Information for Patients about UBH Wellness Assessments

United Behavioral Health (UBH) has developed a program called ALERT® to measure your progress in therapy and determine whether additional services may be necessary. As a treatment provider with UBH, I agreed to work with their Care Advocacy and Quality processes and programs in support of effective care and service for all members. This UBH program can be a valuable tool for us in understanding how you are progressing and what treatment you need. ALERT is based on information you provide on a 24-item questionnaire called the Wellness Assessment.

Information about the Questionnaires

I will ask you to complete the Wellness Assessment before some of our sessions to get a better idea about how you are feeling and functioning from day to day. It usually takes about four minutes to complete, and it gives me important information in a short amount of time. Please answer each question based on how you have been feeling most of the time over the past 7 days. It is important that you answer accurately, not based on how you think you “should” answer. Feel free to ask me about any questions that are not clear to you.

UBH uses the information you provide to understand if people in therapy are getting their needs met. The way your answers change over time can give me a sense about how our work is going. I also get feedback abouthow my clients are improving overall. As we work together, I will let you know whenever I have questions or concerns related to your answers on the Wellness Assessment.

The Wellness Assessments are also available in Spanish if you or your child would be better served with a Spanish version.

As with any information about your health care, the information you provide on the Wellness Assessment is held in absolute confidence by UBH. In accordance with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), your answers to questions on the Wellness Assessment are used exclusively to monitor your care. No one outside of UBH, and your provider may gain access to your health care information without your written authorization.

Again, please let me know if you have questions or concerns about completing these forms for yourself or your child. If there are ever questions I cannot answer, then I will help you gather the information that you need from UBH. Thank you for your cooperation.


ALgorithms for Effect Reporting and Treatment