Sealed tenders are invited from reputed civil contractors having a minimum of 05 years experience and executed 2 similar works of equivalent or more value.
- Name of work: Renovation of 7th floor (Library Block)
- Estimated Cost:Rs. 250000
- EMD:Rs.10000/- payable in f/o Secretary, CBSE through DD/BD
- Cost of Tender: Rs.200/- (Non-refundable)
- Sale of Tender:upto 05.07.2007 through Syndicate Bank, CBSE, Preet Vihar
Delhi-92 on all working days between 10 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
- Last date for submission :06.07.07 upto 1.00 p.m.
of Tenders
- Opening of Tenders:06.7.07 at 2.30 p.m.
Tenders can also be down-loaded through the CBSE website . In case of down-loading, the tenderer shall have to deposit Rs.200/- as cost of tender in the aforesaid bank and the receipt enclosed with the tender. Incomplete & conditional tenders shall be summarily rejected. The Secretary, CBSE reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
Name of Work : Renovation of 7th Floor
Sl. NO.Description of WorkQuantity Unit Rate Amount
- Dismantling of M.S. frame with Glazing1each
2.40x1.80 and storing glass panes &
deposit the frame in Basement Store.
2.(a)Removal of M.S. shutter by welding and 12each
stacking of same in Basement Store.
(b)Removal of touver channels in 12each
Ventilators through welding.
3.Dismantling of wooden partition and 10M2
stacking of serviceable materials like
plywood, wooden frame members in
Basement Store.
4.P&F on all height Gypsum Board –160M2
(12.82 p 144 -DSR)
- Removal of Aluminium doors i/c frames2each
and stacking it in Basement Store.
- Demolishing brickwork i/c stacking of0.5M3
serviceable material and disposal of
unserviceable materials within 200m lead
- Brickwork with FPS bricks of class d-751.20M3
in foundation and plinth in cement mortar 1:4
- Extra for brickwork in super structure1.20M3
above floor V level
- P&F 18 mm thick mirror polished granite of 3M2
colour either black or as approved by the
- Extra for providing edge mounting 3M
with high quality/glass finish.
- Providing & replacing parcast terrazo1M2
tiles matching the existing floor tiles.
- Providing & fixing precast reinforced cement 0.10M3
in shelves (5.23 p82 -DSR)
- Mirror polishing on marble work stone240M2
wherever required to give high glass
finish complete
- Renewing glass panes 4.0 mm thick with6M2
M.S. square mouldings (fixed glazing)
- 15 mm cement plaster in cm 1:410M2
(13.12.2 p 147 - DSR)
- Removing oil bound distemper by scrapping360M2
(14.82 p164 – DSR)
- Applying one coat of cement primer520M2
(13.78.1 p152 – DSR)
- Wall painting with Plastic emulsion paint of 160M2
approved brand (13.92.1 p155 – DSR)
- Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper 360M2
two or more coats (new work)
- P&F anodised Alu. Work
(24.1.1 p247 - DSR)180kg
(24.1.2 p243 - DSR)120kg
- P&F glazing in Alu. door/window36M2
(24.3.2 P243 - DSR)
- P&F Alu. Tone bolts 6each
250x10 mm
((9.219.2 p 116 – DSR)
- Painting with synthetic enamel paint20M2
- Painting the doors with specially prepared 15M2
Mix producing grains matching teak finish
- Minor repairs to false ceiling i/c filling2M2
the gaps wherever required
Accepted by me
Tel. No.:______
Mobile No.:______
- The work has to be executed as per the CPWD’s specifications.
- The agency shall have to depute a site Supervisor to Co-ordinate the work.
- The work has to be completed within 20 days from the issue of the work order.
- The measurement shall be done jointly.
- The synthetic enamel paint should be of Burger/Nerolac/Asian only.
- Oil bound distemper of Burger make shall only be allowed.
- All T&P shall be arranged by the agency.
- The agency shall be liable for the safety of the manpower employed for the work.
- In case of delay, a penalty of 1% (one) per week shall be levied.
- The agency shall submit a list of the workers employed on the site.
- In case of unsatisfactory work, the agency has to re-do the same, failing which work shall be got executed at his risk & cost. Any extra expenditure on such works shall be recovered from the defaulting agency.
- In case of any dispute, the Arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman, CBSE and his decision shall be binding on both the parties.
- In case the successful tenderer fails to complete the work in part or in whole, as the case may be, the work shall be cancelled and will be given to the next successful tenderer and the penalty as deemed fit by the Competent Authority shall be imposed on the tenderer who fails to execute the work.
( Signature of the Tenderer)
With complete address and seal
Tel. No.:______
Mobile No.:______