10th Grade

End of instruction


Broken Arrow Public Schools



Content Standard 1: The student will analyze the transformation of the United States through its civil rights struggles, immigrant experiences, settlement of the American West, and the industrialization of American society in the Post-Reconstruction through the Progressive Eras, 1865 to 1900.

1. Examine the purpose and effects of the...... (1.1 A)

13th Amendment : Purpose ______End Slavery in US ______

______Effect:______Effectively ended slavery in US ______

14th Amendment: Purpose ____Citizenship and equal protection for all Americans

______Effect:____required government to provide equal protection to all

15th Amendment: Purpose ____prohibits states from denying citizens right to vote

______Effect:____South still found ways to discriminate

2. Assess the impact of…… (1.1 B) (1.3 H)

3. Assess and summarize…… (1.3 G)

Plessy v. Ferguson: Assess and Summarize ______Supreme Court case that said that it was ok to segregate the US if it was “separate but equal” ______

4. Summarize the…… (1.2 A)

Push-pull factors for immigration:

Ellis Island __Immigrant processing facility in NY. Used to keep immigrants from coming to America

5. Examine the rationale behind federal policies on Native Americans. (1.2 B)

Reservations______Public land where Indians were forced to live______

Assimilation ______absorbing people into main culture ______


Wounded Knee _____1890 confrontation between US cavalry and Sioux Indians that Marked the end of Indian Resistance

Dawes Act____1887 law that divided reservation land into individual private family plots


6. Compare the contrasting viewpoints of…… (1.2 C)

7. Analyze the impact of leading industrialists as…… (1.3 A)

Robber Barons______Name given to euntrepenurs who stole and swindled labor in order to make more money

Philanthropists __Wealthy business owners who gave back to the public through donations and gifts

John D. Rockefeller __owner of Standard Oil. Horizontal integration

Andrew Carnegie _ US Steel tycoon who controlled the steel industry and had influence over many other industries (vertical integration)

Gospel of Wealth_____Carnegie’s idea of make as much money as you can and give it away.

8. Identify the impact of new technologies by…… (1.3 B)

Thomas Edison ______Invented the light bulb and thousands of other items______

Alexander Graham Bell _Invented the telephone

Bessemer Process ______process of mass producing steel using extreme heat

9. Evaluate the contributions of …… (1.3 C)

Muckrakerswriters who uncovered and exposed misconduct in politics or business

Ida Tarbell ___Book that exposed corruption of standard oil -harmful trusts

Upton Sinclair ___wrote the book “the Jungle” which exposed the problems in the meat packing industry…led to laws to regulate food industry

10. Explain the changed government policies regarding…… (1.3 C)

Child Labor ___laws that prevent businesses from using cheap labor of children to lower prices and make it hard for adults to find work

Working Conditions__Unsafe work environments, dangerous work, sweatshops, child labor, low wages

Sherman Antitrust Act__1890 laws banning any trust that restrained interstate trade or commerce

11. Analyze major social reform movements of …… (1.3 D)

Women’s Suffrage ____Right to vote for women______


Temperance Movement ______Temperance is the practice of not drinking alcohol.______

______Key to movement is to protect the family

Susan B. Anthony / Alice Paul / Jane Addams
Fight for right to vote-
Suffrage / Fought for temperance and suffrage / Created Hull House for inner-city services

12. Evaluate the significance of the labor movement on…… (1.3 E)

Pullman Strike __1894 railway workers strike ______

Haymarket Riot___1889 labor related protest which ended in deadly violence___

Eugene V. Debs____worked as American Railway Union leader. Called for a strike

13. Evaluate the rise and reforms of the Progressive Movement. (1.3 F1)

Progressive Movement___believed that new ideas, honest efficient government could bring about social Justice.


Direct primary / Initiative petition / Referendum / Recall
Election where citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections / People have power to propose laws directly / Citizens approve or reject laws approved by legislature / People power to remove a public servant from office

14. Describe the impact of William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold speech. (1.3 F2)

____Bryan spoke for “the plain people of this country” calling for the coinage of silver and a number of other populist ideas.

15. Explain the conservation of the environment under Theodore Roosevelt. (1.3 F3)

___Roosevelt called for a “rational use” policy. Preserve forests until the trees become grow into mature lumber. Also, national Reclaimation act gave fed gov. power to decide how water would be shared

16. Analyze the series of events leading to the effects of the…… (1.3 F4)

Content Standard 2: The student will analyze the expanding role of the United States in international affairs as America was transformed into a world power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, 1890 to 1920.

1. Compare and contrast the economic, religious, social and political rationales for…… (2.1 A)

“White man’s burden”__ that the rich (whites) have a moral duty and obligation to help "the poor" colored)

Annexation of Hawaii __Made Hawaii a territory of the US

Alfred T. Mahan _Historian who called America to build a large navy to become a world power

Action of the anti-Imperialist League _wanted the US to not imperialize other nations

2. Assess the role yellow journalism had in starting the war with Spain. (2.1 B)

Exagerated headlines in newpapers and called for US to attack Spain

3. Examine how the Spanish and American War started. (2.1 C)

New territorial acquisitions _Puerto Rico, Phillippines, Guam, (Cuba- but did not become US territory)

Insurrections in Cuba and Philippines _Major insurrection in Cuba led by Jose Marti. US sends troops (led by T Roosevelt and the Rough Riders). Phillipines, US sends troops to rule over Philipinnes.

4. Compare and contrast foreign policies of Presidents…… (2.1 D)

All military interventionism and territorial acquisition _Puerto Rico, Philipines, Guam, Hawaii

Panama Canal __US helped Panama gain freedom and then built the Panama Canal to cut time traveling to Pacific ______

5. Analyze and summarize…… (2.2)

the 1912 Presidential election between Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Debs__Taft and Roosevelt split Republican vote…wilson wins election of 1912

Dealing with trust___T. Roosevelt becomes the ‘trustbusting” president. Taft bust double the amount of trust. ______

Suffrage movement__Women fight for the right to vote

Trade tariffs__Tax on imported goods.______

“Bull Moose Party”____3rd party Roosevelt created to challenge Taft for Presidency

6. Summarize the transformation from neutrality to engagement in World War I. (2.3 A)

World War I____Militarism, Imperialism, Alliances, ___Germany attacks Europe

Zimmerman Note___German note to Mexico to attack US. Intercepted and causes US to enter war

Unrestricted submarine warfare _Deadly German U-boats attacked any ship on the ocean.

7. Analyze the experiences of the war’s…… (2.3 B)

Home front _US made changes at home to prepare for war.

Propaganda US creates CPI to educate public on war

Women’s increased role in industry _High demand for women to work in factories due to men fighting in the war

Marshaling of industrial production US will create WIB (War Industry Board) _____

Great Migration ____Movement of Africans Americans from the south to the North and West to find a better life, free of discrimination and full of jobs_

The Draft _Selective Service Act – authorizing a draft for young men_

Suppression of individual rights_ German Americans faced Discrimination

First Red Scare_widespread fear of communist infiltrating US society and Government.

8. Examine…… (2.3 C)

Wilson’s Fourteen Points_Wilsons proposed peace terms to end WWI- “peace without Victory”

Return to isolationism_US would not get involved in world affairs

Rejection of the League of Nations Senators known as the “irreconcilables” opposed the treaty that contained a League of Nations

Content Standard 3: The student will analyze the cycles of boom and bust of the 1920s and 1930s on the transformation of American government, the economy, and society.

1. Describe the cultural expression in…… (3.1 A)

Harlem Renaissance_ movement by poets, musicians, novelist, and artist that celebrated African American culture.

Jazz Age_New form of music created in South that became very popular in US and world

“talkies”_Movies that had sound synchronized with the pictures

2. Describe the rising racial tensions in American society…… (3.1 B)

Resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan_1920s saw a rise of this terrorist group again almost 5 million members

Tulsa Race Riot_Riot started in Tulsa’s Greenwood district where the African American community was attacked resulting many deaths, businesses and homes destroyed.

Poll taxes__Designed to keep African Americans from voting by charging them to vote

Literacy tests _designed to keep Af Am from voting by making them pass a test

3. Examine the growing labor unrest and the use of…… (3.1 C)

Sit down strikes_Strike where employees sit down and refuse to work until labor demands are met

Court injunctions __Courts side with business and forces labor back to work

Socialism_Labor will be infiltrated with socialist ideas.______

Communism__The US will face a wave of ideas from communist. –labor unions?

4. Describe the booming economy based on…… (3.1D)

Easy credit___ …People borrowing money at a high rate______

Installment buying Buy now pay later ___

Modern Conveniences_New Appliances will dominate markets (dishwashers, radios, cars)______

Automobile__Completely changed American society. People could travel and also many moved to suburbs.

5. Assess the impact of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. (3.1 E)

______Indians born within the US would be considered citizens and have all rights as a citizen

6. Identify the causes contributing to an unstable economy, including the overproduction of agriculture

products. (3.2 A)

Speculation__Guessing whether stocks would go up or down. Led to risky investments

Buying on margin____borrowing money to buy stocks ___

Laissez-faire policy__Economic philosophy where government keeps its “hands off” business

7. Examine the role of…… (3.2 B)

Stock-market crash_stock market lost over half its value (black Tuesday)

Bank failures_People have “runs on the banks” withdrawling money causing banks to fail

Agricultural failures___Farms cannot pay back their loans and many lose their farms ______

Great Depression_30% unemployment, loss of homes, jobs, led to homelessness, starvation, forclosures etc.

8. Analyze President Herbert Hoover’s financial policies. (3.2 C)

Bonus Army March___WWI veterans march on Wash. To get early bonuses. Refused to leave_____


Hoovervilles_makeshift towns for homeless people – blamed Hoover for problems

1932 Election __FDR defeats Hoover. ______

9. Describe the economic and social impact of the Great Depression on individuals, families and the

nation. (3.2 D)____People lost homes, jobs, communities suffered, people died of starvation and exposure. People lived in poverty. ______

10. Analyze the impact of the New Deal. (3.3)

11. Assess the viewpoints regarding the role of government in…… (3.3 A)

FDR’s First Inaugural Address_Only thing we have to fear is fear itself______

FDR’s Four Freedoms Speech__ALL people have rights to the four freedoms, (speech, worship, from want, and from fear)

12. Examine…… (3.3 B)

Deficit spending__Gov. borrow money to help economy______

Roosevelt’s Court Packing Plan___plan to add 6 members to the S.C. ______

13. Cause and impact of the Dust Bowl and government responses. (3.3 C)

____Over use of the land and improper farming techniques led to Dust Bowl. Government started an education plan for farmer to prevent problems

Content Standard 4: Examine the transformation in American society and government policy as the nation mobilized for entry into World War II.

1. Examine the roles of the United States to Fascist military aggression in Europe & Asia…..(4.1A)

appeasement _Allowing Germany to NOT follow stipulations of treaty from WWI. Caused Germany to become more aggressive.

isolationism__US would stay out of world affairs______

Neutrality Acts___Series of Acts that were meant to keep America out of War. Neutrality act of 1939 had a cash and carry provision selling military equipment to anyone….only helped the Allies

Lend-Lease program___President to Lend, Lease, or Give away equipment to help Allies during WWII

2. Evaluate the ……….(4.1B)

mobilization for war__US getting ready for war. Factories change production______

FDR’s Day Which Will Live in Infamy speech__Speech after the attack on Pearl Harbor calling America to join war

role of women & minorities in the war effort_Women worked in factories (Rosie the Riveter) Minorities and women also joined the military doing service types of jobs

internment of Japanese-Americans_forces camps to prevent possible sabotage due to alliegence to Japan

Korematsu v. United States decision_S.C. decision saying that during a time of war internment was permissible

internment of Americans of German and Italian descent hype to prevent possible espionage or sabotage by German or Italian immigrants

3. Analyze the event of World War II…..(4.2)

major battles____Stalingrad, Battle of Normandy, Battle of the Bulge, Midway, Corral Sea,

military turning points (Europe)_Normandy Invasion______

key strategic decisions in both European and Pacific Theaters of operations-Midway & Normandy

Allied Conference at Yalta_Discussion of Allies on how to divide the world after the war was won.

4. Summarize American reactions to the events of the Holocaust…..(4.3)

Nuremburg Trials__Trials in which Nazi leaders were charged with war crimes

Content Standard 5: The student will analyze foreign and domestic policies during the Cold War, 1945 to 1975.

1. Analyze the origins of international alliances and efforts at containment of Communism following

World War II…..(5.1) __Allies disagree with S.Union on future of Eastern Europe . Truman left Potsdam conference believing Stalin wanted to conquer the world.

2. Identify the origins of Cold War confrontations between the Soviet Union and the United States.


leadership of President Harry Truman__Truman Doctrine to oppose Communist Expansion______

postwar division of Berlin _Berlin would be divided up into 4 zones

the Berlin Blockade and Airlift_Soviets blocked US from getting supplies to Berlin. Truman responded by airlifting supplies for over a year.

the fall of the Iron Curtain___Iron Curtain was figurative description of the divide between Eastern and Western Europe