The Friendship Societyof Washington, DCMembership

The Eurasia Center’s American-Eurasian Art Foundation

Information & Activities
THE FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY of WASHINGTON, DCwas thrilled by number of people who attended our parties and exhibitions in 2012 and 2013. As you may know, we have been arranging receptions, art exhibitions and roundtable discussions for the past several years and we would like to continue to organize such fine activities. This is why we need your support by becoming a member of the FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, D.C., promoting international friendship.The Friendship Society bringstogether area professionals and those interested in meeting new friends, networking,sharing each other's ideas on culture, travel, and business. Listen to interesting music and enjoy each other's company.
Make a pledge for just a small amount per year ($35), you can join as a MEMBER OF THE FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY of WASHINGTON, D.C. As part of our MEMBERSHIP REWARDS PROGRAM you will receive a party membership card and be given a special discount to all our regular activities - holiday events, happy hours,art exhibitions, etc. You can also claim your membership as a tax-deductible contribution.The card is good for one year from the date you register.
The Friendship Society and the Eurasia Center are organizing an upcoming event featuring Russian Artist Alexey Zoob at the Churchill Hotel on Thursday July 25th and we need your support. This exhibition will be held as our special Summer Cultural Event.Become patron of the Exhibit for just $150, you will be helping our Art Foundation help organize the event...and receive two complimentary passes to the event and be listed on the Program Guide for the event. Corporations are also encouraged to sponsor the event for $250. Your Company’s logo will go to our over 101,000 subscribers and over the one million people who have visited our website.

Colors of Summer, by Alexey Zoob
We are organizing a number of parties, social happy hours, art exhibitions including one with the famous European painter, Pavel Vavrys, who will be coming to Washington, D.C. from Europe as well as some other artists this year.
Currently we are planning a social events at different area embassies and our upcoming ART EXHIBITS will be exciting and interesting, plus please remember our networking Happy Hours for professionals.
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(You may email info. to )Membership is $35 per person.

_____YES, I would like to become a member of the FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, D.C. & The EurasiaCenter
Principal Contact Name:______




City/State or Province/Zip or Post Code: ______

Tel:______Fax: ______

Email Address: ______--______

Membership Amount ($35 per person): _____ Patronage Amount $150 _____

Corporate Patron Art Exhibition: _____ $250 Corporate Patron 2013-2014: _____ $500

If more than one, extra names listed: ______

*Paid by Credit Card (X): ___VISA ___MasterCard ___AMEX ___Discover

Card in Name of:______

Address of Card Holder (Must match card): ______

Expiration Date:______Amount Billed: ______

*(by check)

If you are sending a check, please make check payable to: The EurasiaCenter

You can email the registration form to

Such registrations can be faxed to: 202-237-1452 or mailed to:

The EurasiaCenter

4927 Massachusetts Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20016 USA
