Twelve Bridges Middle School

770 Westview Dr.

Lincoln, CA 95645

Stacey Brown, Principal

Randy Woods, Assistant Principal

November 3, 2010

Dear Parent/Guardian:

In accordance with Western Placer Unified School District Policy 6144.2.1., we are notifying you of our intention to show a P.G. or P.G. 13 rated film in Life Science class.

Film Title: Osmosis Jones Rating: P.G. Date to be shown: week of Nov. 15-19, ‘10

Synopsis of Film: The main character’s health is failing due to a virus (live action) and we see how his body systems respond (animated).

Parents or guardians are invited to preview the film on Wednesday, 11/10/10 at 4:00 pm in room 401 at TBMS.

Please have your child return the bottom portion of this form to his/her science teacher by Tuesday, 11/9/10. Students who do not return their form by this date will be assigned an alternative assignment during the video showing.

Thank you,

Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Hladun

My son/daughter,

£  Has permission to view this film.

£  Does not have permission to view this film (an appropriate alternative assignment will be provided).

£  I will grant/deny permission after previewing the film at TBMS on 11/10/10 at 4:00 pm in room 401.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Twelve Bridges Middle School

770 Westview Dr.

Lincoln, CA 95645

Stacey Brown, Principal

Randy Woods, Assistant Principal

November 3, 2010

Dear Parent/Guardian:

In accordance with Western Placer Unified School District Policy 6144.2.1., we are notifying you of our intention to show a P.G. or P.G. 13 rated film in Life Science class.

Film Title: Osmosis Jones Rating: P.G. Date to be shown: week of Nov. 15-19, ‘10

Synopsis of Film: The main character’s health is failing due to a virus (live action) and we see how his body systems respond (animated).

Parents or guardians are invited to preview the film on Wednesday, 11/10/10 at 4:00 pm in room 401 at TBMS.

Please have your child return the bottom portion of this form to his/her science teacher by Tuesday, 11/9/10. Students who do not return their form by this date will be assigned an alternative assignment during the video showing.

Thank you,

Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Hladun

My son/daughter,

£  Has permission to view this film.

£  Does not have permission to view this film (an appropriate alternative assignment will be provided).

£  I will grant/deny permission after previewing the film at TBMS on 11/10/10 at 4:00 pm in room 401.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date