Accepted by Department council 02.02.2017


of the lectures and practical classes in anatomy and histology for

1ST DENTAL medicine course

Summer term 2016/2017

WEEK / Lectures 2 h.
Prof. I. Koeva, MD, PhD
prof. S. Sivkov, MD, PhD / Practical classes 2 х 2h. / hours
2017 / Cardiovascularsystem.
Heart – topography, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Cardiovascularsystem – macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. artery and vein- muscular type – H-E
2. aorta - orcein
3. capillaries – H-E
4. ЕМsof capillary and fenestrated capillary
2. Heart -macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1.heart wall – H-E / 2
13 - 17.02 / Immune system - general characteristic.Thymus, spleen, tonsil and lymphnodes – macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Immunesystem - bonemarrow, thymus, lymphnodes - macro-and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. bone marrow – H-E
2. thymus – H-E
3. lymph node – H-E
2.Immunesystem- spleenandtonsils – macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. spleen – H-E
2. tonsilla– H-E / 2
20 - 24.02 / Respiratory system- general structure of the organs of the respiratory system. Nasal cavity, larynx, trachea and lungs – macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Respiratory system - nasal cavity, paranasal air sinuses and larynx – macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. nasal mucosa – H-E
2. Respiratory system. Trachea, bronchi and lungs – macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. trachea – H-E
2. lungs – H-E
3. ЕМsof alvelocyte type II and blood-air barrier / 2
27.02 - 03.03 / Endocrinesystem-hypophysis, thyroid gland, adrenal gland - macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Endocrinesystem - hypophysis, thyroid gland, adrenal gland - macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. hypophysis – H-E
2. adrenal gland – H-E
3. thyroid gland – H-E
4. ЕМ of cells of adenohypophysis and thyroid gland follicle
2. Test (40p.) and practical test (20p.) in cardiovascular, immune, respiratory and endocrine systems. / 2
06 - 10.03 / Digestive system. Oral cavity. Tongue, teeth, salivary glands – macro- and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Digestive system. Oral cavity, palate, lips, cheeks, tongue – macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. lips – H-E
2. uvula – H-E
3. tongue:
3.1. papillae filliformes– H-E
3.2. papillae circumvallatae– H-E
2.Digestive system. Oral cavity. Teeth – macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. embryonic tooth - H-E
2. adult tooth - H-E
3. adult tooth – Schliff
EM of enamel prisms and odontoblast

13 - 17.03 / Digestive system. Pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. / 1.Digestive system. Oral cavity. Salivary glands – macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. parotid gland - H-E
2. submandibular gland - H-E
3. sublingual gland - H-E
2. Digestive system. Pharynx, esophagus and stomach -macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. esophagus- H-E
2. stomach – fundus - H-E
3. ЕМs of parietal and chief cells
23- 20 - 24.03 / Digestive system. Liver andpancreas – macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Digestive system. Small and large intestine. Pancreas - macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. smallintestine - H-E
2. large intestine - H-E
3. pancreas - H-E
4. ЕМ of resorptive cell, goblet cell and endocrine cell
2. Digestive system. Liver. The biliary system. The gall bladder- macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. liver - H-E
2. EM of hepatocyte
27 - 31.03 / Urinary system –kidney, ureter and urinary bladder -macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Urinary system. Kidney, ureter and urinary bladder - macro- and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. kidney - H-E
2. ureter - H-E
3. urinary bladder – H-E
3. ЕМ of blood-urinary barrier
2. Malereproductivesystem – testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, prostate and penis - macro-and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. testis - H-E
2. prostate - H-E
3. ЕМ of Leydig cell
03 - 07.04 / Male and female reproductive systems. / 1. Female reproductive system. Ovary, uterus, oviduct and vagina – macro -and microscopic anatomy.
Histological sections:
1. ovary - H-E
2. uterus - H-E
1. Test (40p.) and practical test (20p.) in digestive, urinary, male and female reproductive systems.
10 – 17.04 / EASTER HOLIDAY
18-21.04 / Necktopography. / 1.Neck.Cervical fascia and superficial elements. Lateral cervical region.
2. Neck.Trigonumsubmandibulare and suprahyoid muscles. Carotid triangle and sternocleidomastoid region.
24 - 28.04 / Axillary fossa. Topography of thorax. Thoracic wall. / 1. Neck. Infrahyoid cervical region. Root of the neck.
2. Fossa axillaris.
01-05.05 / Topography of thorax. Thoracic cavity. Pleural cavity. Mediastinum. / 1. Thoracic wall. Thoracic cavity.Pleura.Root of the lung. Topography of the thoracic wall. Thoracic diaphragm.
2. Mediastinum. Superior, anterior, middle andposterior mediastinum.
08-12.05 / Abdomen. Abdominal wall. Abdominal and peritoneal cavity. Upper peritoneal region – organs, bursae, peritoneal structures. / 1. Abdomen.Anterolateral abdominal wall. Inguinal canal. Peritoneum – morphological characteristics and peritoneal formations.
2. Abdomen. Abdominalcavity. Peritoneal cavity – subdivisions. Upper region of abdominal cavity. Vessels and nerves in the region of the truncus celiacus. V. Portae.
15-19.05 / Abdomen. Topography of the abdomen. Lower peritoneal region-organs, bursae, peritoneal structures. Retroperitoneum. /
  1. Abdomen.Lower region of the abdominal cavity.Vessles and nerves in the region of superior and inferior mesenteric artery.
2. Test (40p.) and practical test (20p.) -neck,axillary fossa,thorax, abdomen (anterolateral abdominal wall, upper region of abdominal cavity). / 2
22-26.05 / Pelvis. Topography of the pelvis. Peritoneal, subperitoneal and subcutaneous region. Organs, spaces, muscles, fasciae. / 1. Abdomen.Retroperitoneum. Peritoneal,subperitoneal and subcutaneous regions.Pelvic floor.
2. Review of the regions. / 2


Theoretical:3 х 40 т. = 120 p.

Practical:3 х 20 т. = 60 p.

Total: 180p.


170 -180 p. - 6,00126-136 p. - 4,00

159 -169 p. - 5,50115 -125 p. - 3,50

148 -158 p. - 5,00108-114 p. - 3,00

137 -147 p. - 4,50 < 108 - 2,00


- The first 10 students with highest score covering criteria for exemption are exempt from all components of the final examination and develop an essay on a topic given by the teacher. The exempt from the final exam is based on a combination of general and academic criteria.

- Students with a score over 90% of the maximum score, but not covering the other exemption criteria, sit only for essay part of the final exam. 90% of 180 points = 162p. (or more) students exempt both practical and MCQ test on Internal Organs and Topographic Anatomy during the final exam !

- Students with a score over 80% of the maximum total score from the three semesters are exempted from the practical part of the final exam. For the Final exam the points from 1s+2s+3s (semesters) are calculated and if students cover 80% of maximum they exempt the final practical exam !

Literature Textbooks:

1. Junqueira, Carneiro. Histology, 4th edition, Springer, 1997

2. Stevens, Lowe, Human Histology, 2nd edition, Chapman and Hall, 1997

3. Grey’s Anatomy

4. Chaurasia BD. Human anatomy. Regional and applied.Third edition.CBS Publishers & distributors. New Delhi, India, 1998.

5. Romanes GJ. Cunningham’s manual of practical anatomy. Thorax and abdomen.Oxford University Press. New York, 1996

Notebooks and additional materials:

1. Atanassova P, Koeva I, Petrova E, Penkova N, Trichkova V. A Practicum of Organ Histology, Plovdiv.

2. CD – Interactive atlas of anatomy and histology of internal organs, edition of the Department of anatomy, histology and embryology, Medical University of Plovdiv

3. S. Novakov, Y. Koeva, A. Fusova, F. Popova. MCQs in anatomy, a self-testing supplement to human anatomy - All System (For Dental Students), Med Publ House “Lax Book”, Plovdiv, 2014.


1. Sobotta. Atlas of Human anatomy, 15th edition, Urban & Fisher, 2011

2. Krstic, Human Microscopic Anatomy, Springer, 1997

3. Drake R, Wayne Vogl A., Mitchell A, Gray's Atlas of Anatomy, 2nd edition, 2015, Churchill Livingstone

4.Delchev S., Novakov S., Ivanova R. Photographic atlas of human anatomy, ed. S.Sivkov, Lax book, Plovdiv, 2016.

Prepared by Dr. A. Fusova Approved by Prof. YvetaKoeva, MD, PhD