Master Bibliography


501 Paintball Tips, Tricks, and Tactics. Tate Publishing, 2008

History Blinked. Keller’s Cellars, 2003

White River Junctions. Manuscript available for publication

Following Josh. Manuscript available for publication

Total Publications:

Action Pursuit Games: 334+ (counting only 2003-2008)

Clarion Journal: 200+

Jungle: 50+ 39

Paintball News: 18

Paintball Magazine: 48

Paintball Sports: 14

Face-Full: 5

Monroe County Independent: 5

Paintball 2 Xtremes: 5

Janus: 4

NH ToDo Magazine: 3

Woodsmoke: 2

Ad Libitum: 2 1

Literary Magazines

Dishes by Sunset, (photo) Ad Libitum, Spring 2009 vol 7, pg 21

Aloise, Shoveling, Ad Libitum, Spring 2009 vol 7, pg 17

The Raiders, Woodsmoke, 2007-8, pg32

Bunkhouse Morning, (photo) Woodsmoke, 2007-8, pg32

4th Degree Burn, Stonefence Review, Fall 2004 vol 26 #1, pg 13

Tribulations and Triumphs of a Deer Hunter, Lightnin Ridge, 2004 vol 1 Issue 5, pg43

Coffee Shop, Janus, 2004, pg11

Lasso the Jew--and Other Unintentionally Anti-Semitic Games, Janus, 2004 pg 26

4th Degree Burn,* Janus, 2004 pg55

The Visitor,* Janus, 2004 pg69

Barrack Obama as Gun Salesman of the Year, May 13, 2009

America's National Aeronautics and Space Administration, May 11, 2009

Reading the Super Bowl Ads, February 24, 2009

Curiously Concerned over Benjamin Button's Case, January 31, 2009

Why Mumbai? Why Not?, January 26, 2009

Enemy of my Enemy, January 14, 2009

Pakistan-Kashmir-India...Violence, Religion, and the Himalayas, January 12, 2009

The People in my Hostel, January 10, 2009

Bottled Water and the Environment, December 9, 2008

Obama: The Great Blue Hope, November 8, 2008

How we (Think) we Know, October 28, 2008

America’s Lust for Funny Money, October 11, 2008

Northern Forest Canoe Trail, October 1, 2008

Yelling in the Dark, September 30, 2008

10 of the 501 Best Paintball Tips, Tricks, and Tactics, September 26, 2008

Live Your Own Action Movie, September 18, 2008

Next in Line: The American Vice-President, September 2, 2008

Guns in America: Part 2, August 27, 2008

Inside America’s Gun Culture, August 27, 2008

Small Town Patriotism, July 5, 2008

The Rockets’ Red Glare — Independence Day in America, July 4, 2008

The Right Mix, May 28, 2008

Pushing through - Too Much of a Good Thing, April 24, 2008

Capsaicin: the Chili Pepper’s Spicy Irony, April 12, 2008

Ode to a Lost Tool, April 8, 2008

Avenue Q Hits it in One, April 1, 2008

A Night on Manhattan - Part 2, March 31, 2008

A Night on Manhattan - Part 1, March 28, 2008

Memories of Cuba Retraced (Part Two), January 3, 2008

Memories of Cuba Retraced (Part One), January 2, 2008

A Castle Full of Ninjas (Part 2), October 31, 2007

A Castle Full of Ninjas (Part 1), October 30, 2007

I Am the Nut God!, October 18, 2007

My Sources Were Wrong (Part 2), October 13, 2007

My Sources Were Wrong (Part 1), October 12, 2007

Getting Lost in China, September 13, 2007

Rolling Shagai, September 9, 2007

Eating Mongolia, September 2, 2007

Discovering Ger Khoroolols, August 28, 2007


Action Pursuit Games


No Speeding! 1/08 SF p15

X-Force! 1/08 p117

Blast! 1/08 p134

Spinning Bunker! 2/08 p70

Power Up! 2/08 p78

Champion & Ambassador: Martin Dannefaerd, 3/08 p88

6 Women Prove the Impossible, 3/08 p92

Mighty Allied Victory, Invasion of Normandy 3/08 p102

PSP World Cup Showcases Teams, Gear, 4/08 PP p40

Inspect Those Hoses, 5/08 SF p10

Tacten Tactics! 5/08 p46

Inside Airups, 5/08 p65

World Cup Asia ’07, 5/08 p80

Slide Into Scenario, 5/08 p92

APG Annual Index 2007, 5/08 p106

Iron Horses on the Move, 6/08 SS p34

Reverse that Bunkering, 6/08 p40

Shot by Sasquatch, 6/08 p84

The Greatest Game, 6/08 p90

Do We Need to Use Scare Tactics? 7/08 SF p10

Asher Kingdom, 7/08 SS p28

The Hippie Love Marker, 7/08 SS p34

Sya’s Run, 7/08 p52

UKST—A New Force, 7/08 p84

Paintball in the Picatinny Jungle, 7/08 p90

Snapshooting Judo, 8/08 TNT p14

Inferno: How They’re Made, 8/08 p64

Tools for Paintball, 9/08 p64

Don’t Get Burned, 10/08 SF p18

Light up the Night, 10/08 SS p36

ION XE, 10/08 p64

Leave (Almost) No Trace, 10/08 p78

The Big Game No-Shoot, 11/08 TNT p32

Pyro at 0900! Oklahoma D-Day 2008 11/08 p36

The Move, 11/08 p63

1800 at Cousin’s XIV, 11/08 p74

HSSSSSSSSSSSS! Listen! 12/08 SF p18

Tough Stuff! 12/08 p78



Issue 7

News Dept. pg12*

Gear Dept. pg16*

Sign Me Up, Sam (Hunter) pg24*

The Longest Day—Oklahoma D-Day (James Dawson) pg 40^`

Roll On pg50^

Issue 8

News Dept. pg10*

Shitshow (Hunter) pg24

Western Worrs (James Dawson) pg 32*^

The Splat Grenade pg 47*

Skirmish’s New World Record pg54*^

Issue 9

You Owe Me (Hunter) pg22

Mining the Field pg 47*^

Issue 10

Dealing with Punks (Hunter) pg22

Grenade Launcher Domination pg45*^

Issue 11

That Ain’t a Paintball (Hunter) pg23

And Don’t Forget Your Balls pg45

Cruising Russia’s Scenario Scene pg52^`

Issue 12

(Gear Issue, no articles)

Issue 13

Refs Packin’ Heat (Hunter) pg22*

Tank Girl pg24*^

Tac Ten Topples Top Teams (James Dawson) pg30*

Packin’ Heat pg47*^`

Issue 14

Missing the Plot (Hunter) pg18*

The Kings of Las Vegas (James Dawson) pg47

Issue 15

[Mention of 501 Paintball Tips in Gear, pg12]

Blowing Shit Up (Hunter) pg22^

Jetset Timboy (James Dawson) pg24*

Shield Deployment pg47*^

Building Your Shield pg54*^

Issue 16

The Death of Accountability (Hunter) pg20

The Paint and the Fury at Spring Castle 2008 (James Dawson) pg38^`

UK Scenario Team vs. Everyone pg46*^

Getting There pg53*^

Issue 17


Issue 18

Maximum Boobage (Hunter) pg21`

Ten Shot Kid pg22*

Woodsball Ghost pg37*

Issue 19

Insurgency Now (Hunter) pg20

Chris Larsen pg22*

Dark Art of Guerrilla Warfare: Defense pg37^

Issue 20

Frankengun (Hunter) pg20

That Sketchy Bastard pg22*

Dark Art of Guerrilla Warfare: Operational Security pg37^

Embedded with the Medic pg45^

*Denotes an article that includes photos by Dave Norman

^Denotes an article slugged on the cover

`Cover Story



Issue 59

[Mention of 501 Paintball Tips in Gear, pg28]

Paintball 2Xtremes



Hunting in the Shadows, Shark Tips Column, pg50*


Take ‘em on and Take ‘em Out, Shark Tips Column, pg46*^


Shark Tips Column, Page 48


Speed(ball), Shark Tips Column, pg76*


In Sight!, Shark Tips Column, pg76*

*Denotes an article that includes photos by Dave Norman

^Denotes an article slugged on the cover

`Cover Story

Paintball Sports



Ken Griffey Jr. (interview) pg42^`


Ten Tactical Champions pg22*^


South Africa Rocks the World (Cup Asia) (James Dawson) pg38*^


Crucial Commonwealth Curriculum pg38*^


Castle Aaarrgh Siege Repelled…Temporarily! pg20*^


History Redux (Oklahoma D-Day) pg14^


Civil Draw! pg34*^

*Denotes an article that includes photos by Dave Norman

^Denotes an article slugged on the cover

`Cover Story—the cover is designed around this concept

Paintball News


January 8

Tac Ten’s New Jersey Home (James Dawson) pg1*

February 16

World Cup Asia Draws 44 Teams (James Dawson) pg1*

March 15

SHOT Show 2008 pg1*

March 29

Battle at Bawtry pg1*

May 24

CastleAaarrghFalls pg1*

July 5

Cousin’s Big Game 2008 pg1*

July 19

Axis Forces Defend Normandy pg1*

*Denotes an article that includes photos by Dave Norman

Paintball News is a newspaper format publication.

All articles begin on the cover.

Action Pursuit Games


Booby Trap Basics; 1/07 p118

Before the First Paintball Flies; 1/07 p130

Special Missions; 2/07 SS p52

NXe Tactical Scenario Harness; 2/07 p80

Conquering That Castle; 2/07 p120

Americans Win World’s Largest Game; 2/07 p134

The Orphans; 2/07 p136

Council of War; 2/07 p174

Better Built BDU Belts; 3/07 SS p52

#1 Paintball “Fighter Plane”; 3/07 p122

49 Super Tips & Tricks; 3/07 p126

APG Annual Index; 3/07 p 132

Serious in St. Louis; 4/07 TS p74

Royalty; 4/07 p102

Party Time Paintball; 4/07 p108

Get the Warsensor Edge; 4/07 p122

Confuse and Disrupt!; 4/07 p126

Rocking RAP T68 CQB Mil-Sim; 4/07 p132

27 Slick Tricks; 5/07 p74

Outrecs!; 5/07 p94

Culture Challenges the Sport; 5/07 p106

Evil Duffel Bag; 5/07 p121

’07 Tac-Vest Roundup!; 5/07 p122

Inspect Those HPA Lines!; 6/07 SF p16

Venus!; 6/07 p71

Gold-Rush in South Africa!; 6/07 p92

Back Away from the Tank!; 7/07 SF p16

Props; Must-Have Game Points!; 7/07 p124

Alien 11; 7/07 p137

Hose Whip Hurts; 8/07 SF p16

The Great Escape; 807 YG p26

Four Day Roller; 8/07 p71

The Military Answer; 8/07 p92

Rapper in da House; 8/07 p108

Hot Rockin’ Woods Mods; 8/07 p124

Brandon Bergeron; 9/07 p15

Speed Check; 9/07 SF p16

New England Paintball League ’07; 9/07 p120

Frozen! Stalingrad ’07; 9/07 p124

Tactical Ten Paintball League; 9/07 p134

Find the Best Paths; 9/07 p150

No Rules!; 10/07 p83

War Museum Paintball!; 10/07 p98

Incoming!; 10/07 p131

Not in the Head!; 11/07 p15

Blow the Bunker!; 11/07 p74

Southern Cobra; 11/07 p92

Just Call Us Sudden Death; 11/07 p106

Allies Land at Normandy!; 11/07 p124

Brandon Bergeron; 11/07 p132

Attack on FortWorr!; 11/07 p150

Bump in the Night; 12/07 SS p67

Inside Madman Products; 12/07 p118

Abusing Boots; 12/07 p122

How to Run a Charity Event; 12/07 p130

(as James Dawson)

Two in the Back!; 3/07 YG p34

Storm Front; 3/07 p98

Anatomy of a Bunker Move; 7/07 p134

10-Ball Tube Tech; 8/07 TS p68

Time Travel; 8/07 p136

Wayfinders; 10/07 p139

Change! [sic]; 11/07 SS p70

Dynamite?; 11/07 p84

Action Pursuit Games 2006

Offset That Hopper! 01/06 TT p54

When Duty Calls; 01/06 GG p82

5 Who Dare; 01/06 GG p154

Snap Shots; 01/06 SS p192

If you Like it, Tie it Down! 02/06 TT p130

Last of the Samurais; 02/06 p154

Snap Shots; 02/06 p164

Creep, Don’t Crunch; 03/06 NPN p26

Hide & Seek Secret: Wear Ghillie; 03/06 p46

Ronn Stern’s Woodsball Camp; 03/06 p52

Inside Doc’s Raiders; 03/06 p98

Snap Shots; 03/06 p166

Mexico’s Pintura Fresca; 03/06 p168

Invasion of Normandy! Allies Defeated! 04/06 p114

Long Island Uproar; 04/06 p136

Snap Shots; 04/06 SS p166

Confuse and Outfox the Other Team—Become a Force of One! 05/06 NPN p26

Ashley Del Signore; 05/06 p106

Inside the Global Paintball League; 05/06 p114

How to Start a City Series; 05/06 p140

Snap Shots; 05/06 p174

How to Start a School Club; 06/06 p26

Snap Shots; 06/06 SS p50

9 Reasons to Change Sides and get Paid; 06/06 p70

300 FPS What Will Happen to Poly? 06/06 p78

Walk it to Win; 06/06 p90

APG Annual Index 2005; 06/06 p132

Why Kneepads? 07/06 ST p14

Snap Shots; 07/06 SS p34

9 Way2Go Tips; 07/06 YG p36

Del Hobbies: Bigger & Better for ’06; 07/06 p118

Snap Shots; 08/06 SS p30

9 Must-Make Moves for More Wins! 08/06 YG p36

A Rhino Just Plain Stomps a Shark! 08/06 p118

1,040 Shots Per Broadsword; 08/06 p130

Snap Shots; 09/06 SS p30

One-Shot Wonders; 09/06 YG p36

Castle Conquest XXI; 09/06 p70

Manhunt in Missouri; 09/06 p114

Blackballed! 09/06 p122

Snap Shots; 10/06 SS p30

Shift the odds in your Favor; 10/06 YG p36

Operation Overlord: Oklahoma D-Day 2006; 10/06 p104-114

Snap Shots; 11/06 SS p30

Conquer Airball Bunkers! 11/06 YG p36

The Best First Move; 11/06 NPN p48

Psyops: How to Mess With Them; 11/06 p74

Rollin’ Hard! ODA’s New Monster Tank; 11/06 p122

8 Tips to Improve Your Game; 12/06 p40

Ask the Generals; 12/06 SCN p52

Boston NPPL Open 2006; 12/06 p108

Play in the Rain Like a Pro; 12/06 p114

Schutzenpanzerwagen; 12/06 p122

Snap Shots; 12/06 p144

Leo Rabago—OC Bushwackers Pro; 12/06 p156

(as James Dawson)

Beseigt und Hoffnungslos! 05/06 p90

Behind the Briefing; 06/06 p130

9 Ways to Play All Day; 09/06 SCN p52

Take Care of It! 12/06 p130

Action Pursuit Games 2005

The Black Pumpkin; 01/2005 UC p166

Snap Shots; 01/2005 SS p208

Paintball Camp Ronn Stern Style; 02/2005 GG p74

In His Own Words: Charles Gaines; 02/2005 UC p110

Wiper! Blackballed! The Bobby Dukes Story; 02/2005 UC p114

Snap Shots; 02/2005 SS p198

Take us to Paintball Pastor Rob!; 03/2005 TG p94

The Great Newbie Hang!; 03/2005 TG p97

Ultimate Land Support: Tanks; 03/2005 SC p176

Snap Shots; 03/2005 SS p188

Halloween at Paintball Paranoia; 04/2005 PC p102

Corporate Leadership Training Ground The Farm; 04/2005 p150

Snap Shots; 04/2004 SS p184

Don’t be an Easy Target; 05/2005 NPN p28

Snap Shots; 05/2005 SS p188

Should you buy a Marker?; 06/2005 TT p78

Delta Paintball Team: To be the Best; 06/2005 GG p133

6 Service Essentials; 06/2005 PC p156

Malaysia’s Nations Cup; 06/2005 SC p178

The Malaysian Paintball Association; 06/2005 SC p188

Snap Shots; 06/2005 SS p204

How to Study a Field; 07/2005 NPN p30

Point-Counterpoint: is Cheating Bad, or Bad?; 07/2005 PC p146

Trading paint the Right Way; 07/2005 TNT p202

Snap Shots; 07/2005 SS p210

Paintball Paranoia! 08/2005 GG p78

Snap Shots; 08/2005 SS p208

Distractions; 09/2005 YG p34

20 Minute Scenarios: Cutting Edge Fun; 09/2005 GG p70

Pure Moves to Win Games!; 09/2005 GG p90

Secret Tool of a Paintball Sniper; 09/2005 TT p124

77 Good Sense Tips; 09/2005 SC p180

Snap Shots; 09/2005 SS p210

Energy Fizz!; 10/2005 TT p135

Super Style: Special Ops; 10/2005 TT p152

APG Annual Index 2004; 10/2005 p171

Oklahoma D-Day 2005; 10/2005 SC p178

Snap Shots; 10/2005 SS p208

Team Building with Clear Channel Communications; 11/2005 GG p69

Inside Adrenaline Paintball: Malaysia; 11/2005 GG p100

Party Time Family Fun Zone!; 11/2005 GG p174

Snap Shots; 11/2005 SS p210

PSP Chicago 2005; 12/2005 GG p100

Pro Spotlight; 12/2005 PS p144

Inside the Guerrilla Air Regs; 12/2005 TT p164

Malaysia: Paintball Tag; 12/2005 GG p168

Snap Shots; 12/2005 SS p192

James Dawson

Close Engagements; 01/2005 YG p40

Make a Good Shot Strike Home; 03/2005 TT p146

Inside Jackal Machine; 08/2005 TT p133

How to Read Bunkers; 12/2005 TG p30

Battle for the Pentagon; 12/2005 GG p178

Action Pursuit Games 2004

17 In St. Louis; 12/04 TG p157

Andrea Martinez; 11/04 p186

Beat The High Cost Of Tourneys: Play SIPPL; 10/04 UC p127

Body Reinforcement: Peak Bars; 12/04 UC p209

Brownells: Air Tech Heaven; 11/04 UC p142

Build Respect, Fame, & Sponsorship! 09/04 TG p150

Camouflage Eggs! It’s East At Xtreme! 09/04 UC p120

Chicago PSP 04; 11/04 p170

Crouching In The Beans; 09/04 UC p54

Dangerous Overshooting; 12/04 ST p17

Danielle Huagen; 11/04 p185

Extreme Rage Clean! 11/04 TT p108

High Alert Hotel; 05/04 SU p109

Inside A Ronn Stern Paintball Camp; 04/04 PP p44

Inside Wiley’s Outdoor Sports; 10/04 UC p160

Lise Lam; 11/04 p184

Meet Bobby Gogolin; 07/04 PC p148

Meet David Schneider; 03/04 GG p86

Meet Dawn McArdle! 11/04 p182

Meet Glenn Paterson; 08/04 UC p128

Meet Kasey Field; 03/04 GG p88

Milestone; 03/04 YG p34

Nalgene For Paintball; 11/04 UC p150

Natalie Palbot; 11/04 p187

Obstacle Course; 03/04 GG p154

Oklahoma D-Day 2004: Allied Victory At Normandy; 12/04 p192

Operation Overlord: Salazar’s Folly. 02/04 TG p164

Paintball At Your Leisure; 10/04 UC p195

Panzer Attack; 08/04 p184

Questions Not To Ask!; 01/04 GG p50

Raid The Castle In Ronin Gear Swat Style! 10/04 TT p105

Rally: Serious Paintball Pants; 11/04 TT p90

Raymond Knuth; 01/04 PP p207

Snap Shots; 02/04 p223

Snap Shots; 03/04 p206

Snap Shots; 04/04 p208

Snap Shots; 05/04 p210

Snap Shots; 06/04 p208

Snap Shots; 07/04 p206

Snap Shots; 08/04 p206

Snap Shots; 09/04 p206

Snap Shots; 10/04 p210

Snap Shots; 11/04 p207

Snap Shots; 12/04 p226

Snapshots; 01/04 SS p223

Snipers Are Everywhere; 12/04 GG p127

Straight To The Spotlight; 07/04 UC p123

Temptation; 08/04 YG p42

The Break 01/04 YG p40

Use Whatcha Got! 11/04 GG p121

Virginia Pursuit Cup Action; 04/04 TG p107

Xtreme Enterprises Vengeance Base; 01/04 TT p79

Prairie State Games 2004; 12/04 TG p165

(as James Dawson)

Spice Up Your Game! 12/04 TG p171

Action Pursuit Games 2003

8 keys to choosing your 1st Marker; 02/2003 YG p26

CJ’s Paintball Adventure; 10/2003 UC p150

Cops 911 Tactical Vests; 10/2003 TT p98

Dad & Lads; 12/2003 TG p140

Gimme-Gimme World; 07/2003 p201

Guard Your Neck!; 04/2003 p129

How to Host a Tournament for Beginners; 05/2003 p168

Inside Redz Comfort Gear; 05/2003 p44

Instinctively Right!; 08/2003 YG p30

Kappa Delta Manhunt 2003; 08/2003 p208

Meet Jay Fullmer; 08/2003 p204

Night Sniper; 02/2003 p187

Outlasted by these Smokin’ Pants; 12/2003 UC p194

Paintball High; 03/2003 p66

Pastor Skip Orth; 02/2003 p202

Prairie State Games; 02/2003 p124

Raid on Bruneval; 09/2003 p194

Ref, Why!?!; 01/2003 YG p40

Ronin Gear Marker Bag; 01/2003 p119

Snap Shots; 01/2003 SS p226

Snap Shots; 02/2003 p218

Snap Shots; 03/2003 SS p218

Snap Shots; 04/2003 p205

Snap Shots; 05/2003 SS p216

Snap Shots; 06/2003 SS p219

Snap Shots; 07/2003 SS p221

Snap Shots; 08/2003 SS p222

Snap Shots; 09/2003 p206

Snap Shots; 10/2003 SS p206

Snap Shots; 11/2003 SS p209

Snap Shots; 12/2003 SS p206

Swift, Silent...Feminine; 11/2003 UC p176

Talk the Talk; 05/2003 NPN p28

The SCUBA Squad!; 10/2003 UC p162

They Can’t Shoot what They Can’t See!; 11/2003 GG p91

Three Blind Mice at Tourney #1; p174

Thunderbirds Roar; 11/2003 UC p164

Tube Talk; 08/2003 p166

University of Paintball; 05/2003 p154

Use Your Illusion; 03/2003 p82

Why Leaders Matter; 08/2003 p114

William Shatner’s SPPLAT Attack 02/2003 AU p38

Wind Talking; 06/2003 NPN p30

Paintball Magazine


Wassup?; 01/2005 WU p33

Secure Your Gear; 01/2005 PS p44

Task Force 1; 01/2005 IN p68

Bunker Xtreme: From Surplus to Splatball; 01/2005 SP p78

SMP Sponsor Me Please?; 01/2005 TP p84

Pro Darryl Trent; 01/2005 PP p96

Wassup? Paintball’s on a Roll!; 03/2005 WU p26

What’s the best 3-Player Move?; 03/2005 PO p34

Yikes, Spikes!; 03/2005 PS p40

Teeter-Totter; 03/2005 EX p64

Xtreme Christmas in August 03/2005 EX p66

Pro Mark Kressin; 03/2005 PP p96

Wassup?; 04/2005 WU p26

Paintball On Demand?; 04/2005 p58

Head Indoors to Stonemak Paintball; 04/2005 p80

Wassup? Paintball’s Rockin’; 06/2005 WU p28

Hybrid Apparel; 08/2005 p56

Kappa Delta Manhunt in Missouri; 08/2005 p76

How to Live the Adventure; 10/2005 KK p12

Wassup; 10/2005 WU p28

Charles Gaines; 10/2005 p94

(as James Dawson)

16 Winning Tips & Tricks; 04/2005 p40

(as Jay Wilson)

Wilson, Jay; How to Spice up Your Games; 06/2005 p78

Paintball Magazine 2004

Avoiding Lemon Markers; 08/04 p70

Bunker Xtreme: From Surplus To Splatball; 12/04 SP p78

Colt Wallace & His Nissan Xterra; 01/04 p72

Corey Field; 10/04 PP p96

Darryl Trent; 12/04 PP p96

Fighting The War Against Scratches, Dings & Dust; 10/04 EP p58

Fox And The Hound; 10/04 p56

Glitzy-Flesh Or Camo-Black? 04/04 P1 p30

Johnny Perchak; 05/04 PP p96

Man On A Mission; 05/04 PP p38

Mike Lew; 08/04 PP p96

Operation Frozen Arse 2; 10/04 p78

Rich Maliszewski; 08/04 PP p96

Secure Your Gear; 12/04 PS p44

SMP Sponsor Me Please? 12/04 TP p84

Task Force 1; 12/04 p68

This Bag Is My Ticket! 01/04 p62

Tigger’s Mad Skills; 08/04 PP p66

Wassup; 08/04 p37

Wassup? 05/04 p53

Wassup? 10/04 p37

Wassup? 12/04 p33

Whazzup; 01/04 W p48

Whazzup; 02/04 p48

Whazzup; 04/04 p34