
A student’s attendance is essential to learning – learning that includes not only factual subject matter, but also attendance habits, work habits, attitudes, and ideals. Reading the material and performing satisfactorily on tests does not compensate for the loss of insight gained during class discussion or explanation. Furthermore, every student contributes to every other student; therefore, a student who is absent short-changes him/herself. Poor attendance interrupts the process of education. It also impedes the continuity of the lessons presented, the ability of the students to understand and gain insight from the classroom experiences, and the students’ ability to establish proper work habits. Students need to come to school every day and benefit from interaction, discussion, and teacher support available during class time. Every absence whether excused or not, interrupts the student’s understanding of the material being presented and weakens his/her interests in the continuing program.

Research indicates that a direct correlation exists between school attendance and achievement. Higher academic achievement generally occurs for students who regularly attend classes, while excessive absences generally result in achievement below the level of expectation and/or failure. Students who have good attendance records generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school more. At the end of the year, each student’s daily attendance data is transferred to his/her permanent records. Attendance is also recorded on all students’ transcripts. Regular school attendance improves learning, establishes dependable work habits, and allows students to take full advantage of the educational opportunities necessary for their development.

The State of Indiana places education at the top of its priorities. Accordingly, Indiana Public Law 221 and federal legislation, No Child Left Behind, have set a 95% benchmark for a school’s minimum attendance rate. Attendance rate is one of the factors that are considered when public schools are placed in performance categories and compared to other public schools. Indiana attendance law mandates that every student enrolled must be in attendance unless he/she is ill or there is a death in the IMMEDIATE family. As a means of emphasizing the importance of school attendance, a student who violates the attendance policy may receive one or more of the following consequences:

  • School discipline
  • Revoking Open Enrollment Status
  • Referral to Child Protective Services
  • Referral to Johnson County Prosecutor’s Office

The cooperation of the student, parents and the school is essential in providing a firm framework for the student to achieve the fundamental foundation of regular school attendance.

Procedure to Report an Absence

  • A parent/guardian is to call the school office to report a school absence ON THE DAY OF THE ABSENCE
  • Voicemail on the school office phone is available 24 hours a day to report an absence. Calls prior to 8:00 a.m. are encouraged and appreciated
  • A call is needed EACH DAY a student is absent.

Make-up Work

Attendance and participation is an important part of a student’s work and evaluation of that work is essential. Students are responsible for making up all school work from any absence.

A student will receive an equal number of days to make up work as he/she was absent from school. Example – if a student is out one day, they have one day to make up the work when returning to school.


“Except upon the judgment of a competent physician, children between seven and sixteen years of age must attend school regularly unless mentally or physically unfit. Parents or guardians shall be held legally liable for the irregular attendance of their children or wards, and

violation of the provisions of this act, whenever the parent or guardian is a party to the violation, shall be punished either by a fine of not less than ten dollars and no more than two hundred dollars, or by confinement of the parent or guardian in the county jail, or a sentence

of both fine and imprisonment shall be passed at the discretion of the court.” As stated by law, students are required to attend school on a regular basis. When a student is not attending school on a regular basis, the student’s parents will be notified by phone and/or by

mail. Several attempts will be made to improve the student’s attendance; however, students that do not attend school on a regular basis, and have received notification from the attendance officer, will be referred to Johnson County Office of Family Children and the Johnson County Office of Juvenile Probation. Continual irregular attendance could result in the student being retained the next school year.

It shall be the duty of the school nurse to send home immediately any pupil who is ill, or who is unclean and emits offensive odors, or who is infested with lice or other vermin. In this instance, the absence from school would be considered excused.


Excused Absences are the following:

1. Illness (written verification or phone call required);

2. Death in the immediate family (verification may be required);

3. Quarantine (verification required);

4. Child to Work Day; (A prearranged absence is required).

5. Medical and dental appointment. Upon returning, an appointment card or doctor’s note must be presented. Failure to bring suchnotes may result in the absence being considered unexcused.


1.A student who is absent from school without the knowledge of the parent/guardian is considered TRUANT. Such absences are UNEXCUSED.

2.Students who are truant will receive disciplinary action.

Exempt Absences – Exempt absences are recorded as excused in the student’s attendance record. However, when appropriate documentation is provided an exempt absence does not count toward the attendance limit. Exempt absences by the school include:

  1. Suspensions
  2. Incarcerations
  3. Observance of a Bona Fide Religious Holiday
  4. Physical or Mental Incapacitation. Documentation from a physician stating the student was either physically or mentally incapable of attending school is required. This classification does not include professional appointments.

Exempt by Statute – In accordance with the Indiana Compulsory Attendance Law, a student excused from school attendance under this section may not be recorded as being absent on any date for which the excuse is operative and may not be penalized by the school in any manner.

  1. Service as a Page or as an Honoree of the General Assembly. Must be verified by a certificate of the secretary of the senate or the chief clerk of the House of Representatives.
  2. Service on Precinct Election Board or for Political Candidate or Parties. Before the date of the election, the student must submit a document signed by one (1) of the student’s parents giving permission to participate in the election as provided in this section, and the student must verify to school authorities the performance of services by submitting a document signed by the candidate, political party chairman, campaign manager, or precinct officer generally describing the duties of the student on the date of the election.
  3. Witness in Judicial Proceeding. Submit the subpoena or documentation to the appropriate school authority for verification.
  4. Educationally Related Non-Classroom Activity. The governing body of a school corporation may authorize the absence and excuse of a student who attends any educationally related non-classroom activity. Any educationally related no-classroom activity must meet all the following conditions: (a) Is consistent with and promotes the educational philosophy and goals of the school corporation and the state board; (b) Facilitates the attainment of specific educational objectives; (c) Is part of the goals and objectives of an approved course or curriculum; (d) Represents a unique educational opportunity; (e) Cannot reasonably occur without interrupting the school day; and (f) Is approved in writing by the school principal.

Assignments will NOT be provided prior to the event.

Students will be allowed nine (9) absences from school. Once a student has reached nine absences, he/she will be required to provide a doctor’s note for any futureabsence. Further absences without an accompanying doctor’s note will result in a referral to Johnson County Juvenile Probationand Johnson County Office of Family and Children for irregular attendance.

Doctor’s Notes

Although a doctor’s note is not required until a student has exceeded nine absences, it is always recommended to bring a doctor’snote when returning to school. The date(s) indicated on the doctor’s note will NOT be included in a student’s unexcused absence total.In addition, any related absence up to two days before and two days following the documented doctor’s visit will also be consideredexcused and not be included in a student’s absence total. As a courtesy, the school will contact parents/guardians when their child has accumulated five absences and again when he/she has accumulated ten days absences without a doctor’s note.

Half Day Absences/Tardies

Parents are encouraged to schedule their child’s appointments during NON-SCHOOL- HOURS or during Early Release times. In the event that is not possible, the following guidelines apply:

  • If a student misses more thanTWO (2) hours of the school day, it will be counted as a half-day absence. This includes excused and unexcused absences.
  • Early dismissal days count as a full day of school when calculating a student’s attendance rate.
  • Children who arrive in the CLASSROOM after the morning bell (9:00 A.M.) will be counted tardy. All tardy students are to be signed in by an adult in the school office.
  • If a child is frequently tardy, further action will be taken.

Vacations During the School Year

If parents/guardians are requesting their student be excused from school for a family vacation, a written letter notifying the school must be received 30 days before the first day of absence. The student will have one day per day of absence to make up the work. Assignments will NOT be provided prior to vacation.

Consequences for Excessive Absences

  • When a student reaches FIVE (5) absences of any kind in a semester, a letter will be mailed to the parent/guardian informing them of the accumulated absences
  • When a student reaches NINE (9) absences of any kind in a semester, a letter will be mailed to the parent/guardian informing them the limit has been reached
  • When a student reaches TEN (10) absences of any kind in a semester, a second letter will be mailed indicating the student is in violation of CGCSC attendance policy. A referral to Johnson County Division of Family and Children Services may be initiated.
  • Excessive absences will result in prompt consequences according to the following table:

10thAbsence or Tardy / Letter home, Parent/guardian is required to attend a conference with school administration, Parent/guardian and student may be referred to juvenile court system.
11 or more Absences or Tardies / Can result in a disciplinary action towards that student at school official’s discretion and/or additional reporting to Johnson County.

*Any differentiation of this policy will be in the discretion of the school official.

Excessive Absences due to Chronic or Prolonged Illness

A student who suffers from prolonged or chronic illness may be eligible for a waiver of consequences for unexcused absences. A conference with the school administration is required to discuss this possibility, and a CERTIFICATE OF CHILDERN’S INCAPACITY must be provided by the child’s doctor.

Extracurricular Activities

A student who is unable to attend school is also unable to attend extracurricular activities later in the same day. A student who attends school for four class periods may attend extra-curricular activities that day. A student who is unable to participate in an approved physical education class may not participate in athletics, cheerleading, or intra-murals. Students serving In School or Out of School Suspension may not participate in or attend class activities or extracurricular activities on the assigned days.

Perfect Attendance

A student is considered to have perfect attendance if he/she has been in attendance during every school day as having zero absences or tardies as outlined under State Attendance Laws.