Card #3 -Irregular Words

better / person / were / carry
put / work / kind / saw

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

ever / find / come / wasn’t
family / everywhere / find / ever
were / work / put / saw
carry / kind / were / won’t

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

y / sh / ee / ea
ue / ie / y / ai
y / kn / ew / ou
ck / i_e / oa / ch

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

cry / shout / feet / beat
blue / roots / cow / proud
play / chew / trees / bugs

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 1; Day 1

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

sky / dry / by
puppy / candy / jelly
sly / chilly / easy
spy / rabbit / cutting

Happy ducks fly south.

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: Fussy Gail

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Fussy Gail

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

funny / by / feet / seat
glue / stool / sky / bumpy
knocks / like / toast / chips

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Fussy Gail

I Love Reading Books #80-81

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 1; Day 1

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

wear / old / start / under
shoe / very

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

talk / through / ever / find
come / wasn’t / through / talk
family / everywhere / were / work
put / saw / carry / kind

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

y / sh / ee / ea
ue / oo / y / ay
y / kn / ew / ou
i_e / th / o_e / ch

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

by / shout / peel / seal
clue / boot / try / mush
shine / keep / we / with

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Sunny’s Buddy

Card #3 - Regular Words

try / by / dance / my
cry / open / else

Card #3 - Irregular Words

though / any / around / talk
ocean / ever / Granddaddy

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading

by (p. 19)

my (p. 19)

try (p. 27)

cry (p. 29)

Granddaddy (p. 21)

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

cry / shout / feet / beat
blue / roots / cow / proud
play / chew / trees / bugs

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Fussy Gail; Sunny’s Buddy

I Love Reading Books #80-81

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 1; Day 2

Card #3 - Irregular Words

around / ever / talk / dance
ocean / though / else / open

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

open / ocean / talk / through
ever / find / ocean / open
come / wasn’t / family / everywhere
were / work / put / saw

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

y / sh / ee / ea
ue / oo / y / o
y / ck / ew / ou
a_e / th / u_e / sh

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

try / hash / meal / feed
cue / spoon / cry / shop
left / clue / lock / eat

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 1; Day 3

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading

invite (p. 33)

picnic (p. 21)

basket (p. 21)

lightning (p. 25)

follow (p. 35)

tractor (p. 36)

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Summarize

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

by / shout / peel / seal
clue / boot / try / mush
shine / keep / we / with

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Fussy Gail; Sunny’s Buddy

Anthology: When I Am Old With You

I Love Reading Books #80-81

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 1; Day 3

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

everyone / around / open / ocean
talk / through / around / everyone
ever / find / come / wasn’t
family / everywhere / were / work

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

oy / oi / ew / sh
ou / sh / oy / oi
ee / ow / oi / oy
oa / wh / igh / ea

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

boy / coil / drew / ship
drew / ship / coy / foil
might / pinch / roast / coin

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 1; Day 4

Card #3 - Regular Words

try / hash / meal / feed
cue / spoon / cry / shop
left / clue / lock / eat

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Fussy Gail; Sunny’s Buddy

Anthology: When I Am Old With You

Anthology: Inventions Then and Now

I Love Reading Books #81-82

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 1; Day 4

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

else / dance / everyone / around
open / ocean / dance / else
talk / through / ever / find
come / wasn’t / family / everywhere

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

oy / oi / ew / sh
ay / sh / oy / oi
ee / ow / oi / oy
ch / i_e / ou / ck

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

joy / soil / flew / shape
chew / mash / ploy / oils
fire / play / ride / rocks

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: I Spy

Card #13 - Phonics Library: I Spy

‘Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

boy / coil / drew / ship
drew / ship / coy / foil
might / pinch / roast / coin

Partner Reading

Anthology: When I Am Old With You

Anthology: Inventions Then and Now

Phonics Library: Fussy Gail; SunsetBeach; I Spy

I Love Reading Books #80-81

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 1; Day 5

Card #3 - Regular & Irregular Words

around / ever / talk / dance
ocean / though / else / open

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

of / wash / else / dance
everyone / around / wash / of
open / ocean / talk / through
ever / find / come / wasn’t

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

oy / oi / ew / sh
ew / sh / oy / oi
a_e / ow / oi / oy
ng / ou / ee / ch

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling-Focused

Roy / spoil / chew / ships
few / toy / prowl / toil
waves / long / out / keep

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 2; Day 1

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling-Focused

dry / penny / dries / buses
pennies / inches
guppies / patches
pitches / candies

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

reseal / unpack / unwrap
retry / uncooked / redo
unload / remake

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: Bo’s Bunnies

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Bo’s Bunnies

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

joy / soil / flew / shape
chew / mash / ploy / oils
fire / play / ride / rocks

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Bo’s Bunnies

I Love Reading Books #82-83

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 2; Day 1

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

school / done / of / wash
else / dance / done / school
everyone / around / open / ocean
talk / through / ever / find

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

oy / oi / ew / sh
ew / sh / oy / oi
a_e / ow / oi / oy
oo / ou / ee / ch

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

boy / foil / grew / shell
dew / round / toy / boil
just / house / new / soon

Card #13 - Phonics Library: The Fleet Street Club

Card #3 - Irregular Words

after / before / buy
done / wash / pretty
school / families

Card #3 - Regular Words

boxes / brushes / off
unloaded / rejoined / repaid
wishes / unpack

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Evaluate

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading

brushes (p. 55)

boxes (p. 56)

wishes (p. 66)

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Evaluate

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading

unloaded (p. 56)

unpacked (p. 65)

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

Roy / spoil / chew / ships
few / toy / prowl / toil
waves / long / out / keep

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Bo’s Bunnies; The Fleet Street Club

Anthology: The New Friend

I Love Reading Books #82-83

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 2; Day 2

Card #3 - Irregular Words

after / buy / off / school
before / done / pretty / wash

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

pretty / into / school / done
of / wash / into / pretty
else / dance / everyone / around
open / ocean / talk / through

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

oy / oi / ew / sh
ew / sh / oy / oi
a_e / ow / oi / oy
oo / ou / ai / ck

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

ploy / oil / threw / mash
news / shout / soy / point
paint / house / truck / crates

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Evaluate

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

boy / foil / grew / shell
dew / round / toy / boil
just / house / new / soon

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Bo’s Bunnies; The Fleet Street Club

Anthology: The New Friend

I Love Reading Books #82-83

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 2; Day 3

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

before / buy / pretty / into
school / done / buy / before
of / wash / else / dance
everyone / around / open / ocean

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

aw / au / o / ou
au / aw / oo / igh
ay / au / aw / ue
a_e / ck / wh / oa

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Spelling

bawl / fault / ouch / boil
haul / crawl / food / high
room / glad / made / round

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 2; Day 4

Card #3 - Regular Words

ploy / oil / threw / mash
news / shout / soy / point
paint / house / truck / crates

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Bo’s Bunnies; The Fleet Street Club

Anthology: The New Friend

I Love Reading Books #82-83

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 2; Day 4

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

enough / after / before / buy
pretty / into / after / enough
school / done / of / wash
else / dance / everyone / around

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

aw / au / oi / oy
au / aw / oo / igh
ay / au / aw / ue
ce / tch / a_e / oa

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

saw / sauce / pound / coil
moon / shawl / Paul / sight
boy / found / clutch / gave

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: Peaches/Screeches

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Peaches/Screeches

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

bawl / fault / ouch / boil
haul / crawl / food / high
room / glad / made / round

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Bo’s Bunnies; The Fleet Street Club

Anthology: The New Friend

I Love Reading Books #80-83

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 2; Day 5

Card #3 - Regular & Irregular Words

after / buy / off / school
before / done / pretty / was

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 -Irregular Words

edge / only / enough / after
before / buy / only / edge
pretty / into / school / done
of / wash / else / dance

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

aw / au / oi / oy
au / aw / oo / igh
i_e / au / aw / ue
ch / tch / a_e / gn

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

raw / haul / moist / bound
launch / flow / boom / night
nest / still / hide / safe

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

oil / boil / coin
boy / joy / join
draw / haul / lawn
fault / shawl / sauce
boys / cause / coins
gnaw / straw / paw
point / launch / law
caw / joins

The boy saw a hawk.

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

joyful / sadly / useful
cloudy / neatly / slowly
rainy / helpful / proudly
lucky / safely / painful
bumpy / gladly / jumpy
lumpy / brightly / quickly

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Jenny’s Big Voice

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

saw / sauce / pound / coil
moon / shawl / Paul / sight
boy / found / clutch / gave

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Jenny’s Big Voice

I Love Reading Books #84-87

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 3; Day 1

Card #3 - Regular & Irregular Words

after / buy / school / off
before / pretty / done / wash

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

garden / sharp / edge / only
enough / after / sharp / garden
before / buy / pretty / into
school / done / of / wash

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

aw / au / oi / oy
au / aw / oo / igh
i_e / au / aw / ue
ck / ea / qu / ch

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused Words

claw / pause / toy / coin
clause / raw / scoop / sight
chick / clean / slept / quilt

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Joy Boy

Card #3 - Irregular Words

taught / edge / enough
only / sharp / together
garden / watched

Card #3 - Regular Words

boy / carefully / fluffy
fuzzy / hawk / pointed
saw / baby

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Question

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading

boy (p. 81)

hawk (p. 87)

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Question

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

raw / haul / moist / bound
launch / flaw / boom / night
nest / still / hide / safe

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Joy Boy

Anthology: The Surprise Family

I Love Reading Books #84-87

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 3; Day 2

Card #3 - Regular & Irregular Words

baby / enough / only / together
edge / garden / sharp / watched

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

watched / together / garden / sharp
edge / only / together / watched
enough / after / before / buy
pretty / into / school / done

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

aw / au / oi / oy
au / aw / oo / igh
i_e / au / aw / ue
ng / ea / qu / ck

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

law / launch / broil / stout
pause / bawl / plight / spoon
pond / night / wings / song

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Question

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading

carefully (p. 101)

pointed (p. 102)

ducklings (p. 105)

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

claw / pause / trout / coin
clause / raw / scoop / sight
chick / clean / slept / quilt

Partner Reading

Anthology Selection: The Surprise Family; Jenny’s Big Voice; Joy Boy

I Love Reading Books #84-87

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 3; Day 3

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

water / some / watched / together
garden / sharp / some / water
edge / only / enough / after
before / buy / pretty / into

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

or / ore / oy / au
ue / oi / ore / or
or / ore / ow / ou
sh / th / ai / a_e

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

sport / chore / joy / haul
fuel / porch / point / shore
safe / left / held / cried

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

law / launch / broil / stout
pause / bawl / plight / spoon
pond / night / wings / song

Partner Reading

Anthology Selection: The Surprise Family

Phonics Library: Jenny’s Big Voice; Joy Boy

I Love Reading Books #82-83

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 3; Day 4

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

kind / loved / water / soe
watched / together / loved / kind
garden / sharp / edge / only
enough / after / before / buy

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

or / ore / oy / au
ue / oi / ore / or
or / ore / ew / ou
igh / wh / ck / sh

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

card / store / boil / Paul
blue / more / coin / torn
fluff / like / while / ducks

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling Focused Word Reading: Shawn’s Soy Sauce

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Shawn’s Soy Sauce

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

sport / chore / joy / haul
fuel / porch / point / shore
safe / left / held / cited

Partner Reading

Anthology Selection: The Surprise Family

Phonics Library: Jenny’s Big Voice; Writer’s Home; Shawn’s Soy Sauce

Houghton Mifflin 2005; Grade 1; Theme 9; Week 3; Day 5