Peter Pan GMT Grade 1








SCENE 1 - Wendy's bedroom

Wendy: (narrating as she crosses the stage) All children grow up, except one, Peter Pan.

(Peter is fighting with his shadow but gets frustrated and slumps down on the floor in tears)

Wendy: Boy, why are you crying? What is your name?

Peter: What is your name?

Wendy: Wendy Moira Angela Darling.

Peter: Peter Pan.

Wendy: Where do you live?

Peter: Second star to the right and then straight on 'til morning.

Wendy: They put that on the letters?

Peter: Don’t get any letters.

Wendy: But your mother gets letters.

Peter: Don’t have a mother.

Wendy: No wonder you were crying!

Peter: I wasn’t crying about mothers! I was crying because I can’t get the shadow to stick. And I wasn’t crying.

Wendy: I could sew it on for you. (She gets a needle)

Wendy: This may hurt a little. (She sews it onto his feet and cuts the thread) Might I borrow your knife? Thank you.

Peter: (admiring his shadow) Oh, the cleverness of me!

Wendy: Of course, I did nothing.

Peter: You did a little.

Wendy: A little. Goodnight.

Peter : Wendy, one girl is worth more than twenty boys.

Wendy: You really think so?

Peter: Yes. I live with boys. The Lost Boys. They are well named.

Wendy : Who are they?

Peter: Children who fall out of their prams when the nurse is not looking. If they are not claimed in seven days they are sent to the Neverland.

Wendy: Are there girls too?

Peter: (shaking his head) Girls are much too clever to fall out of their prams.

Wendy: Peter, it is perfectly lovely the way you talk about girls. How old are you, Peter?

Peter: Oh. Quite young.

Wendy: Don’t you know?

Peter: I ran away. One night, I heard my mother and father talking of what I was to be when I became a man. So I ran away to Kensington Gardens and I met Tink.

Wendy: Tink?

Peter: Tinkerbell. She’s my fairy.

Wendy: But there’s no such thing as f-

Peter: (covering Wendy's mouth) Don’t say that. Every time someone says that, a fairy somewhere falls down dead. And I shall never find her if she’s dead.

Wendy: You don’t mean to tell me there’s a fairy in this room?

Peter: Of course! We come to listen to the stories.

Wendy: Well, I know lots of stories. Stories I could tell the Lost Boys.

Peter: Come with me.

Wendy: But I cannot fly!

Peter: I’ll teach you. I’ll teach you to ride the wind’s back, and away we go! (He pretendsto take off and fly through the air) You just think happy thoughts, and they lift you into theair! Like this, see?

Wendy: I see, yes. (Imitating him)


(Wendy is lying on the ground with the lost boys around her)

Peter:I have brought you a lady to be your mother!

Slightly: Peter has brought us a lady?

Nibs: She is going to be our mother

Curly:Our Mother, I love her already!

Tootles:Mother wake up!

Slightly:Wake up!

Nibs:Wake up!

Curly:Wake up!

Wendy: What is all this shouting, Where am I?

All: You’re in Neverland!

Wendy: Wow! Well hello everyone.

Tootles: We are your children!

Slightly:We love you Mother!

Nibs:We love you!

Curly:We love you!

Wendy: Me a mother but I don’t think I know how!

Peter: That doesn’t matter.

Wendy: Very well I will do my best.

All: Yeyyyy!!!!!

Wendy: Well where to start? The first thing a mother does, is to keep a tidy home. So I think we need a quick sweep up.

All: Yay sweeping up!

Peter:Wendy what is sweeping up!

Wendy: You use a brush and pan of course! Its makes everything clean.

Peter:What else must we do mother?

Wendy: Well Mother must make sure that all her boys know how to use a comb

Tootles:What is a comb?

Slightly:We have never heard of a comb?

Wendy: It makes you hair look nice, come here Nibs!

(She brushes Nibs hair)

Wendy: Well Nibs, what a mess!I’m worried that the comb may get stuck if I try and pull to hard!

Nibs: OW! That hurts!

Peter:Oh to have a mother to sweep and comb with, it’s just liked we dreamed!

Wendy: Well Peter this is certainly a wonderful place to live

Peter: I think it is the greatest place on earth! You can be who you want to be and do what you want!

Wendy: That sounds magical !

Peter: And the best part is you never have to grow up!

Wendy: Never grow up? Why that sounds strange?

Curly:Its fun!

Tootles:The best!

Peter: Why do you say that Wendy?

Wendy: Well if you don’t grow up you will miss out on so much

Peter:Like what?

Wendy: Well….things like….. buying a house??

Peter: Why would you want to buy a house when you can build one?

Wendy: I see your point, but don’t you want to be a grown up?

Peter: Why would anyone ever want to grow up? Come on Wendy let me show you the Never lands. Follow me everyone!