Tuesday 26th September 2017

Rooms Ash & Elm, Aspen House, Stephenson Road, Colchester CO4 9QR


Item / Title / Lead / D, I or C / Page No. / Time
1. / Apologies & Introductions:
JH, GS,MR,FB / HMC / I / 14.30
2. / Declarations of Members’ Interest / HMC / I / 1
Members should inform the Chair of any potential conflicts of interest relating to any item on the agenda as soon as possible, and no later than 2 working days prior to the meeting
3. / Minutes of 25th July 2017 / HMC / C / 5
4. / Action Log from 25th July 2017 / HMC / I / 17
5. / Matters Arising from previous meeting (not addressed in action log or on agenda) / Verbal / HMC / C
6. / Report from CCG Chief Officer
a.  Report
b.  STP Update
c.  Organisational Barometer
d.  Patient and Public Involvement Report
e.  Out of Hospital Urgent Care Review – Sourcing Approval / SH
PG / I
D / 19
33 / 14.40
7. / Questions and comments from Members of the Public / 15.30
8. / Agenda Items for Decision
a.  Emergency Planning Resilience and Response (EPRR) Core Standards
b.  Specialist Healthcare for Adults with Learning Disabilities / To Follow / SH
LL / D
D / 67 / 15.40
9. / Finance Report
a.  Finance Report
b.  QIPP Report
c.  Ipswich & CHUFT Full Business Case funding / KD
KD / I
I / 91
117 / 15.50
10. / Performance Report
a.  Report / SH / I / 121 / 16.10
11. / Setting Strategic Direction
a.  Report / No report / PG / I
12. / Commissioning
a.  TDC Report
b.  Children and Young Peoples Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service (EWMHS) - Performance Briefing year end 2016-2017
c.  NEE GP Commissioning Committee Report / MR
PG / I
I / 129
147 / 16.25
13. / Governance & Organisational Risk
a.  Audit Committee
b.  Red Risk Report / No report / JW
KD / I
I / 149 / 16.55
14. / Quality Exception Report
a.  Report
b.  Continuing Healthcare Annual Report
c.  Information Governance Management Framework / LL
LL / I
D / 155
177 / 17.00
15. / HWB Report / HMC / I / 219 / 17.20
16. / AOB / HMC / 17.25
17. / Date of Next Meeting:
Tuesday 28th November 2017
Long Meadow Community Hall, Harwich CO12 4US
18. / Close / 17.30

NOTE: D I or C = Decision, Information or Comment


A&E Accident & Emergency

ACE: Anglian Community Enterprise

AO: Accountable Officer

BCF: Better Care Fund

CAMHS Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service

CC2H Care Closer to Home

CCG: Clinical Commissioning Group

CO: Chief Officer

C.Diff: Clostridium Difficile – An acquired infection often secondary to antibiotic use

CFO: Chief Financial Officer

CHC: Continuing Health Care Team

CHUFT: Colchester Hospital University Foundation Trust

CQIN: Commissioning for Quality and Innovation

CQC: Care Quality Commission

CRG: Clinical Review Group

CSU: Commissioning Support Unit

DOL: Refers to Deprivation of Liberties Act requirements

EAU: Emergency Assessment Unit

ECC: Essex County Council

EoL: End of Life

EPRR: Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response

EPUT: Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust (Mental Health Trust)

FRG: Financial Recovery Group

GPCC: GP Commisioning Committee

GPwSI: GPs With Special Interests

HSMR: Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio - An indicator of healthcare quality that measures whether the death rate at a hospital is higher or lower than you would expect.

HFC: Health Forum Committee

HOSC: Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee

HWB: Health and Wellbeing Board

IAPT: Improving Access to Psychological Therapies

I & ESCCG: Ipswich & East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group

JSNA: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

KPI: Key Performance Indicators

LA: Local Authority

LAT: Local Area Team of NHS England

LD: Learning Disabilities

LMC: Local Medical Council

LSMS: Local Security Management Service

MCP: Multispeciality Community Provider

ME CCG: Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group

MH: Mental Health

MOU: Memorandum of Understanding

MRSA: Methicillin Resistant Strep Aureus – An infection often attributed to overuse of antibiotics

NEE CCG North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group

NEL CSU: North East London Commission Support Unit

NEPFT: North Essex Partnership Foundation Trust

NHS E NHS England – CCG’s Governing Body

NHS I: NHS Improvement

NICE: National Institute for Clinical Excellence

OEC: Operational Executive Committee

OOH: Out of Hours

PCI: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

PPCE: Patients, Public and Carers’ Engagement

PPG: Patient Participation Group. Practice Based Patient Groups

PropCo: NHS Property Company (who now manage NHS estate)

QIPP: Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention

RAP: Remedial Action Plan

RAS: Rapid Assessment Service

RTT: Referral to treatment time

SCC: Strategic Commissioning Committee

SCCN: Safeguarding Children Clinical Network

Section 75: Statutory agreement between Health and Social Care

Section 256: Statutory agreement between Health and Social Care

SETSAF Southend, Essex and Thurrock Safeguarding Adults Form

SHMI: Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator - A hospital-level indicator which reports mortality at Trust level

SI: Serious Incident

SLA: Service Level Agreement

SROG: System Resilience Operations Group

SOVA: Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults

STP: Sustainability & Transformation Plan

TDC: Transformation & Delivery Committee

ToR: Terms of Reference

UC: Urgent Care

VTE: Venous Thromboembolism

WECCG: West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group

WiC: Colchester Walk in Centre

WSCCG: West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group