Canons-Rebels Netball Club 2016 Season


SUNDAY 31st January 2016

3.00 To 5.00 pm.

Wilston Grange Australian Football Club

33 Babarra Street, Stafford


Enclosed is your registration form for the 2016 season. Please lodge by one of the following:

1.  Forward it together with your fees to TheTreasurer, Canons Rebels Netball Club, Michelle Amies, 22 Angliss St, Wilston, 4051

2.  Email form to ( and ) and deposit fees into our nominated bank account as stated on the registration form – please use player’s name as a reference

3.  Bring it to Wilston Grange Australian Football Club to our sign on - Sunday, 31st January 2016 - 3pm to 5pm.

Copies of this information booklet and the sign on form are also available on the Canons-Rebels web site – or the Canons Rebel Netball Facebook page. Forms can be downloaded from these sites. Please pass this information on to any of your friends who may be interested in playing with Canons this year.


Total Fees : 1st girl - $280 2nd girl - $265 3rd girl - $265

Minimum payable at sign on: $150 per player

The minimum deposit of $150 will not be refunded if a player withdraws after the first trial night. As the netball insurance year now runs from the 1st January to 31st December, all players must have signed on and paid the deposit before trials to ensure that they are covered by insurance should an injury occur during trials.

Fee Increase:

Our fees have remained the same for numerous years. This year, however, Netball Queensland and Downey Park have increased their fees so we have increased the fees to $280 due to these increases from the both of these bodies.

A bond of $30 is included in the fee per family. The $30 is refundable if a member of the club (i.e. a parent in the case of juniors and a player in the case of seniors) fulfils a duty for the Club. Duties include being a member of the executive, managing a team, or completing a roster in the canteen.

Where does your money go? A large percentage of your fees go to the Downey Park Netball Association - $141 per player as well as $220 per team ground fees. Fees to Downey Park cover a range of activities including maintaining and developing the netball courts and the netball complex, paying for staff administration of the Association, insurance for the Association, and payments to Netball Queensland for player registration and player insurance. The major part of the amount left for the Club goes to the hire of courts for training on Monday night, equipment, end of year trophies, coaches and umpires training courses, payment for our qualified umpires and administration costs.

Uniforms: All uniforms are to be ordered by mail/email ( )or on sign on day or the first trial night. Information on sizes and costs is attached with the order form. It is important that you order the correct size so please check sizes with the uniforms convenors, Alison Smith and Wendy Jones, when you order your uniform.

Membership: For players under 18 years, membership of the club is provided to one parent or guardian. The membership will be recorded in the club's records as the parent/guardian who signs the player’s registration/membership form. Players 18 years and over will hold a membership in the club in their own right. Any other interested person may apply for membership of the club. There is a nominal membership fee of $2.00.

Birth Certificate: All new players to Canons Rebels Netball Club must produce proof of date of birth before they can be registered. Please bring your birth certificate (original certificate, not a copy unless it is a certified copy) with you to sign on day or on the first night of trials. Registration with the Club cannot be accepted without your birth certificate.


Trials are to be held as follows. Please come to the trials ready to play.

MONDAY NIGHTS, 8th FEBRUARY & MONDAY 15th FEBRUARY at the Downey Park Complex.

6.00 pm Net-Set-Go (born 2008/2007); 10 years (born 2006) – please note these players do not have to attend trial nights – training will commence for you 22nd February

11 years (born 2005); 12 years (born 2004)

13 years (born 2003);

7.00 pm 14 years (born 2002 & 15 years (born 2001)

16 years and above and seniors

Playing Times in 2016: Fixtures at Downey Park commence on Saturday, 16th April. All players must be in full uniform and have paid all fees by that date.

Last year playing times were:

Non competitive – 8, 9, or 10 years 8.40am; 9.40am, 10.40am or 12.00 pm

11 years 9.40 am

12 Years 10.40 am

13 yrs 12.00 pm

Cadets 12.00; 1.20; or 2.40

Intermediates/Seniors 1.20, 2.40, or 4.00pm

Playing times will depend on the number of teams registered at Downey Park for the season but should be similar to this year’s times and will be decided by Downey Park and advised to the clubs.

Training: Monday nights - To commence Monday, 22nd February 2015. Times for teams to train will vary depending on the availability of coaches, times coaches are training themselves, and the availability of courts. Not all teams will train at the same time. It is our preference that our younger non-competitive teams will commence training between 5.00pm and 5.30 pm. Times cannot be confirmed until we have all the teams and coaches organised, nor is it possible to guarantee that members of families in different teams will train at exactly the same time.

Downey Park Trials – Mt Franklin Challenge 2016: The DPNA trials for SEQ Challenge teams (the Downey Park State League teams) for 16 years, 19 years and Opens will be on Friday, 5th February 2016 (at St Margaret’s School Courts from 6pm to 9pm). For further details and to obtain a nomination form see the DPNA web site.


Player/Parent Responsibilities

Canons Rebels Netball Club is run by volunteers – executive members, coaches, managers and umpires are all volunteers. Parents are asked to assist with at least one club activity during the year. The areas in which you could assist are listed below. Our Club is a strong Club and last year we had good support from our parents. Let’s continue that in 2016. We all lead busy lives but we ask for your full support in all activities so that we can maintain our strength

Codes of Behaviour

Your attention is drawn to the Parents/Spectators and the Players Codes of Behaviour. Netball Queensland has developed these guidelines and all parents, spectators and players are expected to abide by them.

Team Managers: We require a parent from each team to manage the team. This is a very important role but one which most parents would enjoy.

Canteen: The Club will be rostered to run the Downey Park canteen on two Saturdays during the season and on Semi Final Day. We will also be rostered to assist at the Downey Park Carnival, Sunday,22nd of May 2016. Normally parents assisting in this area would be allocated a 2 hour shift in the Canteen on one of our allocated days but we are always happy to have parents volunteer for more time!!

Coaches Our team numbers are limited by the number of coaches available. We are always looking for new coaches from either players or parents. Training courses are available and the Club is setting up some support for new coaches. Particularly if you played netball yourself, it is a very good way to become more involved in your daughter’s sport. Please let us know if you would be interested in coaching. Reduced fees are available for players who are coaching and for children of parents who are coaching.

Umpiring: The Club is required to provide an umpire for each team every week or the Club faces hefty fines. To meet our requirements we will be seeking interested players and parents who will be prepared to attend the Umpires course (approx. 3 hours) and sit for and pass the umpire’s exam, now available on line. We will pay our umpires per game as follows:

$5 no exam passed

$10 exam completed and passed; umpire course completed

$15 Junior badge – level 1 and exam

$25 Senior badges (level 1, exam, and practical)

$5 – On call and Club on call – but if required to umpire then payments as above

The Club will provide support and ensure there is training for those interested. We will need at least two or three players for every team 13 years and over who are prepared to complete the qualifications and umpire on a regular basis, preferably once per week

Blue Card: The State Government requires that any person over 18 years, who is working with children, either in an employed or voluntary capacity. They must receive a security clearance from the Children’s Commission and be issued with a working with children Blue Card. This will be organised through the Club. Parents who are involved in similar activities to their children are exempt.

EAR RINGS: Note that players cannot take the court with any jewellery even if it is taped over. Players please do not get your ears pierced during the netball season. If you are unable to remove the earring, you will not be able to play.

Please keep this for your record

31`st January 2016 Canons Sign on – 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm

Wilston Grange Australian Football Club, 33 Babarra Street, Stafford.

February 8 Canons Team trials – Downey Park Netball Courts

February 15 Canons Team Trials – 2nd Trials

February 22 Training commences

April 16 Fixtures commence

June 12 DPNA Rep Carnival

May 22 DPNA Club Carnival

July 8, 9, 10 State Age Championship

Sept 17, 18, 19 Challenge Carnival


April 16 and 23

May 7, 14, 21, 28

June 4, 11, 18, 25

July 16, 23, 30

August 6

PINK DAY for Cancer Fundraising May 7th

National Netball Day (Blue Day) July 30th

Semi Finals August 13

Preliminary Finals August 20

Grand Finals August 27

Wet days

Emergency only Sunday, June 5

Emergency only Sunday, August 7

For 8/9 and 10 years August 13

For wet Finals September 3




President / Peter Smith / 0438 945 588 /
Vice President / Michael Brazier / 0478 402 756 /
Secretary / Tara O’Donnell / 0433 432 285 /
Registrar / Megan Reddy / 0414 537 297 /
Treasurer / Michelle Amies / 0438 397 668 /
Umpires Convenor / Sue Maskell and Emelaigh Pederson / 0417 618 002
0418 758 201 /
Uniforms / Allison Smith / 0409 274 455 /
Wendy Jones / 0401 987 374 /
Executive Member / Kerry Leech / 0412 234 572 /
Website /
Facebook / Canons Rebels Netball Club


·  Remember that participants are involved in Netball for their enjoyment and benefit, not yours.

·  Encourage children to play Netball if they are interested. However, if a child is not willing to play, do not force him or her.

·  Focus on the efforts and performance rather than the overall outcome of the event. This assists the participant in setting realistic goals related to his/her ability by reducing the emphasis on winning.

·  Encourage participants to always play according to the rules and the umpires’ decisions.

·  Never ridicule or shout at a participant for making a mistake or losing a game. Positive comments are motivational.

·  Remember to set a good example. Applaud good play from all individuals and teams. Congratulate all participants on their performance regardless of the game’s outcome.

·  Respect the decisions of umpires, coaches and administrators and teach others to do the same.

·  Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from the playing arena, whether it is by spectators, coaches, umpires or players.

·  Show respect for your team’s opponents. Without them there would be no game.

·  Do not use foul language, sledge or harass players, coaches, umpires or administrators.

·  Recognise the value and importance of volunteer coaches, umpires and administrators. They give their time and resources to provide recreational activities and deserve your support.

·  Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their age, gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

·  Spectators are requested not to smoke near the netball courts.

·  DPNA does not permit any animals on or near the courts or in the fenced compound at any time.

·  No spectator is to photograph any player or players without first having obtained permission to do so by the team coach or manager.

·  DPNA reserves the right to immediately remove from DPNA premises, any person who any member of DPNA Executive believes, on reasonable grounds, to have breached this code of behaviour.