Disability Services Commission

WA NDIS My Way Survey 2015



The Disability Services Commission is implementing a number of strategies to ensure that consumer feedback is informing the development and implementation of the WA NDIS My Way trial. The WA NDIS My Way survey, conducted in early 2015, is one of these strategies.

The WA NDIS My Way survey was a telephone survey coordinated by an external market research company. An external approach to capturing consumer satisfaction was employed by the Commission to maximise the independence of the results. The information below provides a summary of the key results reported by the market research company.

Learning and Refining WA NDIS My Way

Importantly, the results of this survey have been used to review and refine some of the processes and procedures used in the NDIS My Way model to increase consumer satisfaction and improve outcomes.

WA NDIS My Way Survey 2015

The survey took place between 26 February and 31 March 2015 and captured feedback from 201 respondents in the Lower South West trial site. Sixty-seven percent of the respondents were carers and participated in the survey on behalf of the person receiving support through WA NDIS My Way.

Key results

1)  Overall satisfaction with the planning process

Respondents were asked several questions on the WA NDIS My Way planning process including their satisfaction with the process and impact of the plan on the individual’s life.


·  There were high levels of satisfaction with the overall planning process. 80% or four-in-five individuals indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the planning process. Please note that this question is about the planning process, it does not refer to the actual service delivered.

·  80% (rounded) of individuals indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the extent to which their current plan meets their needs.

·  83% of individual indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied that their current plan will make their life better.

Graph 1: Overall satisfaction with the planning process, client’s needs and making their life better

2)  Frequency of contact with WA NDIS My Way coordinator

Respondents were asked how often they had contact with their WA NDIS My Way coordinator in the past three months and if they were satisfied with the frequency of contact.


·  Overall, a total of 79% of clients indicated that they were satisfied with the frequency of contact with their coordinator and 21% indicated that they did not have contact often enough.

·  A total of 34% of those My Way clients who did not have contact with their My Way coordinators in the three months prior to the survey indicated that they felt the frequency of contact was not enough.

Graph 2: Frequency of contact with WA NDIS My Way coordinator in past three months

3)  Satisfaction in supporting carers

Respondents who were carers were asked a range of questions related to their satisfaction with WA NDIS My Way including satisfaction with inclusion in the planning process. Paid support staff and carers supporting an individual less often than several times a week were excluded from the results.


·  A total of 94% of carers of WA NDIS My Way clients indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied that the coordinator treated them with respect. None of the carers reported any dissatisfaction.

·  A total of 92% of carers of WA NDIS My Way clients indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with their inclusion in the planning process.

·  A total of 90% of carers of WA NDIS My Way clients indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the extent to which their coordinator considered their needs as a carer.

Graph 3: Satisfaction with the WA NDIS My Way coordinator treating the carers with respect, including them in the planning process and considering the needs of the carers.


Overall the WA NDIS My Way trial is performing consistently well. As this is the first year that the WA NDIS My Way program has been in operation it can be anticipated that satisfaction levels will increase over time with greater client experience with the scheme and a larger client base.

The results of the 2015 WA NDIS My Way survey provide opportunities for continuous improvement and a baseline for future assessment to establish trends across the trial.