CSP_general_meeting_20120612_notes_20120613_njp.doc Page 1 of 3

Clackamas Stewardship Partners General Meeting

Tuesday ----- June 12, 2012 ----- 2:00pm - 4:30pm

Mt. Scott Fire Station, 9339 S.E. Causey Avenue, Clackamas, OR 97086


Facilitator: Nathan Poage

Notes: Erik Fernandez

Snacks: Nathan Poage


Alex Brown (Bark)

Erik Fernandez (Oregon Wild)

Jeff Gerwing (Portland State University, PSU)

Bob Gill (USFS)

Rick Gruen (Clackamas County)

Michael Hamell (Oregon Hunters Association, OHA)

Rick Larson (Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, RMEF)

Cheryl McGinnis (Clackamas River Basin Council, CRBC)

Lisa Moscinski (Gifford Pinchot Task Force, GPTF)

Steve Novy (Interfor)

John Persell (Pacific Rivers Council, PRC)

Nathan Poage (Clackamas Stewardship Partners, CSP)

Jenne Reische (Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District, CCSWCD)

Ron Schneider (High Cascade)

Kim Swan (Clackamas River Water Providers, CRWP)

Ian Turner (USFS)

Jack Williamson (USFS)

1) Welcome, Introductions, and Administrative Tasks 2:00 - 2:30

a) Introductions

b) Agenda

c) Announcements

i) CSP Fieldtrips

a. July 10, 2012 (Tuesday): Upper-basin

i. Scouting trip June 27, 2012

b. August 14, 2012 (Tuesday): Lower-basin

ii) Needed: logs with attached root wads for riparian restoration projects! Solutions? Nathan will work to organize a meeting of interested parties.

iii) CRBC announcements (Cheryl):

a. Recognition CRBC awards individuals who have done good work in the Clackamas. Nathan has been recognized for “engaging community members in monitoring projects that promote stewardship of the Clackamas River Basin, and match action to scientifically supported methods”.

b. Hikes (6/24, 7/22, and 8/5)

c. Bike tour (7/7)

d. Down the River Clean Up (9/9)

iv) Other Announcements - N/A

d) Approve Minutes from May 8, 2012 CSP General Meeting

i) needed edits

ii) comments from J.Williamson - Bull Trout update from NMFS/Jack: Bull Trout have a history of misinformation. Jack contacted Rob Walton (NMFS) about some of the negative comments regarding Bull Trout. Jack’s conclusion is that Bull Trout eat a variety of food, not just salmon… can coexist. Habitat in upper clack leads Jack to think success is likely. NOAA has concluded there is no jeopardy, so everyone is back on the same page.

Minutes are approved with edits and supplements added in. Erik motions, Cheryl seconds, no objections.

2) Monitoring Update 2:30 - 2:40

i) Stand-level monitoring - On-going monitoring in stands that are part of the Wolf Stewardship Contract. Thinning in 2 of the 4 units (Units 29 and 31) in Wolf that make up the comparison of two marking approaches for variable density thinning is almost done; Units 10 and 11 have not yet been thinned. Students from Timber Lake Job Corps Center have been helping collect stand structure data (live and dead trees 5” DBH) to monitor the thinning work in these stands. Jenne and Jeff have been out working with students and collecting data. Sampling is easier after thinning. Follow-up analysis will look at whether enough or too many trees were taken out for intended goals. Will use vegetation simulators to do this in 2nd stage. Look for a Doodle Poll from Nathan containing upcoming field sampling dates for July.

ii) CSP Ungulates / Early Seral Habitat Monitoring -- overview of May 21, 2012 meeting. Meeting with Tonia Moore (ODFW), Don Van deBergh (ODFW), Rick Larson (RMEF), Mike Hamell (OHA), and Jerry Holbrook (OHA) happened to discuss how to monitor the population of elk in the Clackamas. First step will be several meetings to look at logistics. To really get solid estimates you need an intensive/expensive effort, so instead maybe focus will be on habitat treatments (openings) and look at the response of vegetation to the thinning treatments.

3) Increment 4 Letter 2:40 - 3:15

Lisa handed out revised letter regarding Increment 4. See letter for background. Most comments to Lisa on the draft via email were supportive. Cheryl noted the letter was very well written and thorough. Steve doesn’t like tone of letter. Long discussion ensued about pros/cons of emphasizing decommissioning. Some folks felt the wording was too strong in the letter, others felt there was a legitimate point in being disappointed. The Mount Hood National Forest continues to fund its timber program though it was pointed out that it seems to be defunding the effort to address the road maintenance backlog. Sentences were reworded. The CSP believes ecological restoration can’t be achieved by vegetation management alone, [which] is not effective at restoring the watershed without companion efforts to deal with road management (needs to be more eloquent). Drop sentence starting with “This direction….”.

1st full paragraph - on 2nd page, words “public” to be replaced with “CSP”. Instead of using the words “backing out” use “delay”. Add sentence about “when will increment 4 happen” and please let CSP know an answer as soon as possible.

4) Break 3:15 - 3:30

5) Increment 4 Letter (continued) 3:30 - 4:00

6) On-going Discussion: Follow-up on “collaborative” questions from May 8th CSP meeting 4:00 - 4:25

a) What is our collaborative process going to look like in the future and how will it operate
at landscape scales? Nathan will send a formal request for a CSP meeting with Chris Worth
and Mike Chaveas outside of field trips.

b) Creating definitions for “West-side restoration”. On-going discussion; no substantive conclusions.

c) How will CSP work with USFS on Grove? On-going discussion; no substantive conclusions.

7) Other Business 4:25 - 4:30