2016 AmeriCorps Opening Day
Indiana Government Center South Conference Center
Indianapolis, IN
October 13, 2016

Welcome to 2016 AmeriCorps Opening Day!

We are so excited for each of you to be with us! Today we have a variety of important partners for national service all in one location. We have AmeriCorps State/National members, VISTA members, NCCC members and Senior Corps members! We also have Program Directors, Serve Indiana staff and community members. What a unique group that is here to share about service in Indiana!

Today will be about learning together and showcasing the impact of service in Indiana. AmeriCorps plays a key role in creating better communities in our state. From buildling homes to tutoring youth, members are making a difference through service.

An important part of today is the kick off of the 2016-2017 AmeriCorps year! We will begin with a celebration of service and a swearing in of all AmeriCorps members in attendance. Afterwards we will learn and grow together through networking and sessions. At the end of the day we will close with a send off to inspire all in attendance to lead the charge for change in local communities! We hope this day will help all members see they are part of the large movement of National Service that runs from your communities, across the state and across the nation.

The excitement and knowledge of this event should not stop today. As we move forward through this year of service, we hope you remember the excitement of today! There are over 900 AmeriCorps members and more than 6,000 Senior Corps members serving in Indiana. Together we can make a difference in Indiana and the lives of all Hoosiers!

Enjoy today!

In Service,

Opening Day Agenda at a Glance

10:00am-4:00pm (EST)

All sessions are open to members and program directors unless otherwise noted

10:00 AM-11:30AM: Opening Ceremony

Time / Presenter / Topic / Location
9:30 am / Registration Opens / Atrium
10:00 am / Marc McAleavey
State Service Director, Serve Indiana / Welcome / Auditorium
10:10 am / Legislative Officials / Service and Volunteerism in Indiana / Auditorium
10:30 am / Danicia Monet, AmeriCorps Alum / Servant Leadership in AmeriCorps / Auditorium
10:30-11:15 am / Sheila Kennedy
Professor, Law and Public Policy, School of Public and Environmental Affairs IUPUI / Civic Engagement and AmeriCorps / Auditorium
11:15-11:20 am / Judge David Certo, Marion Superior Court Criminal Division G12 / Swearing In / Auditorium
11:20 am / Playworks Indiana / Group Activity / Auditorium

11:30-12:30pm: Breakout Session 1

Presenter / Organization / Topic / Location
December LeTexier / Indiana Youth Institute / State Of Indiana’s Youth and Resources to Support Your Impact / Conference Center
Rachel Mattingly / Indiana Association for Community Economic Development (IACED) / Comprehensive Community Development: Increasing the Impact of Your Work / Conference Center
Jane C Crady & Mary Moran / Catholic Charities Disaster Response & Department of Homeland Security / AmeriCorps Disaster Preparedness and Response / Conference Center
Kristina Blankenship & Thom Hayes / State of Indiana-Vocational Rehabilitation / Disability Etiquette and What is Vocational Rehabilitation? / Conference Center
Ellen Kyse & Abby Johnson / University of Notre Dame-Take Ten Program / Take Ten and AmeriCorps / Conference Center
Ryan Sims / Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis / The Importance of Organizations through AmeriCorps / Conference Center
CoraLyn Turentine & Sarah Gerke / John H. Boner Center / Member Coaching: Managing Difficult Behaviors and Reframing Conflict (Program Directors Only) / Conference Center

12:30-1:45pm: Lunch Networking

Members and Program Directors are invited to take their lunch to any of the rooms listed below. The goal of this networking is to discuss Life after AmeriCorps options and collaboration opportunities.

Presenter / Organization / Topic / Location
December LeTexier / Indiana Youth Institute (IYI) / Indiana Youth Institute (IYI) and Working with Youth / Conference Center
Vicki Rubio / Public Allies / Public Allies as a Second Term of Service and Collaboration in Indianapolis / Conference Center
Jane C. Crady / Catholic Charities / Catholic Charities and Disaster Response Work / Conference Center
Sara Wrightsman and Debbie Koliba / School of Public and Environmental Affairs, IUPUI Graduate Programs / Applying to Graduate School and Learning About SPEA Degree Options / Conference Center
Alex Thomas / University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service / Applying to Graduate School and Learning about the Clinton School of Public Service / Conference Center 5
Ellen Kyse & Abby Johnson / University of Notre Dame-Take Ten Program / Working in Nonprofit Organizations and Nonprofit Programming / Conference Center
Lilly Family School of Philanthropy / Lilly Family School of Philanthropy / Degree Information for the School of Philanthropic Studies / Conference Center

1:45-2:00 PM: Break

2:00-3:00 PM: Break Out Session 2

Presenter / Organization / Topic / Location
Andrew Mann / State Department / Continuing Service-Career Opportunities with the U.S. Department of State after AmeriCorps / Conference Center
Alex Thomas / University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service / Life after AmeriCorps: An Affordable Masters Degree in Public Service / Conference Room 5
Josh Bowling / The John H. Boner Center / Asset Based Community Development / Conference Center
Scarlett Martin / Young Non Profit Professionals Network Indy (YNPN Indy) / Mapping Your Career and Navigating the Workplace as a Young Professional / Conference Center
Jill Gordon / Youth Philanthropy of Indiana/Indiana Philanthropy Alliance / Planting the Seed for Youth Philanthropy / Conference Center
Danicia Monet / AmeriCorps Alum / Radical Humanhood and Your AmeriCorps Service / Conference Center
Stefanie Krievins / The Heart Projects / Don’t Just Host a Training! Creative Ways to Teach New Skills to Your Members and How to Choose the Best Method for Professional Development (Program Directors Only) / Conference Center

3:00-3:15 PM: Break

3:15-4:00 PM: Closing Ceremony

Time / Presenter / Topic / Location
3:15-3:30 PM / Celebrating Service in the 2016-17 Program Year / Auditorium
3:30-3:45 PM / Marc McAleavey, State Service Director, Serve Indiana / Closing Remarks and Send Off / Auditorium

Session Descriptions:

Break out session #1: 11:30am-12:30pm

State of Indiana’s Youth & Resource to Support Your Impact

December LeTexier, Indiana Youth Institute

This session will cover three main topics which include: a summary of the Kids Count Data for Indiana, a summary of local resources and contacts available from the Indiana Youth Institute and other partners, and a summary of statewide resources and contacts available from the Indiana Youth Institute and other partners. This presentation explores these topics in an interactive manner and will help attendees understand local and state wide resources and contacts available from the Indiana Youth Institute and other partners. The goal of this presentation is to help attendees increase knowledge and usage of Indiana data regarding youth and families, knowledge of the regional resources and trainings across Indiana for youth serving professionals, and knowledge of the regional contacts and networks.

Comprehensive Community Development: Increasing the Impact of Your Work

Rachel Mattingly, Indiana Association of Community and Economic Development

In this session, participants will use IACED's Theory of Change to understand how their work fits within the broader framework of comprehensive community development. Strategies for community engagement will be discussed as a means of developing the community's vision, identifying priorities, and mobilizing resources to create prosperous communities. Participants will be invited to explore how these strategies could deepen the impact of their own work, regardless of the services they provide. Participants will gain an understanding of comprehensive community development (CCD) and how AmeriCorps programs fit into this framework, the ability to identify organic, grassroots CCD initiatives happening in communities, and the ability to create structure around CCD initiatives to increase their likelihood of success and the depth of their impact. The emphasis will be on improving community engagement strategies.

AmeriCorps Disaster Preparedness and Response

Jane C. Crady & Mary Moran, Catholic Charities Disaster Response & Department of Homeland Security

In this session, participants will learn how AmeriCorps members can assist in Disaster Preparedness and Response. Participants will gain knowledge about how they can help their assigned agencies become better prepared for disaster, how to respond to disasters and what to expect at the disaster site. Members will leave the session better prepared to respond, help others prepare, and become great disaster response volunteers in the future.

Disability Etiquette and What is Vocational Rehabilitation?

Kristina Blankenship & Thomas Hayes, State of Indiana-Vocational Rehabilitation

This presentation would devote half of the time to disability etiquette and the other portion to what is vocational rehabilitation. The attendee should gain valuable knowledge on communicating with a person with a disability. The attendee should also walk away with an understanding of the vocational rehabilitation program and how it helps persons with disabilities to prepare for and enter the workforce.

Take Ten and AmeriCorps: Member Services That has Created Programmatic and Systemic Change in South Bend area and beyond

Ellen Kyes & Abby Johnson, University of Notre Dame-Take Ten Program

This presentation will provide a history of how the Take Ten program of conflict resolution education has grown and evolved through the work of AmeriCorps members serving in multiple capacities with the program. Additionally, the presentation will provide an overview of Take Ten's conflict resolution education curriculum and how AmeriCorps members have grown and developed the program in ways that others can replicate. Participants will be provided with innovative and meaningful ways to grow sites and programs though professional use of AmeriCorps members. Participants will also gain insight into how educational and/or violence prevention programs can evolve through the use of AmeriCorps members in all aspects of their work.

The Importance of Organization through AmeriCorps

Ryan Sims, Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis

AmeriCorps is a life changing experience, and this presentation hopes to share this passion with newcomers and veterans through lessons learned in organization and planning. When first starting AmeriCorps, Ryan was not an organized or planned individual-he lived on the fly and in the moment. It worked well enough when he was set on being a nomad, but when he decided to ground himself the need for organization and prioritization became important. Through these boundaries has come great creativity. AmeriCorps service is intensive but this presentation hopes to help members plan out their service by guiding attendees through a veteran approach and tips for handling challenging situations.

Program Directors Only Member Coaching: Managing Difficult Behaviors and Reframing Conflict (Program Directors Only)

CoraLyn Turentine & Sarah Gerke, John H. Boner Center

This presentation will equip program directors to think creatively about navigating difficult member behaviors and conflict resolution. It will include some description of why difficult behaviors happen, and provide practical tools for addressing difficult behaviors and developing professional skills/soft skills in members. Our hope is that through the training, program staff will be better positioned to hire, retain, and coach members who present difficult behaviors and/or struggle with professionalism. We also hope to provide a model for training site supervisors in coaching/mentoring members and reframing conflict on site. We've seen a lot of improvement in the ability of our site supervisors to provide leadership for our members as a result of this training. This is a tool that will help programs to think critically about how they prepare their service sites to be great leaders and mentors to their members.

Lunch Networking: 12:30-1:45pm

There is no formal program during lunch, instead this time is open for networking in conference rooms with representatives from organizations throughout Indiana. Attendees are asked to take a boxed lunch from outside the auditorium and move to rooms to network. The goal of the networking lunch is for members to discuss after- service options and for programs to discuss collaboration efforts with exhibitors in a more relaxed environment. Please see the “agenda at a glance” for the room assignments.

Breakout session #2: 2:00pm-3:00pm

Continuing Service-Career Opportunities with the U.S. Department of State after AmeriCorps

Andrew Mann, State Department

The U.S. Department of State provides multiple career opportunities as a Foreign Service Officer, Foreign Service Specialist, and a Civil Service member. This session will explore the various avenues for AmeriCorps members to continue their service to America with the State Department through the guidance of a former AmeriCorps member, a VISTA alum who served at Legal Action for Better Housing/Southern California from 1976-77.

Asset Based Community Development

Josh Bowling, The John H. Boner Center

According to the Asset Based Community Development Institute (ABCDI), Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) is a “strategy for sustainably community-driven development. Beyond the mobilization of a particular community, ABCD is concerned with how to link micro-assets to the macro-environment. The appeal of ABCD lies in its premise that communities can dive the development process themselves by identifying and mobilizing existing, but often unrecognized assets, and thereby responding to and creating local economic opportunity”. In this presentation, the basics of ABCD will be discussed and how a member/program can use these ideas in their own communities to effectuate change.

Mapping Your Career and Navigating the Workplace as a Young Professional

Scarlett Martin, Young Non Profit Professionals Network Indy (YNPN Indy)

This presentation will focus on choosing among different nonprofit career paths and seeking opportunities for growth as a young professional. Participants will gain a connection to the young nonprofit community of Indianapolis (through YNPNIndy and their extended network) and information about how to seek mentorship and guidance as you navigate nonprofit career opportunities.

Planting the Seed for Youth Philanthropy

Jill Gordon, Youth Philanthropy of Indiana/Indiana Philanthropy Alliance

This session will provide AmeriCorps members with an introduction to youth philanthropy concepts that they can easily integrate into working with youth. Attendees will explore how to teach young people about sharing their time, talent, and treasure. AmeriCorps members will also find out ways they can continue to be leaders and give of their own three “T’s” after their time with AmeriCorps is complete. Participants will gain knowledge of youth philanthropy concepts (sharing time, talent, and treasure) and ways they can easily be integrated into youth programming, explore AmeriCorps members’ experiences with giving and serving, and discuss ways they can continue to be philanthropic after their service ends.