Student Services and the Financial Aid Office are pleased to announce this important program.

2017dates are March 2 (Eastern), March 6/7 (Morgantown),and March 20 (Charleston).

RSVP required.

-3 hour am seminar focusing on issues that are important for graduating professionals (including loan repayment and financial planning).

-The opportunity to meet one on one for 30 minutes with a financial advisor to discuss your individual financial situation.

All students are encouraged to attend at the most convenient campus and date.

-You are welcome to bring a significant other/spouse with you to the seminar.

-You are excused from clinical responsibilities to participate in one of these sessions.

- If you are out of town and are only able to attend one day schedule your individual session on the date of the presentation.

-If you are unable to attend at all, contact Eric Meadows at Financial Services for one-on-one follow-up.



Financial Presentation

RSVP required - Lunch provided

When: Thursday, March 2 from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm

Where: Robert C Byrd HSC Eastern Campus – library

Individual Financial Advisor Sessions – ½ hour sessions – By appointment only; (304)264-9202

Thursday, March 2; 12:30 pm – 6:00 pm



Financial Presentation

RSVP required - Lunch provided

When: Monday,March6 from 8:30 am – 12 pm (lunch provided)

Where: 1905 HSCN

Individual Financial Advisor Sessions – ½ hour sessions – By appointment only; (304) 293-2408

Monday, March 6Tuesday, March 7

1:00 pm – 8:00 pm8:30 am-3:00 pm



Financial Presentation

RSVP required– Lunch provided

When: Monday, March 20thfrom 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

Where: WVU Building (Room 3296)

Individual Financial Advisor Sessions – ½ hour sessions – By appointment only;(304)347-1210

Monday, March 20th, 12:30 pm – 8:00 pm