Minutes of Fairview City Planning Commission Meeting, Thursday, October 12, 2017

Minutes of Fairview City Planning Commission Meeting held on Thursday, October 12, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah.

Chair Mike Jarman called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Commission Members present were Alyson Lee, Evelyn Morris, and Dave McFarland. Commission Member Kyle Durrant and City employee Dave Taylor were absent. Councilman Bob St. Jacques along with secretary Jan Anderson, and Chief Bob Bingham were present. Citizens present were Roman and Erma Lee Hansen, Karl and Roxann Bartell, Robert Holm, and Clint Howcroft. The invocation was offered by Evelyn Morris

Approval of Minutes.

Dave McFarland moved to approve the minutes from September 14, 2017, as amended adding the words “square feet” to section 1127 “… 120 square feet and change it to 220 square feet”. Alyson Lee seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Public Hearing.

Open Meeting for Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Chapter 11, General Property Development Standards, Ordinance of the Land Use Ordinance for Fairview City, #2008-01. Chair Mike Jarman opened public hearing at 7:35 p.m. for public hearing. The purpose of the hearing was to receive input on accessory structures; smaller accessory buildings – exempt from building permit requirements; parking in residential zones; and the use of recreation vehicles.

Paul Bartell: He stated that he lives on 100 South and has one of the cargo containers. He is new in the City and was told before he bought the property that he could have a cargo container. He was asked if it meets the setbacks? He stated no, there is no room. When he got the container, he went to his neighbor, Mike Sorensen, and asked him where he should put it. Mike said right here. It is not eight-feet from the property line. The cargo container is 40 feet long. It is larger than 200 square feet. It is used as a garage and not a shed. After some conversation, it was stated that the purpose of this public hearing was not to issue a variance or such, but to get input on proposed changes to the land-use ordinance. He is welcome to go before the City Council and ask for their help on the setbacks.

Bob Holm. He stated that he lives on 100 West and has a cargo container. It is 8-foot by 40-foot long. He bought property 10 years ago. He moved down a few month ago to make permanent residence. He was asked if his house is across from Millers, yes. He stated that he is pretty much in compliance except for the painting. He agrees that no one wants to see an old cargo container. He had no clue that it was not allowed until he came in for a building permit. He stated that he was over the 200 square feet. He stated that he will come into the City and come into compliance. It is sitting on gravel and sand.

No other comments received. Public hearing closed at 7:56 p.m. and reconvened into regular meeting.

Topic of Discussion.

The Commission reviewed the proposed changes. It was noted regarding the accessory structure; the shipping container size should be changed from 200- to 220-square feet so that it complies with the requirement in Section 1127 – Smaller Accessory Buildings-Exemption. And, Section 1136 - recreation vehicles, add “…for a period of up to 12 months and, if an extended amount of time is required to finish the home, an extension will need to be granted by Fairview City” to the last sentence. To clarify the purpose of the change in Section 1128 – Parking in Residential Zone is to help the City in removing snow off the streets.

Commission Member Evelyn Morris moved to accept Table 11.1, Accessory Structure as presented to the public and amended with the change to 220 and move on to City Council for their approval. Commission Member Alyson Lee seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Commission Member Alyson Lee moved to forward the proposed changes to Section 1127- Smaller Accessory Buildings-Exemption; Section 1128 – Parking in Residential Zones, and Section 1136 – General Building Requirements: 4) The use of recreation vehicles on to the City Council for their approval. Commission Member Evelyn Morris seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Planning Commission Reports.

MikeJarman encouraged everyone to go out and vote.

Evelyn Morris asked if there is anything in place that deals with emergencies, such as fire, etc. The City has an emergency plan in place.

Councilman Bob St. Jacques stated that in the Messenger they had a strong editorial on trailer parks. The article was very much con. They basically said that trailer parks are horrible. Mt. Pleasant City is building a railroad motel.


Commission Member Alyson Lee moved to adjourn meeting at 8:25 p.m. Second by Dave McFarland. Motion carried.

