. US Department of State.
World Bank: Consultancy on Citizen oversight of the tender process and handover of works and equipment for PARSALUD II.
2010 Transparency International's representative to the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) hearing in the UN Assembly. New York.
2008 Head of the assessment team. CARE-Fortalece project.
2007 Assessment of the Community Relations Programme of Hochschild Mining, and consultancy services for the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board.
2006 Researcher and member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Peruvian Studies.
2005 USAID. Consultant. Mid-Term Assessment of Pro-Decentralisation Programme PRODES-USAID.
Telefónica del Perú. Consultant. Pilot plan for abused women.
Hochschild Group. Minera Ares Company. Community relations consultant.
Institute for Peruvian Studies. Project Coordinator. Conflict prevention and resolution observatory: pilot test in Apurímac, Peru. Ford Foundation.
Telefónica Foundation. Consultant on the Abused Women programme.
Consultant for the Minera Ares Company on rural development.
2004 Visiting Scholar. University of Notre Dame, Kellogg Institute.
Coordinator for the project ‘Decentralisation as a development opportunity for women from popular sectors.’ Research conducted in the Municipality of Huaral, Lima Region. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
2003 Project Coordinator. ‘Banging spoons: from welfare dependency to development’ (Cucharas en Alto: del Asistencialismo al Desarrollo). Open Society Institute / Institute for Peruvian Studies.
Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) on social policies and social engagement experiences.
2002 State of Peru’s Minister for the Advancement of Women and Human Development (Promoción de la Mujer y del Desarrollo Humano, PROMUDEH).
2001 Lead Researcher and Director of Academic Activities at the Institute for Peruvian Studies. Coordinator of the Institutional Programme for Research, Training and Promotion: Decentralisation, Democracy and Development in Peru, Ford Foundation.
Member of the Consulting Board for the “Civil Society and Governance” international project, The Institute of Development Studies/ University of Sussex - Ford Foundation.
Member of the National Anti-Corruption Initiative of Peru.
President of the Ethics Tribunal of the Peruvian Press Council.
Coordinator of the Board of Directors of Asociación Civil Transparencia.
Member of the Board of Directors of the Network for the Development of Social Sciences (Catholic University, University of the Pacific, Institute for Peruvian Studies).
2000 Director General. Institute for Peruvian Studies and Lead Researcher (1995-2000). Representative and spokesperson of the Asociación Civil Transparencia during the pre- and post-election period. Coordinator in Peru of the Ford Foundation International Scholarships Programme. Coordinator of the project Decentralisation, Democracy and Development in Peru. Ford Foundation. Consultant for the Programme ‘Latin America and the Pacific Rim.’ Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies. University of San Diego
1999 Consultant. Embassy of the Netherlands. Local development programmes in the High Forest (San Martín, Tarapoto) and Low Forest (Ucayali, Pucallpa, Pasco, Oxapampa).
Consultant. ‘Modernisation of History’ Project. The Catholic University of Chile.
Consultant . Japan’s cooperation office in Peru. Diagnostic study of Peruvian women.
Member of the Steering Committee. ‘Civil Society and Governance’ programme. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.
Coordinator. Peruvian Studies Institute’s Institutional Programme for Research, Training and Promotion of Sociology and Politics, and Project Leader: ‘Pragmatism: authoritarianism or democracy’ sponsored by the Ford Foundation.
2004 Banging spoons: from welfare dependency to development: strengthening women's engagement. Serie Sociología y Política No. 39. IEP
Community Kitchens: a Peruvian Experience. The Inter American Institute for Social Development INDES, IDB. Working Paper
2003 The Devil’s Deal: Women’s Political Participation and Authoritarianism in Peru. In: Gender Justice, Development and Rights. Maxine Molyneux and Shahra Razavi Ed. Oxford University Press
2002 The dictator’s charm. Women and politics in the Fujimori decade [El encanto del dictador. Mujeres y política en la década de Fujimori]. Lima: Institute for Peruvian Studies.
2000 Lessons from the participation of women in politics. Working Paper, IADB
Political participation by women from popular sectors [La participación política de las mujeres populares]. Working Paper, IADB
1999 Women and politics in the Fujimori decade [Las mujeres y la política en la década de Fujimori]. Working Paper No. 109, IEP. Lima.
Citizens’ perceptions on the participation of women in politics. Women set sights on political power [Percepción ciudadana sobre la participación política de la mujer. El poder político en la mira de las mujeres]. Working Paper No. 98, IEP, Lima.
1998 Training and assessment for the Promotion of sweet potato baking technology in popular bakeries in the Lima Metropolitan Area. Working Paper No. 1998-4. International Potato Centre / IEP. Lima, December.
The emergence of women in power. Any changes? [La emergencia de las mujeres en el poder. ¿Hay cambios?]. Working Paper No. 92, IEP. Lima.
National Equal Opportunity Plan for Girls in Peru [Plan Nacional de Igualdad de Oportunidades para las Niñas del Perú], 1998-2000. Proposal drafted with C. Montero. August.
Women and politics: Changing times [Mujer y Política: los nuevos tiempos]. In: Punto de equilibrio magazine, Universidad del Pacífico. January-February. 1998, year 7, No. 52. Pp. 54-58
1997 The advent of women. Any changes in Peru? [La emergencia de las mujeres. ¿Hay cambios en Perú?] In: Perfiles Latinoamericanos, Year 6, No. 11, December 1997. Pp. 91-112
1996 Organizations and Political Violence in Lima´s Neighborhoods. In: Emergences: Women’s Struggles for Livelihood in Latin America, Edited by John Friedmann, Rebecca Abers, Lilian Autler. Pp. 79-90.
1995 ‘Today: Popular menu. Soup kitchens in Lima’. [Hoy: Menú Popular. Comedores en Lima] Book co-authored with Carmen Montero. IEP. Lima .
‘Villa El Salvador’. In The Peru Reader. Duke University Press.
The situation of women in Peru [Situación de la mujer en el Perú], 1980-1994. Working Document No. 68. IEP. Lima. Co-authored with Montero.
‘Out of the Kitchens and onto the Streets: Women's Activism in Perú’, in The Challenge of Local Feminisms. Women’s movements in global perspective. Amrita Basu, edited. Westiew Press. Pp. 251-275
1993 ‘Popular organisations and strategies for integration in society’ [Organizaciones populares: estrategias de integración social]. In: El poder en el Perú, Augusto Alvarez Rodrich (Ed.). APOYO.
Latin-American Women in Figures - Peruvian Chapter [Mujeres Latinoamericanas en Cifras-Tomo Perú]. Women's Institute, Spain’s Ministry of Social Affairs and FLACSO. Santiago de Chile, Chile.
1992 Democracy, peace and development in local urban contexts [Democracia, paz y desarrollo en el ámbito local urbano] (Editor). Working document No. 42. Serie Talleres IEP No 1. Lima.
1991 Women and power. A story from Villa El Salvador. [Women and power. Una historia de Villa El Salvador]. Book. Series: Urbanisation, migrations and changes in the Peruvian Society [Urbanización, migraciones y cambios en la sociedad peruana]. Institute for Peruvian Studies. Lima.
Women’s organisations and politics in times of crisis [Organizaciones femeninas y la política en época de crisis]. In: Women and city life [Las Mujeres y la vida de las ciudades], Feijoo, María del Carmen and Hilda María Herzer (Compilers). International Institute for Environment and Development IIED Latin America. Grupo Editor Latinoamericano. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1990 Establishing an Identity: Women Settlers in a poor Lima Neighborhood. In: Women and Social Change in Latin America. Elizabeth Jelin (Editor). UNRISD. Geneve, Switzerland.
Cecilia has spoken at hundreds of high level events in Peru and around the world over the past two decades. A comprehensive list of speaking engagements is available upon request.
As a leading Peruvian voice on issues of open governance, corruption, women and social change, Cecilia regularly is asked to comment in the news. A list of her more than 65 interviews on national and local Peruvian press and television in 2013 and 2014 is available on request.