Dear Chorus Parents and Students, January 12, 2016
The“Pup to Pack” Chorus will have Winterauditions on Tuesday, January 19th and Friday, January 22ndin the SMMS Chorus room from 7:45am to 8:10am. Students are asked to prepare a song of their choice sing a capella to show they can match pitch, maintain tempo and key as well as sing their part clearly and in a projected voice.
The results for auditions will be posted on Mrs. Dean’s website on Friday, January 22ndat 7pm. Rehearsals will be from 7:45am -8:10am. Please double check the rehearsal schedule below. You are expected to be at all rehearsals unless we are working on something you are not attending and have been released by Mrs. Dean (i.e. Spring Sing is only for 6th graders).
Dues for this Chorus will be $15 and will cover: Student Performance shirt, Accompanist Fees and Royalties for Music.If you already have a Purple/Teal shirt from the Fall P2P group you will not need to purchase another one and so dues will only be $4. All Dues will be due to Mrs. Dean at the first Rehearsal on January 26th.
Pup to Pack will have a fieldtrip to Scottish Rite to perform in May. We are still working on the date. Fieldtrip information, including the permission form, trip cost, attire and times, will be send out once that trip is finalized. Any other added fieldtrip and information etc. will be given out with 2 weeks’ notice.
Tuesday, 1/19Friday, 1/22AUDITIONS (7:45am-8:10am) You must return your info sheet to audition.
Tuesday, 1/26Thursday, 1/28
Thursday, 2/4Friday, 2/5
Tuesday, 2/9Friday, 2/12
Tuesday, 2/23Thursday, 2/25
Thursday, 3/3Friday, 3/4(Monday, March 7th 6th Grade Spring Sing @ EPHS) 7/8 had HC in Fall
Tuesday, 3/8Friday, 3/11(Thursday, March 10th Chorus Pre-Festival Concert at NPHS)
Tuesday, 3/15Friday, 3/18
Thursday, 3/24
Thursday, 4/14Friday, 4/15
Tuesday, 4/19Friday, 4/22
Tuesday, 4/26Thursday, 4/28
Tuesday, 5/3Friday, 5/6
Tuesday, 5/10(Tuesday, May 10th- Spring Concert at SMMS)
Please detach and return the form belowto sign up for auditions with Mrs. Dean. This way we can prepare for the number of singers wishing to audition.
Student Name:______
Homeroom Teacher:______