Algebra I Course Syllabus

Mrs. Perdue

Glenwood School


Welcome to the start of a new school year! Math is all around us, and is usedeveryday, which makes this course vital to both students’ academic and social lives. This year, students will investigate mathematical ideas in numerous ways. Some problems involve real world application while others are purely mathematics. I hope to provide a positive, educational class experience that students will enjoy!

Supplies Needed

  • Textbook: will be issued the first week of school
  • Binder filled with an ample supply of loose leaf notebook paper
  • Pencils: math work is to be completed in pencil ONLY! If students are using a mechanical pencil then please make sure they have plenty of lead
  • Eraser
  • Graph paper

Course Description: Algebra I is broken into five categories: Relationships between Quantities, Linear Relationships, Exponential and Quadratic Relationships, Advanced Functions and Equations, and Data Analysis.

Math Binders: Math binders can be used to help students develop, practice, and refine their mathematical understanding, while also enhancing reading, writing, and communication skills. The binder will also encourage organization.


Grades are earned, not given. Turning in the very best work possible, on time, are ways to help improve one’s math grade! Extra credit will not be given at the end of the 9-weeks!!

A= 100-90

B= 89-80

C= 79-70

D= 69-65

F= 64 and below

Your grade will be calculated by the following:

Tests/Quizzes 60%

Homework/Daily Assignments 40%

If you are absent on a day that an assignment is due or a test is given, you will be responsible for the assignment or need to be ready to take the test on the day of your return.

Discipline: All classroom behavior should be “school appropriate”. Students are expected to be respectful to me and their fellow classmates at all times.

Cell Phones: Cell phones should not be out or accessed during class. Appropriate cell phone use is described in the handbook. Parents who need to get in touch with their child during the day should call the front office as expressed in the handbook. Please see the handbook for consequences of getting your phone taken up.

I look forward to a great school year!! If you have any questions or need to get in touch with me, you can call the school at (334) 297-3614 and leave me a message or e mail me at .


Jennifer Perdue

Parent Signature

Student Signature