Genetic Engineering Project

Reference: Chapter 13 in your textbook

“Genetic engineering is any process by which the genetic material is changed in such a way as to make possible the production of new substances or new functions.”

Genetic engineering became possible only when scientists had discovered the chemical composition of genes. Prior to the 1950s, the term gene was used to stand for a unit by which some genetic characteristic was transmitted from one generation to the next. Biologists talked about a “gene” for hair color, although they really had no idea as to what that gene was or what it looked like. Once Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA in 1953, the whole situation changed. This discovery gave a chemical meaning to the term gene. The sequence of bases holds the code for some protein and thereby, some genetic trait.

Genetic engineering is a diverse field since anything that changes the genetic material falls in this category. We are going to target the following issues during our exploration of genetic engineering processes, benefits, disadvantages and ethical implications.

  1. Discussing the uses of the HUMAN GENOME PROJECT and the implications of GENETIC TESTING
  3. DNA FINGERPRINTING (using Gel Electrophoresis) to establish DNA DATABASES
  4. CLONING of cells, animals and humans

The Assignment…

  1. Each person in your group selects on of the five topics listed above on which to become an expert.
  1. Use the resources provided and any you find to learn about your topic. Use the following as a guide.
  2. What is it and how is it done? Show and explain the process in detail.
  3. What can this genetic technology be used for?
  4. What are some of the ethical issues and/or other concerns surrounding this aspect of genetic engineering?
  1. Choose to display the issue in the format of a science magazine, a newspaper, a journal, a poster or any other format you wish (clear it with me first - but it can’t be a PowerPoint or electronic).
  1. You will then share what you learned with the other members of your group so that in the end each of you will be knowledgeable about all the issues surrounding genetic engineering.

Gene Therapy & Gene Selection

GeneticScienceLearningCenter: (Use cystic fibrosis as an example of how gene therapy is being done, include a description of vectors)

American Association for the Advancement of Science: - Chapters 1 & 7

The Human Genome Project & Genetic Testing

Human Genome Project:

Human Genome Project at

Human Genome Project at

How do scientists find genes? GeneticScienceLearningCenter:

Association for the Advancement of Science: - Chapters 2 & 3

DNA Fingerprinting … Databanks & Privacy

Human Genome Project:


Blackett Family DNA Activity from the University of Arizona at on the DNA Activity in the upper left corner)

Human Genome Project:

Human Genome Project:

American Association for the Advancement of Science:

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Visit that AmericanMuseum of Natural History (AMNH) website at - follow the links on the right side of the page…

Check out this website to learn more about Greenpeace – True Food Network: These people are activists!!


Understanding the Basics

  • GeneticScienceLearningCenter:
  • Click and Clone:
  • Human Genome Project Information:
  • Biotechnology Online:
  • How Stuff Works:

History of Cloning

  • GeneticScienceLearningCenter:
  • Conceiving a Clone [Timeline]:
  • Genetics Savings and Clone:
  • Guardian Unlimited:
  • BBC NewsRound:
  • GeneticScienceLearningCenter:

Uses and Benefits of Cloning

  • American Medical Association:
  • American Medical Association:
  • Infigen:
  • Clonaid:
  • Roslin Institute:
  • GeneticScienceLearningCenter:
  • Human Genome Project Information:
  • AustralianMuseum Online:
  • Conceiving a Clone:
  • Conceiving a Clone:
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science:
  • GeneticScienceLearningCenter:
  • How Stuff Works:
  • Human Cloning Foundation:
  • How Stuff Works - Stem Cells:

Risks of Cloning / Ethical and Moral Issues

  • American Medical Association::
  • American Medical Association:
  • Roslin Institute:
  • GeneticScienceLearningCenter:
  • GeneticScienceLearningCenter:
  • Human Genome Project Information:
  • BBC News:
  • Conceiving a Clone:
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science:
  • American Medical Association:
  • American Medical Association:
  • Roslin Institute:
  • GeneticScienceLearningCenter:
  • Human Cloning Foundation:
  • University of San Diego
  • Conceiving a Clone:
  • Cloning - How Far Will It Go?

Cloning Legislation

  • American Medical Association:
  • American Medical Association:
  • GeneticScienceLearningCenter:
  • Human Genome Project Information:
  • How Stuff Works:
  • Human Cloning Foundation:
  • Conceiving a Clone:

Grading Rubric: Genetic Engineering Assignment

  • Title = Genetic Engineering (can be creatively added to)
  • Photos of each of the 5 aspects listed below with titles
  • Your name(s)
/ /10
  • Title
  • (10 pts) Description of the issue
  • (10 pts) Complete explanation of HOW the process works
  • (10 pts) Supporting graphics of the process or results of the process
  • (10 pts) Benefits / Uses
  • (10 pts) Disadvantages / Ethical Considerations
/ /50
  • Title
  • (10 pts) Description of the issue
  • (10 pts) Complete explanation of HOW the process works
  • (10 pts) Supporting graphics of the process or results of the process
  • (10 pts) Benefits / Uses
  • (10 pts) Disadvantages / Ethical Considerations
/ /50
  • Title
  • (10 pts) Description of the issue
  • (10 pts) Complete explanation of HOW the process works
  • (10 pts) Supporting graphics of the process or results of the process
  • (10 pts) Benefits / Uses
  • (10 pts) Disadvantages / Ethical Considerations
/ /50
  • Title
  • (10 pts) Description of the issue
  • (10 pts) Complete explanation of HOW the process works
  • (10 pts) Supporting graphics of the process or results of the process
  • (10 pts) Benefits / Uses
  • (10 pts) Disadvantages / Ethical Considerations
/ /50
  • Title
  • (10 pts) Description of the issue
  • (10 pts) Complete explanation of HOW the process works
  • (10 pts) Supporting graphics of the process or results of the process
  • (10 pts) Benefits / Uses
  • (10 pts) Disadvantages / Ethical Considerations
/ /50

Please list ALL group members and CIRCLE your name: