Appraisal Checklist

Doctor’s Name: / Appraisal Date:
Appraiser Name: / Revalidation Date:

This appraisal checklist is to be completed and returned to the Appraisal Team.

In light of the new RCGP Guide to Supporting Information for Appraisal and Revalidation (2016), the purpose of this checklist is to assist the RO and his admin support to monitor that all revalidation requirements have been met throughout each individual doctor’s revalidation cycle. This will allow us to give individual doctors ‘early warning’ where there may be gaps in evidence.

Appraisers are asked to note the presence of individual, appropriate, pieces of evidence within the appraisal document, not to make a decision as to whether a doctor is ‘revalidation ready’

Description of roles (Scope of work): all posts requiring a licence to practice; paid or voluntary.
For every post that forms a separate part of the scope of work has the Doctor demonstrated
-  how they keep up-to-date,
-  that they review what they do
-  what feedback has been received
-  declared all GMC level Significant Events
and Complaints (to the best of your knowledge)? / YES / NO / Comments:
Probity statement reviewed and signed?
Note the specific requirement re adequate and appropriate indemnity cover across the full scope of work / YES / NO / Comments:
Continuing Professional Development (CPD):
Has a minimum of 50 CPD credits been claimed?
Note : One credit = one hour of learning activity demonstrated by a reflective note on the lessons learned and any changes made / YES / NO
Number of Credits? / Comments:
Feedback from colleagues and patients:
Formal colleague feedback completed?
Note: required only once per revalidation cycle / YES / NO / Comments:
Formal patient feedback completed?
Note: required only once per revalidation cycle / YES / NO / Comments:
Has reflection taken place on other forms of patient feedback?
Note: required annually / YES / NO / Comments:
Quality improvement activities (QIA):
QIA included? / YES / NO / Comments:
Type of QIA included (please tick all that apply) – and include post from scope of work
Appraisers are asked to note which QIA is presented, and whether the individuals items are individually appropriate or suitable. Appraisers are not asked to consider whether the totally of the QIA is adequate to meet the requirements for revalidation – because this judgement has to be made across the whole revalidation cycle.
Tick / Comments / area of practice
Large scale national audit
Formal audit
Review of personal outcome data
Small scale data searches
Information collection and
analysis (Search and Do activities)
Plan/do/study/act (PDSA) cycles,
Significant event analysis (SEA)
Reflective case reviews
Outcomes of reflection on formal patient and colleague feedback
Outcomes of reflection on Significant Events
Outcomes of reflection Complaints
Other: Please state:

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