Harrisburg Academy
8th Grade – Global Issues
Miss Bowman
Course Overview:
This course is designed to help students begin to understand the interconnected nature of the world and the issues facing all nations. This course will depend upon student research and class presentations for our content. This course will help students develop their research skills and ability to consider multiple perspectives on an array of issues. This course will support the 8th grade character trait of global mindedness.
Required Materials:
Charged laptop, headphones/earbuds, folder, agenda, pen/pencil
Grading:NHD Project – 25% (3rd quarter only)
Other Global Issues Projects
(World of 7 Billion video, OASC, International Night, etc.) – 25%
Effort/Participation – 20%
Homework – 20%
Quizzes – 10%
Homework Policy:
All homework must be kept on your laptop or in your folder.
Homework is due at the beginning of the class period to be considered on time.
Homework that is handed in at the end of the day is considered late, and is subject to point deduction (see below).
Homework that is not turned in on the day that it is due should be completed for your benefit, and shown to me, but will not receive credit.
Each homework assignment will be graded as follows:
4 – completely done, on time
3 – partially done, on time
3 – late, but completely done (received on due date by end of day)
2 – late, but completely done (received on the 2nd or 3rd day of lateness)
1 – late, partially done
0/M – not done
Teacher Contact:
The best way to reach me is by email – .
I will be available Monday – Thursday from 3:00-3:45pm in Room 302 for extra help.
The phone number for the school is 717-763-7811; I’m extension 1302.
Classroom Rules and Expectations (please also see attached sheet for additional expectations):
*Preparation – Come to class on time, with necessary materials, prepared to get started and have assignments organized.
*Participation – Pay attention, take notes, ask questions, share ideas
*Positive Attitude – Complete all homework using complete sentences, get help when needed, take pride in your work, complete projects with confidence!
Websites and Resources:
Harrisburg Academy MS/US Library Online Resources:
Various news outlets and newspapers (print and/or online)
Twitter –
Pearson Education News site -
UNESCO – - United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
Gilder Lehrman – Primary Sources:
CIA World Factbook –
Gapminder – – see statistics comparing eras and nations
Discovery Education –
findingDulcinea - – the “librarian of the internet”
RSOE - Emergency and Disaster Information Service – map using Google Maps that displays emergencies around the world. This includes earthquakes (even minor tremors), hurricanes, disease outbreaks, volcano eruptions, rabies outbreaks, vehicle accidents with effected a large amount of people and large amount of other emergencies. Navigation works exactly the same as a Google map. Clicking on the icons will provide you with a quick summary of the event then clicking on “details” in the callout box will open another window with greater information.