1.1 Patterns of change in religious belief
–identify the main trends in religious belief andpractice in Ireland today
–identify the patterns of religious belief andpractice among young people in the locality andin Ireland as a whole
–establish whether there is a difference betweenthe patterns found locally and the patternsfound nationally
–identify the main trends of religious belief andpractice in contemporary Europe
–explain the difference between secularisation andsecularism, and give a contemporary example ofeach
–name a religious movement new to Ireland andgive a brief description of it under the followingheadings: central beliefs; forms of worship; moralcodes.
PRE-CHRISTIAN IRELAND (Students study 2.1 OR 2.2)
2.1 Local evidence
–name local evidence of pre-Christian religion inIreland
–describe the religious beliefs and/or practicesassociated with this archaeological evidence
–describe any local devotional practices that mayhave their origin in pre-Christian times. Outlinethe original form of these practices and describetheir current form if they still survive.
2.2 Nationalevidence
–name a pre–Christian site of nationalsignificance
–briefly describe the religious beliefs and/orpractices believed to be associated with this site
–give two examples of Irish myths and sagas thatgive insight into pre-Christian religious beliefsand/or practices. Briefly describe these insights.
CHRISTIANITY IN IRELAND (All students study 3.1. Ordinary level students do ONE of 3.2 to 3.6. Higher level students do TWO of 3.2 to 3.6)
3.1 The comingof Patrick
–describe the pattern of Christian belief andpractice in Europe at the time of Patrick
–give two examples of the inculturation ofChristianity in Ireland
–identify two key moments in the development of ‘Irish Christianity’ and explain their significance
–name two characteristics of ‘Irish Christianity’.
3.2 Religion,spiritualityand land
–explain the significance of the cultic marriagebetween the Rí and the land
–give an account of the relationship betweenreligion and the land in Judaism at the time ofJesus
–give one example of the relationship betweenreligious affiliation and patterns of landconfiscation after 17th century
–show how land ownership and landlessness wasassociated with religious identify in Ireland andamong the Irish abroad.
3.3 Religion, spirituality andmonasticism
–identify the origin of the hermit tradition inIreland
–outline the lifestyle of one follower of thehermit tradition in the early Irish church
–account for the regard given to the hermittradition
–describe the significance of community inmonastic Ireland
–describe the role of the monastery as theybecame centres of learning, worship, andhealing, naming a monastery associated witheach activity
–explain the reasons for the move into Europe
–name three Irish founders of monasteries inEurope and monasteries they founded
–give a brief biography of one Irish founder of amonastery in Europe, outlining the significantmoments of his life and work.
3.4 Religion, spiritualityand reforms
–explain how reform movements in Christiantraditions were and continue to be inspired by adesire to return to the origins of Christianity
–show how the Céli Dé and 12th centurymonastic reforms were largely internal reform
–show how the Protestant reforms of the 16thand 17th century were largely external reforms
–give an example of a contemporary reformmovement and indicate whether it is an externalor internal reform.
3.5 Religion and theideas of theEnlightenment
–explain how the new ideas of the Enlightenment
–influenced thinking about civil and divineauthority
–discuss how the Enlightenment in Europeinfluenced thinking about authority in Ireland,with particular reference to the ideas associatedwith the Belfast Enlightenment and the work ofCardinal Cullen
–give an account of the main features of post-Enlightenment religion in Ireland.
3.6 Religion incontemporaryIreland
–identify, giving two examples, the changes thathave taken place in the sphere of influence ofthe Christian churches in Ireland
–identify, giving two examples, how religioncontinues to impact on the lives of people inIreland
–outline the place of religion in the Irishconstitution
–define the term pluralism
–explain how pluralism can affect the social,cultural, political and spiritual dimensions of life
–explain the term “ecumenism” and outline itsaims
–give examples of how the Christian churches inIreland have responded to ecumenism.