Plantwise Country Plans 2015
CABI Region:Africa
Plantwisestart date:2011
Team: Noah Anthony Phiri and Julien Lamontagne-Godwin
- Developing/Strengthening national partnerships
- Organise a national stakeholder forum in Kinshasa region
The situation in Beni is still unstable and under constant review by the CABI Plantwise team to support the operations in the region. In addition, £1900 sent to the region is untraceable, hence sending funds to the area is limited at this stage. If the security situation improves, backstopping visits will continue to support the established network of plant clinics
- Make visits to network with partners and stakeholders to strengthen collaboration needed for plant health systems development in Kinshasa
- Trainings
- Modules 1 &2 for 25 people in new clinic areas around Kinshasa
- Develop 15 PMDG+ 10 Fact sheets) by 10 previously trained national experts with the support of CABI staff
- Plan and conduct Data Management Training for staff supporting the new clinics around Kinshasa
- Establish network of plant clinics
- Establish 5 new plant clinics in areas around the Kinshasa province with possibility of exploring Baskongo
- Hold two cluster meetings as a feedback mechanism for performance monitoring sharing, quality assurance, and data information review.
- Support materials for plant doctors and farmers
- No Activity planned for 2015
- In-country data management
- Clinic data processing (Recording, Collection, & Collation)
- Entering administration data into the POMS
- Facilitate in-country use of POMS
- Promotion of the KB
- Sharing with and use of data by national partners
- Monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment
- CABI staff will backstop plant clinics and carry out monitoring of plant clinics when in DRC
- Plant clinic linkages
Linking plant clinics with agro-input suppliers
- Invite agro input supplier representative to the national stakeholder forum
Linking with diagnostic services
- Continue discussions with Clinic de plant to use their clinic for provision of referral diagnostic services
Plant health rallies and mass extension campaigns
- In-country scaling-up of Plantwise
- Advocacy and public awareness
Public awareness
- Participation in local farmer fair, exhibitions, agriculture show – if available
Embedding Module 1&2 and PHS approaches in diploma or degree level training
- Review and planning
- Hold a national stakeholder forum for the Kinshasa region
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