Comparing pH Thrive to competitive products…

How is pH Thrive different from other pH drops?

Test tube mineral vs pH Thrive?

Virtually all of our competitors sell what we call a “test tube” pH drop. This is where bulk minerals are added to a base of deionized water, for the sole purpose of raising the pH in water to a very high level. Usually these products are highest in potassium; a vital mineral for sure, but very high levels are used, and typically three or four different salt types (i.e. potassium bicarbonate, potassium lactate, Tripotassium phosphate, potassium hydroxide). Then they add trace amounts of calcium and magnesium, and some will add in what everyone refers to as 72 trace minerals. These products are designed, in the tube, to lift the pH level of water to anywhere between 8 to 9.5. This seems impressive, but there are three issues with this.

  • Our body’s mineral balance was predetermined long ago and it is very close to the balance of minerals that naturally occur in sea water. As an example, there have been emergency medical procedures completed where sea water has been substituted for blood plasma in surgery. Our bodies readily accept these ionic (carrying an electric charge) minerals derived from sea-based minerals, due to their natural balance. Simply adding several types of potassium, and sometimes sodium, calcium, and magnesium doesn’t mean the body will readily accept those minerals to help balance our body’s pH levels.
  • Perhaps most important, is the fact that most of these products really focus on lifting the pH of water to a level of 9.5 and beyond...but there are several that don’t deliver on their claim. We have tested most of our competitors with a pH meter that also measures oxygen reduction potential, or ORP value; we saw varying results. For example, Body Rescue pH Protector Drops claim a very high 12.25 pH when 6-8 drops are added to 8 oz. of water. Our test, using purified water, showed that the pH of the water tested was only elevated 1 point. One competitor, pHion, makes the customer use 2 different bottles of drops for each glass of water. They claim that one bottle, which issimply 2 types of potassium, is the pH booster. They claim the other bottle is the ionizer, containing magnesium and chloride with added trace minerals of unknown origin. It’s an expensive product, and a hassle of working with two bottles. It tested at 9.4 in purified water. Others tested within the 8.0-9.5 pH range, with the higher numbers produced in those that contained the highest levels of potassium. This is not what our bodies use to balance pH levels. There are four major alkaline minerals: sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. pH Thrive contains each of these minerals in natural balance, with the exception of sodium, which has been naturally extracted in our manufacturer’s solar evaporation process. We obviously tend to get too much sodium in our diets, and potassium deficiency is also typically uncommon. Where we tend to be most deficient is in magnesium. pHThrive’s highest alkaline mineral constituent is magnesium.
  • Minerals regulate pH balance, also known as Acid-Base Balance. First and foremost, we should concern ourselves with proper fruit and vegetable consumption, as these are where our bodies naturally derive the needed macro and trace minerals for many of our body’s functions including pH balance. The problem is that most do not eat anywhere near enough whole raw veggies and fruits to maintain the needed daily supply. That’s where pH Thrive comes in. It’s full spectrum mineral content supplements what we’re missing in our deficient diets (especially magnesium!). Most of our competitors focus on potassium in unbalanced ratios, simply because it will produce very high pH in water. Unfortunately, in the amount of potassium used in these competing products; it will also burn skin, mucus membranes, and the eyes. It’s the minerals; not just high pH water, that regulates our pH levels.
  • pH Thrive contains very little sodium. In these times of low sodium initiatives, due to the over-consumption of salt in our diets, our manufacturer felt it necessary; in keeping with our mission of building balanced health, to remove most of the sodium from our product. In a 40 drop daily serving of pH Thrive, there is only 5 mg of sodium. Some of our competitor’s products do contain sodium in varying amounts, with a couple of them listing it as a main ingredient. Interestingly, some of our competitors do not have the FDA-required nutritional facts listed on their bottles, so we are left to guess at quantities of mineral contents.


Alkaline Mineral pH Drop
Product Comparison
Product / Size / Servings
Per Unit / Average Retail
Cost / Cost
Per Serving / Product
Body Rescue
pH Drops / 1.25 fl. Oz. / 75
(8 drops per serving) / $8.30 / $.11 / Unknown source of ingredients, no listing of minerals content*
Balance Booster / (2) 2 fl. Oz.
Bottles / 250
(6 drops per serving) / $29.95 / $.12 / 2 bottles to mess with, skin and eye contact health warnings!*
Plasma pH / 2 fl. Oz. / 110
(10 drops per serving) / $29.95 / $.27 / Only Sodium and Potassium, imbalanced, VERY expensive!!!*
Mineral Drop / 1.2 fl. Oz. / 225
(4 drops per serving) / $24.95 / $.11 / Very high Potassium, warnings for skin and eye contact!*
Alkaline Drops / 1.0 fl. Oz. / 75
(8 drops per serving) / $12.95 / $.17 / Weaker Magnesium-Chloride drop, expensive per serving*
Health Resources
Alkaline Body
Balance Drops / 2 fl. Oz. / 344
(4 drops per serving) / $29.95 / $.09 / Exact same formula as Alkazone*
Trace Minerals Research
Optimal pH Drop / 1 fl. Oz. / 120
(4 drops per serving) / $14.99 / $.12 / Also GSL-derived, same content as pH Thrive but higher cost*
pH Life™
pH Thrive
Concentrated Mineral Drop / 2 fl. Oz. / 240
(4 drops per serving) / $19.99 / $.08 / 100% natural, full spectrum minerals balance. Ionic trace minerals for superior absorption.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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