Lions Clubs Project / Publicity Vest - (Info Sheet)

Lions Club members in NZ are almost “invisible” to the public when we are undertaking projects.

Most of our Clubs have Club shirts but these are in such varied colours that when Clubs work together on one project (eg: Christchurch earthquake, Rally of NZ etc), then the multiplicity of Club colours does not present an easily recognised“Lions Clubs brand” to the public or newspaper photographers.

The Lions Clubs International gold / purple vest that we often see in overseas Lions photos is the ideal way to be highly visual & easily recognised by the public. The reason most Clubs do not use these is cost - LCI sells the gold / purple vest shown below for $35 US and once it arrives in NZ it is well over $55. This is too high a price for most NZ Lions Clubs.

The 202k District Cabinet has approved Remuera Lionsarranging the manufacture of2000 vests to the same specifications and on-selling them to each Club in our District for just $10 each delivered (inclusive of GST).

YES - just $10 each! They will assist us being easily recognised- “LIONS -WE SERVE”

District Legal ChairChris Lynch has stated that the vests can be paid for from your Projects / Trust Account.


These are bolero style vests that go over the top of polo shirts / bulky jackets. They have Velcro on the front but we recommend you get a size that is larger than your normal clothing size as they are loose fitting.

Three Sizes: Medium; XL; 3XL

Made from 100% poly-twill in gold with purple trim with two Velcro tabs for closure.. Lions’ emblem digitally printed on left front chest (as shown) & on the back (very large).

Your Club can get its name digitally printed on after it arrives in NZat your cost.

Delivery will be 6 - 8 weeks after order & payment / cheque received (no payment - no order).Future supplies will only be available from MD Office (Orewa) at a substantially higher cost.

What do I do now?

- Club decides how many it wants & approves payment ex Projects / Trust Account.

- Complete the order / sizes required (allow extras for new members)

- Fill in the delivery details

Postorder form with cheque attached to: (cheque - Remuera Lions Charitable Trust)

Remuera Lions Club - Vests

P.O. Box 28-061

Remuera, Auckland 1541

ORFax order to 09-267-3712 and pay direct to bank account:

Remuera Lions Club Charitable Trust – Projects Account

Westpac Acct No:03-0259-0331079-02

Please include your Club name in the payment details.