
Clase de Español

Grado Seis

En este clase you will-

~ Conjugate AR verbs ~Count 100-1000 ~Say where you are going

~ Translate words for family, age, activities and school ~ Quinceañera

~ Read poetry in Spanish ~ Learn tener ~ Analyze Spanish art ~ Study famous leaders and liberators of South America

y mucho mas!

En este clase you will need daily-

~ Copybook ~Folder ~Workbook ~Pen/pencil

En este clase you will have-

~ Campanadas- a daily activity to be completed in the first 10 minutes of class

~ Tarea- homework that is assigned and checked in the beginning of each class, while you complete campanadas

~ Pruebas- vocabulary and grammar quizzes that test your spelling, translation, and understanding of material

~ Proyectos- in-class and at-home projects that will expand your Hispanic horizons

En este clase your grade will consist of…

~ Homework- Each homework counts as 5 points, and a monthly homework grade will be posted at the end of each month, no late homework will be accepted

~ Copybook- Copybooks will be checked twice a trimester for completion of campanadas, completion of class activities, class notes, organization, and overall neatness. Each copybook check will be worth 25 points

~ Quizzes- Each quiz will be worth 25 points

~ Projects- Each project will be worth 50 points

~Extra Credit- T.B.D.

Policies and Expectations

●When you arrive to class, quietly sit down, take out daily materials, open up homework, and quietly complete campanadas.

●Take neat, organized notes in a copybook designated for Spanish only. Date your pages, and title activities completed in class -It does not need to be a composition book, it may be a one subject notebook.

●Respect Spanish language and culture

●Absence- If you are absent, you will need to show me the homework that was due on the day of your absence at the next Spanish class. You will then need to complete the homework you missed by the following class. In your copybook, write the date that you were absent for and simply write “absent”. If you missed a quiz or exam, you will need to schedule a time with me to make it up (most likely during lunch or recess). Any missed notes will be made available on my page

●Lateness- No late homeworks will be accepted (unless you were absent). Late submissions of copybooks or projects will result in a 10% deduction of each school day that it is late, not each class day. If you are submitting something late, you are expected to drop off your work either in my office (former Honors Math Room) or in my mailbox in the main office. I will not track you down for late submissions, you must deliver it yourself.

Bathroom/Water Fountain- Please use the bathroom or water fountain only when necessary. Our class time is extremely limited, and it is important for you to be present in class.

●Talking- Talking in class will not be permitted, unless otherwise told so. If you are talking in class, I will give you one warning, followed by a mark in your behavior chart. There will be times during class to discuss with your neighbors, but doing so while I or others are speaking is unacceptable.

Plagiarism/Copying- Plagiarising, copying, or cheating is a serious offense, and will result in very serious consequences. A zero will be given for your grade, a email will be sent to your parents, and you will be sent to a meeting with myself and Mr. Shrenk. If you suspect that a person is copying off of you, come to during or after class. Your work is your own, and nobody should use it to their benefit.

●Extra help- If you feel that you need extra help, or have a question about anything pertaining to our class, please see me after class, come to my office (former Honors Math Room), or email me at .

●Free time- If you complete campanadas or classwork early, you may study Spanish vocabulary/grammar or read a book quietly. You may not talk to your neighbors, study for other classes, or do homework for Spanish/other classes.