Tweaked by Katherine Holubitsky Study guide
Chapter 3
Vocabulary: Define each of the following words before reading Chapter 3:
1. jubilant (26)
2. detox (26)
3. restrictions (26)
4. muses (27)
5. abrupt (28)
6. paranoid (29)
7. chaotic (29)
8. rivulets (30)
9. apparatus (32)
10. gargantuan (33)
11. comatose (34)
Literary Terms: Define the following words and find an example of each in the chapter:
1. Imagery-
Characters: Describe each of the following characters:
Ralph Barnes-
Reading Comprehension: Answer the following questions:
1. Why is Gordie’s mom in such a good mood?
2. What are the conditions of Chase’s release?
3. How much money do Chase’s parents need to come up with?
4. What does Gordie’s Dad want to sell and why does this upset Gordie?
5. Who attacks Gordie and what do they want?
6. Whose house does Goride go to and what to they do?
7. What is Richard Cross’ condition? Has it imporved?
8. What does Gordie leave at the hospital?
9. Describe detox.
10. Why doesn’t Gordie want to talk to Ms. Larson?
11. What happens with Zimmerman and Dodds? Why are they harassing Gordie?
Reading Analysis: Answer the following questions:
1. What does Ralph’s trust in Gordie say about him as a person?
2. What does the event with the drug dealers tell us about Gordie? About Chase?
3. What does the scene in Jade’s kitchen remind Gordie about and why is this important for the reader to know/see?
4. Why does Gordie continue to go to the hospital?
5. What does leaving the unicorn tell us about Gordie?
6. Why doesn’t Gordie feel sorry for the pain Chase is going through in detox?
7. Why does Gordie not fight the school bully’s back? What does this tell us about Gordie?
8. How does is Gordie contrasted with Chase?
9. What issues (themes) are explored in chapter 3?