Rule Procedure

Subject Number Number


ACLS Certification Fees 6Hx23-5.17 P6Hx23-5.17

Abandoned Property (Tangible and Intangible) P6Hx23-5.131

Abolishment of a Position - Career Service Personnel 6Hx23-2.17 P6Hx23-2.17

Absence from Class Due to Illness 6Hx23-4.31 P6Hx23-4.31

Absences from Class:

• Instructor P6Hx23-2.25

• Student 6Hx23-4.30 P6Hx23-4.30


• Advising 6Hx23-4.48

•  Affairs: Academic Honesty Policies 6Hx23-4.461 P6Hx23-4.461

• Average and Repeated Courses 6Hx23-4.15 P6Hx23-4.15

• Appeals to Exclude Coursework

from Grade Point Average Calculations 6Hx23-4.15 P6Hx23-4.15

• Admission and Records 6Hx23-4.15 P6Hx23-4.15

• Clinical Probation, Suspension, and

Dismissal, Health Related Programs P6Hx23-4.53

• School-Based Hours Probation, Suspension, and

Dismissal, College of Education Programs 6Hx23-4.721 P6Hx23-4.721

• Dismissal 6Hx23-4.46 P6Hx23-4.46

• Field Trips 6Hx23-3.03 P6Hx23-3.03

• Freedom 6Hx23-3.01 P6Hx23-3.01

•  Good Standing P6Hx23-4.46

• Honesty Guidelines, Academic Affairs 6Hx23-4.461

• Scholarships, Academic Merit Scholars 6Hx23-4.49 P6Hx23-4.49

• Titles - Establishment of Academic Rank P6Hx23-3.901

• Warning, Probation and Suspension 6Hx23-4.46 P6Hx23-4.46

• Working Calendar - See: Preparation

of Payroll Calendar P6Hx23-5.916

Acceleration Mechanisms 6Hx23-4.28 P6Hx23-4.28

Acceptable Use, Information Technology 6Hx23-6.900 P6Hx23-6.900

Access to:

• Buildings, Hours P6Hx23-6.907

• Student Records 6Hx23-4.37 P6Hx23-4.37

Accident Insurance 6Hx23-5.08


• Involving Injury to Students or Staff 6Hx23-1.20 P6Hx23-1.20

• Occurring on College Property 6Hx23-1.25


• Equipment, Receiving of P6Hx23-5.130

Accounts Payable:

• Request for Invoice P6Hx23-5.905

Accounts Receivable P6Hx23-5.27


• College 6Hx23-1.31

•  Reporting of Substantive Changes 6Hx23-1.32 P6Hx23-1.32

Accurate Records and Reports 6Hx23-5.01 P6Hx23-5.01

Acquisitions of Computers P6Hx23-6.902

Acquisition of Construction Management Services 6Hx23-6.12 P6Hx23-6.12

Acquisition of Professional Architectural, Engineering, Landscape

Architectural or Surveying and Mapping Services 6Hx23-6.08 P6Hx23-6.08

Acting (definition) 6Hx23-1.01

Acting Positions - Administrative/Professional Personnel

Activities: 6Hx23-2.20 P6Hx23-2.20

• Student 6Hx23-4.38

• Student Related, Funds Used for 6Hx23-5.21 P6Hx23-5.21

• Students, Admission, Programs - General 6Hx23-4.01 P6Hx23-4.01

Adjunct and Supplemental Personnel 6Hx23-2.23

Adjunct Teaching Faculty (definition) 6Hx23-1.01

Administration and Organization - College Employees

Who Are Candidates for Public Office P6Hx23-1.901

Administrative Computer Center, Software Management P6Hx23-6.904

• See: Administrative Computer Rooms General Security P6Hx23-1.8102

Administrative Computer Support P6Hx23-6.903

Administrative Computer System, Use of: P6Hx23-6.905

• See also: Administrative Computer System, Use of P6Hx23-1.801

• See: Career Service Appeals of

Disciplinary Action 6Hx23-2.19 P6Hx23-2.19

• See also: Student Disciplinary Appeal 6Hx23-4.35 P6Hx23-4.35

• See also: Student Grievances and Appeals 6Hx23-4.36 P6Hx23-4.36

Administrative Leave from Continuing Contracts for

Instructional Personnel 6Hx23-2.21 P6Hx23-2.21

Administrative Personnel:

• Certification 6Hx23-2.022

• Definition 6Hx23-1.01

• Not Under Continuing Contract - Reappointment

or Nonreappointment 6Hx23-2.22

• Professional Development P6Hx23-2.022

Administrative/Professional Employee Evaluations

Administrative/Professional Personnel:

• Classification and Reclassification 6Hx23-2.20 P6Hx23-2.20

• Contracts, Personnel P6Hx23-2.2011

• Employment 6Hx23-2.20 P6Hx23-2.20

• Lateral Transfer 6Hx23-2.20 P6Hx23-2.20

• Leave 6Hx23-2.28

• Promotions 6Hx23-2.20 P6Hx23-2.20

• Reappointment 6Hx23-2.22

• Reassignment 6Hx23-2.20 P6Hx23-2.20

• See also: Instructional Personnel 6Hx23-2.201 P6Hx23-2.201

• Resignation 6Hx23-2.27 P6Hx23-2.27

• Substitute 6Hx23-2.25

• Suspension or Dismissal P6Hx23-2.2011

• Temporary Appointment 6Hx23-2.20 P6Hx23-2.20


• Baccalaureate Programs P6Hx23-4.11

• By Exception-Students with Disabilities P6Hx23-4.10

• College of Education Programs—Special Rules 6Hx23-4.72 P6Hx23-4.72

• College of Public Safety – Southeastern Public 6Hx23-4.73 P6Hx23-4.73

Public Safety Institute, Requirements of

• Requirements, General 6Hx23-4.02 P6Hx23-4.02

• Requirements of the Dental Hygiene Program 6Hx23-4.54 P6Hx23-4.54

• Requirements of the Emergency Medical

Services Program 6Hx23-4.55 P6Hx23-4.55

• Requirements of The Funeral Services Program 6Hx23-4.71 P6Hx23-4.71

• Requirements of Health Related Programs

Associate in Science, Certificate, and Applied

Technology Diploma—Special Programs 6Hx23-4.53 P6Hx23-4.531

• Requirements of the Medical Laboratory

Technology Program 6Hx23-4.57 P6Hx23-4.57

• Requirements of the Health Information

Management Program 6Hx23-4.70 P6Hx23-4.70

• Requirements of the Nursing Program 6Hx23-4.69 P6Hx23-4.69

• Requirements of the Physical Therapist Assisting Program 6Hx23-4.60 P6Hx23-4.60

• Requirements of the Radiography Program 6Hx23-4.68 P6Hx23-4.68

• Students, Programs, and Activities - General 6Hx23-4.01 P6Hx23-4.01

• Requirements of the Respiratory Care Program 6Hx23-4.61 P6Hx23-4.61

• Requirements of the Veterinary Technology Program 6Hx23-4.50

• to the College, Requirements, General 6Hx23-4.02 P6Hx23-4.02

Admissions and Records:

• Academic and Repeated Courses 6Hx23-4.15 P6Hx23-4.15

• Admissions - General 6Hx23-4.02 P6Hx23-4.02

• Admission to the College, General 6Hx23-4.02 P6Hx23-4.02

• Classification of Students P6Hx23-4.903

• See: Curriculum and Instruction 6Hx23-3.04 P6Hx23-3.04

• Social Security Benefits for Students P6Hx23-4.907

Admissions Applications - See: Receipts, Deposits, and

Disbursements 6Hx23-5.04 P6Hx23-5.04

Admissions Offices – See: Receipts, Deposits, and Disbursements 6Hx23-5.04 P6Hx23-5.04

Adopting Rules and Procedures P6Hx23-1.11

• See: Curriculum and Instruction 6Hx23-3.04 P6Hx23-3.04

Advanced Placement:

• See: Credit from Non-Traditional Sources 6Hx23-4.17

• See also: Acceleration Mechanisms 6Hx23-4.28 P6Hx23-4.28

Advanced Students - Articulation Program - Medical

Laboratory Technology Program 6Hx23-4.57 P6Hx23-4.57

Advancement, Career Personnel P6Hx23-2.901


• General 6Hx23-1.14

• Rules and Procedures 6Hx23-1.11

• Student Publications 6Hx23-4.40 P6Hx23-4.40

Advising and Counseling 6Hx23-4.48

Advisors to Student Organizations P6Hx23-4.44

Advisory Committees, Technical Education 6Hx23-3.08 P6Hx23-3.08

Affiliations, Institutional 6Hx23-1.13

Affirmative Action 6Hx23-2.01

Age Discrimination 6Hx23-2.01

Age Requirement for Employment 6Hx23-2.02

Agents, Solicitors, Salesmen 6Hx23-1.15

AIDS/HIV and Communicable Diseases 6Hx23-1.91 P6Hx23-1.91

Alcohol and Drug Testing Program for Commercial

Motor Vehicle Operators 6Hx23-2.021

Alcoholic Beverages - Possession by Students 6Hx23-4.33 P6Hx23-4.33

Allocation Policy, Information Technology Resources P6Hx23-6.9001

Alternative Instruction Centers 6Hx23-4.47

Alternatives to Traditional College Preparatory Instruction 6Hx23-4.452

Alumni Association 6Hx23-1.33 P6Hx23-1.33

Amending Rules and Procedures P6Hx23-1.11

Americans With Disabilities Act - Employment 6Hx23-2.012

Ammunition, Dispensing of P6Hx23-5.133

Analyses of Management P6Hx23-5.901

Animals on Campus, Service Animals and 6Hx23-1.251

See also: Assistance Animals P6Hx23-1.251

Annual Salary Increases Instructional Full-Time Personnel 6Hx23-2.201 P6Hx23-2.201

Annuities - Payroll Deduction Authorization 6Hx23-5.11

Appeal of Classification or Reclassification of Positions 6Hx23-2.023


• Student Grievances and 6Hx23-4.36 P6Hx23-4.36

• Regarding the Disciplinary Rule 6Hx23-4.35 P6Hx23-4.35

• Academic 6Hx23-4.36 P6Hx23-4.36

Appeals to Waive CLAST Requirements 6Hx23-4.15 P6Hx23-4.15

Application for Admission - See: Receipts, Deposits, and

Disbursements 6Hx23-5.04 P6Hx23-5.04

Applications for Employment - See: Requirements of

Records for All Employees 6Hx23-2.08 P6Hx23-2.08

Application Fees:

• Fees 6Hx23-5.17 P6Hx23-5.17

• for Scholarships P6Hx23-4.035

• Receipts, Deposits, and Disbursements 6Hx23-5.04 P6Hx23-5.04

• Refunds 6Hx23-5.19

Application for Graduation 6Hx23-4.24 P6Hx23-4.24

Appointment/Dismissal of President 6Hx23-1.061

Architects, Professional Services 6Hx23-6.08 P6Hx23-6.08


• Accurate Records and Reports: P6Hx23-5.01

• Public Records Retention, Management and Destruction P6Hx23-5.919

Articulation Program for Advanced Students - Medical

Laboratory Technology Program 6Hx23-4.57 P6Hx23-4.57

Articulation - High Schools and Colleges P6Hx23-4.909

Assault by Students 6Hx23-4.33 P6Hx23-4.33

Assembly 6Hx23-1.151 P6Hx23-1.151

Assessment of Prior Learning:

• Acceleration Mechanisms 6Hx23-4.28 P6Hx23-4.28

• Credit from Non-Traditional Sources 6Hx23-4.17

• Fees 6Hx23-5.17 P6Hx23-5.17

Assessment of Prior Learning - Fees 6Hx23-5.17 P6Hx23-5.17

Assessment - Progress 6Hx23-4.45

Assignment of Employees by the President 6Hx23-2.02

Assistance Animals P6Hx23-1.251


• Degrees - Awarding of 6Hx23-4.24 P6Hx23-4.24

• in Applied Science Degree - Graduation Requirements 6Hx23-4.29 P6Hx23-4.29

• in Science Degree - Graduation Requirements 6Hx23-4.29 P6Hx23-4.29

Associations and Organizations, Professional, Memberships in 6Hx23-5.14


• Boosters 6Hx23-1.33 P6Hx23-1.33

• Intercollegiate, Eligibility for 6Hx23-4.18

• Program 6Hx23-4.38

• Scholarships - See: Scholarships, Athletic Grants-in-Aid

and Student Financial Assistance P6Hx23-4.03

See also: Scholarships, Student Activities & Athletic Grants-In-Aid P6Hx23-4.031

Attendance - Class Attendance Policy 6Hx23-4.30 P6Hx23-4.30

Attorneys, College Attorney and Board Attorney,

Contact with P6Hx23-5.904

Auditorium and/or Gallery Reservations P6Hx23-6.909

Audits and Management Analyses P6Hx23-5.901

Authority to Incur Traveling Expenses 6Hx23-5.16

Procedure P6Hx23-5.161

Authority of President 6Hx23-1.06

Automobile Insurance - Payroll Deduction Authorization 6Hx23-5.11

Auxiliary Enterprises and Undesignated Gifts 6Hx23-5.07 P6Hx23-5.07

Auxiliary Enterprises Operations P6Hx23-5.071

Awards Ceremonies - See: Official Entertainment P6Hx23-5.908


Baccalaureate Programs – Admission P6Hx23-4.11

Baccalaureate Programs Scholarships 6Hx23-4.4912 P6Hx23-4.4912

Bad Checks - See: Collection of Financial Obligations

and Delinquent Accounts 6Hx23-5.27 P6Hx23-5.27

Bad Check Charge 6Hx23-5.171 P6Hx23-5.171

Bankruptcies, Student P6Hx23-5.27

Basic Human Rights 6Hx23-1.341

Benefits, Veterans:

• Veterans Administration P6Hx23-4.912

• Veterans - Disabled P6Hx23-4.913

• Veterans - Monitoring Academic

Progress for Veterans or Eligible Persons Receiving

Educational Benefits from the Veterans Administration P6Hx23-4.914

Benefits, Worker's Compensation 6Hx23-2.902

Blood Test Analysis Fees 6Hx23-5.17 P6Hx23-5.17

Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan 6Hx23-2.905

Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan for Students 6Hx23-2.9051

Board (definition) 6Hx23-1.01

Board of Trustees:

• Duties and Powers 6Hx23-1.03

• Facsimile Signature of the Chairman 6Hx23-5.26

• Meetings 6Hx23-1.04

• See: Presentation of Arguments and Evidence 6Hx23-1.10

• See also: Public Comment P6Hx23-1.04

• See also: Uniform Rules of Procedure 6Hx23-1.072

• Travel by 6Hx23-5.16 P6Hx23-5.161

• Trustee Emeritus 6Hx23-1.03

• See: Meetings of the Board of Trustees 6Hx23-1.04

Bomb Threats: 6Hx23-1.23

• See also: Policy on Threats, Violence, Etc. 6Hx23-1.232 P6Hx23-1.232

Books, Library, and Materials - See: Property Records: 6Hx23-5.13 P6Hx23-5.13

Bookstore, Financial Obligations 6Hx23-5.27

Bookstores - Auxiliary Enterprises Operations P6Hx23-5.071

Boosters 6Hx23-1.33 P6Hx23-1.33


• Allocation, Student Activities P6Hx23-4.361

• Amendments P6Hx23-5.02

• Preparation and Approval 6Hx23-5.02 P6Hx23-5.02

• Supervisor, Responsibility of P6Hx23-5.13

Budgeted Employee (definition) 6Hx23-1.01

Budgeted Part-time Employment - Career Service Personnel 6Hx23-2.15 P6Hx23-2.15


• Access Hours P6Hx23-6.907

• Grounds Security - General P6Hx23-6.906

• Security - Keys P6Hx23-6.907

Buildings, Sanitation and Maintenance 6Hx23-6.01

Bulletin Boards, etc. - Student Activities P6Hx23-4.910

Buses, Rental of P6Hx23-5.909

Business - Rental of Cars, Buses, Etc. P6Hx23-5.909



• Administration Fees, Non-Students 6Hx23-5.17 P6Hx23-5.17

• Requirements, Waiver of 6Hx23-4.15 P6Hx23-4.15

• Testing 6Hx23-4.45

CLEP (College Level Examination Program) 6Hx23-4.28 P6Hx23-4.28


• College 6Hx23-1.29

• Committee P6Hx23-1.905

• Payroll P6Hx23-5.916

• Working P6Hx23-1.905

Campus Crime Report P6Hx23-4.371

Cancellation of Registration due to Non-payment of Fees 6Hx23-4.01 P6Hx23-4.01

Cancellation of Students' Classes Due to Financial Obligations 6Hx23-5.27

Candles, Incense & Heat Activated Deodorizing Devices P6Hx23-1.371

Candidates for Public Office - College Employees P6Hx23-1.901

Capital Improvement Fees 6Hx23-5.17 P6Hx23-5.17

Career Service Employees:

• Advancement P6Hx23-2.901

• Abandonment of Position 6Hx23-2.19 P6Hx23-2.19

• Administrative Transfer P6Hx23-2.152

• Appeal of Disciplinary Action 6Hx23-2.19 P6Hx23-2.19

• Definition 6Hx23-1.01

• Discipline 6Hx23-2.19 P6Hx23-2.19

• Emergency Work 6Hx23-2.15 P6Hx23-2.15

• Employment 6Hx23-2.15 P6Hx23-2.15

• Evaluations 6Hx23-2.15 P6Hx23-2.15

• See also: Evaluation of College Personnel 6Hx23-2.10 P6Hx23-2.10

• Lateral Transfer 6Hx23-2.15 P6Hx23-2.15

• Liberty Interest Violation Claim 6Hx23-2.19 P6Hx23-2.19

• Meetings 6Hx23-1.27

• Performance Evaluations 6Hx23-2.15 P6Hx23-2.15

• Probationary Status 6Hx23-2.19 P6Hx23-2.19

• Promotions 6Hx23-2.15 P6Hx23-2.15

• Reduction in Force 6Hx23-2.17 P6Hx23-2.17

• Resignation 6Hx23-2.27 P6Hx23-2.27

• Salaries P6Hx23-5.911

• Unacceptable Conduct/Discipline 6Hx23-2.19 P6Hx23-2.19

• Unsatisfactory Work Performance 6Hx23-2.19 P6Hx23-2.19

Cars, Rental of P6Hx23-5.909

Cellular Telephones, Use of P6Hx23-5.920

Ceremonies - See: Official Entertainment P6Hx23-5.908

Certificates, General Requirements for Awarding 6Hx23-4.24 P6Hx23-4.24

Certificates, Program, Issuing P6Hx23-4.243

Certification of Instructional, Administrative and Professional 6Hx23-2.022

Change in Employment Grade for Instructional Personnel 6Hx23-2.24

Change of College Name (Temporary Rule) 6Hx23-1.081

Change Orders to Construction Contracts 6Hx23-6.09 P6Hx23-6.09

• See: Curriculum and Instruction 6Hx23-3.04 P6Hx23-3.04

Changes in Program, Registration P6Hx23-4.906

Charters for Student Organizations P6Hx23-4.44

Cheating: 6Hx23-4.33 P6Hx23-4.33

• See also: Academic Honesty 6Hx23-4.461

Check Cashing Fund - See: Receipts, Deposits, and Disbursements 6Hx23-5.04 P6Hx23-5.04

Checks, Returned/Dishonored P6Hx23-5.27

Child Support Payments, Withholding from Employee's Salary 6Hx23-5.171 P6Hx23-5.171

Citizenship Instruction Course Special Fees 6Hx23-5.17 P6Hx23-5.17

Class Attendance 6Hx23-4.30 P6Hx23-4.30

Classes by Employees During Work Hours 6Hx23-2.02


• Descriptions - Administrative/Professional Personnel 6Hx23-2.20 P6Hx23-2.20

• Descriptions - Career Service Personnel 6Hx23-2.15 P6Hx23-2.15

• See: Curriculum and Instruction 6Hx23-3.04 P6Hx23-3.04

• Positions - Administrative/Professional Personnel 6Hx23-2.20 P6Hx23-2.20

• Reclassification of Positions, and 6Hx23-2.023

• Reclassification of Positions - Career Service Personnel 6Hx23-2.15 P6Hx23-2.15

• Students 6Hx23-4.16 P6Hx23-4.903

Classrooms, Special Purpose 6Hx23-6.07

Clinical Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal, Health

Related Programs P6Hx23-4.53

Clubs - See: Student Organizations P6Hx23-4.44

Code of Conduct – Student 6Hx23-4.33 P6Hx23-4.33

Coding, Standardized - Management Information

System (MIS) P6Hx23-1.903

Collection of:

• Financial Obligations and Delinquent Accounts 6Hx23-5.27 P6Hx23-5.27

• Money from Students 6Hx23-1.17 P6Hx23-1.17

•  Receipts, Deposits, and Disbursements 6Hx23-5.04 P6Hx23-5.04


• Attorney and Board Attorney, Contact with P6Hx23-5.904

• Calendar 6Hx23-1.29

• Colors 6Hx23-4.38

• Credit in Lieu of Experience - Career Service 6Hx23-2.15 P6Hx23-2.15

• Elections, Presidential Approval for P6Hx23-1.06

• Emblem 6Hx23-4.38

• Employees (definition) 6Hx23-1.01

• Facilities, Student Use of - Student Activities P6Hx23-4.911

• Facilities: 6Hx23-1.21

• See also: Use and Rental of College Facilities and

Related Equipment 6Hx23-5.09 P6Hx23-5.09

• Level Examination Program (CLEP):

• See: Acceleration Mechanisms 6Hx23-4.28 P6Hx23-4.28

• See also: Credit from Non-Traditional Sources 6Hx23-4.17

• Literary Magazine 6Hx23-4.38

• Motto 6Hx23-4.38

• Name, Change of (Temporary Rule) 6Hx23-1.081

• Newspaper 6Hx23-4.38

• Nickname 6Hx23-4.38

• Personnel (definition) 6Hx23-1.01

• Preparatory Instruction: 6Hx23-4.451 P6Hx23-4.451

• See also: Alternatives to Preparatory Instruction 6Hx23-4.452

• Property - Lending and Rental P6Hx23-5.132

• Vehicles, Fleet Management 6Hx23-1.22 P6Hx23-1.22

• Vehicles, Use of 6Hx23-1.221

College of Education Programs—Academic/School-Based

Hours Probation, Suspension and Dismissal 6Hx23-4.721 P6Hx23-4.721

College of Education Programs—Special Rules 6Hx23-4.72 P6Hx23-4.72

College of Public Safety – Southeastern Public Safety

Institute, Requirements of 6Hx23-4.73 P6Hx23-4.73

College Facilities, Naming of 6Hx23-6.14

Collegiate High School Students – Admission P6Hx23-4.05

Color Discrimination 6Hx23-2.01

Colors, College 6Hx23-4.38

Combination Lock Deposit 6Hx23-5.171 P6Hx23-5.171

Comment, Public, Board of Trustees’ Meetings 6Hx23-1.04 P6Hx23-1.04

Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators,

Alcohol and Drug Testing of 6Hx23-2.021

Committees 6Hx23-1.28

Committees, Advisory, Technical Education 6Hx23-3.08 P6Hx23-3.08

Communications Course Fees 6Hx23-5.17 P6Hx23-5.17

Communicable Diseases, and HIV/AIDS 6Hx23-1.91 P6Hx23-1.91

Community Relations - See: High Schools and Colleges -

Articulation P6Hx23-4.909


• Package, Presidential 6Hx23-1.062

• Salary Schedules 6Hx23-2.06

• Tutoring, for 6Hx23-2.26


• Time - See: Workday and Workweek 6Hx23-2.14 P6Hx23-2.14

Competitive Pricing Requirements - See: Purchasing 6Hx23-5.12

Complaint Resolution Process P6Hx23-4.363

Complaints from the Student Body P6Hx23-4.38

Complaints/Grievances, Employment P6Hx23-2.021

Complaints/Grievances, Students 6Hx23-4.36 P6Hx23-4.36

Complimentary Textbooks, Resale of 6Hx23-3.911 P6Hx23-3.911

Computer Acquisitions P6Hx23-6.902

Computer Center, Administrative, Software Management P6Hx23-6.904

Computer/Information Technology Use 6Hx23-6.900 P6Hx23-6.900

Computer Lab Fees 6Hx23-5.17 P6Hx23-5.17

Computer Information Services:

• Access to Administrative Computer System After Hours P6Hx23-1.8103

• Administrative Computer and Networking Systems Security: P6Hx23-1.8101

• See also: General, Administrative Computer Rooms Security P6Hx23-1.8102

• Authorization for Collegewide Network Security Passwords: P6Hx23-1.8106

• Authorization for PeopleSoft Security Passwords P6Hx23-1.8109