The purpose of this course is to provide a project-based visual arts program, which guides students to achieve the standards in the visual arts and career technical training, by providing students with the technical instruction and practical experiences for aspiring video and film makers in the production of film, video, and news media projects for business and entertainment.


1.  Computer Basics

·  Understand and use computer operating system

·  Understand digital file organization

·  Use supporting applications

·  Employ troubleshooting techniques

2.  Format and Scripting

·  Writing for film and video

·  Compose and storyboard script

3.  Digital Audio/Video Software Applications

·  Learn and use entry-level digital audio/video editing software

·  Comprehend and use terms and techniques relating to digital video and audio recording and editing.

4.  Understand and utilize proper file formats

·  Create and compress digital video files, photographs and audio files in various formats

5.  Digital Audio Production

·  Utilize various Audio file formats

·  Download Internet audio files from open-source sites

·  Record and edit voice narration

·  Utilize multiple audio tracks in a project

6.  Digital Video Editing

·  Apply proper transitions, edits, titles, effects, media and output control

7.  Audio Equipment

·  Utilize microphones properly

·  Set-up audio equipment properly for a variety of applications in video production.

8.  Lighting equipment and techniques

·  Identify and utilize the concepts and equipment used for video lighting

9.  Digital Video Camera

·  Understand and identify the various aspects of a digital video camera

·  Demonstrate the ability to set-up and properly use a video camera

·  Understand the processes to properly care for and maintain camera equipment

10.  Camera Angles and Composition

·  Understand concepts of composition, perspectives, and point-of-view

·  Identify and define different angles of video taping

·  Demonstrate effective use of various camera angles in video assignments

11.  Employability

·  Practice Job Safety

·  Utilize video production tools and equipment

·  Attend class regularly and punctually

·  Dress appropriately for the occupation

·  Show ability to collaborate with others


Video Production students are not only representing the class when they step out to do a video shoot, but they represent the school, the district, and because some stories will be posted on the internet, they are representing our community as well. This is a position that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

·  Video Productions staff members should be in their assigned seats before the bell rings.

·  Video Production staff members should conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times and dress appropriately for all stories and events. (All clothing MUST meet Pioneer Middle School’s dress code)

·  Cursing (or any other inappropriate language), verbal abuse, stealing, damaging property, or endangering the well-being of self and/or others will not be tolerated.

·  There should be no violence and/or sexually suggestive content in video stories.

·  No food or drink, other than water, should be consumed during the Video Production class.

·  When out of the classroom, students are expected to be on their best behavior, always on task and doing their best to not disturb other classes. If any student continually disturbs other classes or cause problems out of the classroom, they will be switched to an alternative curriculum (classroom based).

·  Students should always write down on the task board where their group will be videotaping. Students are required to have on their Video Production Pass when they leave the class.


·  This equipment is very expensive and hard to replace.

·  Be very careful with the equipment; always use two hands to carry it.

·  There will be fines for lost or damaged equipment and badges.


·  Staff and crew will treat other people, property, and equipment with respect.

·  Students are not allowed to say stupid, shut up, sucks or any other put downs.

·  During work time, students should be focused on work. A little socializing with group members is acceptable, but students should not be socializing with members of other groups or students from other classes. Students focused on socializing rather than work will lose participation points.


·  Students will be graded on their final products, and participation.

·  Students that do not complete enough quality projects will earn low grades.

·  Students will be expected from time to time to stay after school (or come in before school) to complete projects or to video tape events. Students must provide their own transportation home from these events.


·  Learning the Basics of Video Production

·  PSA / Commercial

·  News Production

·  Demonstration

·  Scary Movie

·  Creative “Freestyle” Project


·  Students are expected to have and keep a project folder or binder for the entire semester. All assignments, projects and activities should be kept in this folder or binder.

·  The teacher will check and grade this folder or binder, and the contents of the folder, periodically.


·  “CLASS-YES” - The teacher then says "CLASS" and the students respond by saying "YES" in unison. The students must say "YES" in the same tone of voice and in the same way that the teacher says "CLASS".


·  Assignments are considered late if they are not turned in at the time that they are collected by the teacher (unless absent).

·  If an assignment is late, write LATE on the top of the assignment

·  If you were excused because of an absence, write ABSENT at the top of the assignment. If the student does not write ABSENT on the top of the assignment, it will be considered LATE.


§  Clear Box --- to turn in assignments

§  Blue Box --- assignments to be returned to students. If you see papers in the blue box,

please volunteer to pass back the assignment.


·  Information and videos from the class can be found at the following links:

-  Handouts:

-  Videos: - (YouTube Channel)

-  The Cube: - (Create a log in/password to see the videos)

We have read, understand, and agree to the guidelines on this course guidelines sheet. I also give my consent to have my child recorded for video and/or audio reproduction to be used in television and print programs and promotions associated with Pioneer Middle School and the Steilacoom Historical School District No.1. This authorization releases Steilacoom Historical School District No.1 of all or any liabilities that may result from participation.

Please PRINT and SIGN your name below.

Student: Print ______Sign ______

Parent: Print ______Sign ______