The City Council of Plain City had a work session on Thursday, August 17, 2017, at City Hall beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Present:Mayor Bruce Higley, Councilmembers Mike McKean, Buddy Sadler, Brett Ferrin, and Brad Searle

Staff:Diane Hirschi, Mike Kerswell, Steve Davis

Presenter:Susie Becker

The purpose of this work meeting is to discuss impact fees and to be instructed on impact fee calculation, analysis, and allocation. Mayor Higley called the meeting to order and announced the purpose of the work session. He introduced the presenter, Zion’s Bank representative, Susie Becker.Susie Becker, referring to printed material that was previously distributed to the City Council and Staff, opened the discussion by defining what an impact fee is. She named the infrastructure items that are eligible for impact fee charges and listed the current Plain City infrastructure elements that have ascribed impact fees. She outlined how funds are distributed and how a service such as the one Zion’s Bank provides, will ensure proposed impact fees meet legal requirements and have documented evidence of legitimacy. She told of where legal requirements are found.Susie’s presentation continued with a delineation of the steps of planning impact fee structure. She addressed growth, capacity, other costs, and allocation of fees. Councilmember Searle asked, who will be charged with setting up a plan.Public Works Director, Bren Edwards referred to the written proposal, provided by Zion’s Bank. He advised, the experienced institution will be best suited to set up an impact fee structure for all but engineering elements. He specified, City-contracted J-U-B Engineers have already begun a study into eligible Impact Fees for items of Engineering. Councilmember Searle sought written information and accounting for the Impact Fee schedule associated with engineering items.

Bren Edwards indicated, J-U-B Engineers has not finalized their proposal. He suggested parks and recreation and public safety impact fees be planned while waiting for completion of the study of impact fees for engineering elements. He gave urgency to the updating of a fee schedule that was shaped more than twenty years ago.Susie Becker explained how adjusted numbers can be included in a new plan.Councilmember Searle enquired, who might question the legitimacy of impact fees. Mayor Higley stated, developers often challenge impact fees. He asserted, having a plan drawn up will provide backing in case of legal action. Susie Becker commented on somegray areas of impact fee incorporation. She advised, help from an experienced and knowledgeable planner can be an effective means of disputeaverting. She suggested a cooperative approach to planning an impact fee structure, with open communication between developers and Councilmembers/City Staff. She assured, a close relationship will be developed with the city-contracted engineer to ensure cohesion in impact fee planning.Councilmember Ferrin asked how impact fees are calculated for parks and recreation elements.Susie Becker laid out the plan for parks impact fee structuring. Mayor Higley requested more information regarding individual costs (cost per individual) and how they figure in to the impact fee equation. Susie Becker reviewed the calculation.Councilmember Searle asked for a timeline associated with the study and planning of an impact fee structure. Susie Becker spoke from experience. She explained, information gathering is a large part of the process and is largely the responsibility of the City Council and City Staff. With few other variables, she estimated 5–6 months will be required for study and the drafting of a plan. Councilmember Sadler proposed the process begin as soon as possible so that an updated impact fee structure will be ready for approval next year.City Treasurer, Steve Davis explained the method used to figure the existing impact fee schedule. He noted, maximum speculated costs can be used to calculate impact fees. He spoke to the documenting and use of impact fees. Susie contrasted impact fees and connection fees. She defined “reimbursement agreement”. She described how business licensing fees are arranged in the plan, and commented on new laws on home-based business license fees. Councilmember Ferrin expounded, business license fees are not to be considered in the impact fee study.Councilmember Searle recommended discussion of impact fee schedule review and adjustment be put on the agenda of the next City Council meeting.

The work meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


City Recorder




Date approved