(Don’t Take Anything You Don’t Need)

Part II: SMC Certificates

Be sure to read Mini-Lecture I: Introduction before reading this mini-lecture.

IMPORTANT! You will be filling out your Ed Plan Form Part I while you read this mini-lecture.

There are two versions of the form in a link in this unit, “Ed Plan Forms (Fill-In & PDF). Select ONE to complete.

What are the Requirements for a Certificate at SMC?

Remember, for any certificate, you are taking the specialty or major courses only.

Also, you will need to complete all the courses required, and you will need to complete each one with a C grade or better.

When you do complete the list of required courses, you will complete the unit requirement, too.

There are no additional courses such as general education required for a certificate.

To see the list of certificates and the courses required for each certificate, go to, and under Areas of Study, click Certificates of Achievement and Department Certificates.

Filling Out the Form

At the top of the document, enter:

·  Your name

·  Enter SMC as the name of the Transfer University

·  Enter the number of units required for the specific certificate (it will be listed on the major sheet)


Under MAJOR, you will list EVERY course REQUIRED for your certificate.

For each requirement, if you have a choice to take one course or another, select just ONE course.

On your Ed Plan, under Major, list each course:

·  Name of course (e.g., “Acct 1”)

·  List the number of units of the course*

·  List any Prerequisites and/or Advisories.* If there is no prerequisite or advisory, write “None.”

* To Look Up Units and Prerequisites/Advisories, go to one of the following:

SMC Catalog:

SMC Schedule of Classes:

General Education

For the General Education, remember, you don’t do GE for a certificate, so you’ll leave this area BLANK.

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Now, to complete the next part of the Ed Plan, go to:

·  Mini-Lecture VIII: The All Important Prerequisites and Advisories