Organisation: The Environment Trust

The Environment Trust is an established buildings preservation and landscape trust caring for places and connecting to people of all ages and backgrounds across south west London. Our purpose is to preserve and conserve the best of our built and natural heritage.Our aim is to inspire a love of local places and enhance people’s lives through raising awareness and encouraging involvement, inclusion, volunteering and learning.

Job title: Honorary Treasurer

Hours:To be agreed between the Chair and CEO but about 10 hours per month

Remuneration: The post is voluntary and not remunerated

Location: The post holder willbe home based but may visit the offices to discuss financial issues with Trust staff. The office address is ETNA, 13 Rosslyn Road, Twickenham, TW1 2AR

Purpose of the role

To maintain an overview of the Trust's financial affairs; ensure its financial viability; make sure that proper financial records and procedures are maintained; support the Trustees and staff with Trust related financial queries.

The post holder will

  • Be interested and supportive of the Trust’s aims and objectives
  • Take ownership of the financial systems of the Trust
  • Ensure good financial governance
  • Keep the Trustees informed of the financial health of the Trust
  • Deliver project and operational budgets each year
  • Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort

Key responsibilities

  1. Overseeing, approving and presenting to the Trustees, budgets, accounts and financial statements
  2. Ensuring that the financial resources of the Trust meet its present and future needs
  3. Ensuring that the charity has an appropriate reserves policy
  4. Chairing the Finance Board
  5. Ensuring that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place
  6. Liaising with any paid staff and volunteers about financial matters
  7. Advising on the financial implications of the Trust's strategic plans
  8. Ensuring that the charity has an appropriate investment policy (if applicable)
  9. Ensuring buildings equipment and assets are adequately maintained and insured
  10. Liaise with external accountant, or examiner responsible for statutory examination of accounts
  11. Ensuring that the accounts are prepared and disclosed in the form required by funders and the relevant statutory bodies, e.g. The Charity Commission and/or the Registrar of Companies
  12. Keeping the board informed about its financial duties and responsibilities
  13. Contributing to the fundraising strategy of the Trust
  14. Making a formal presentation of the accounts at the annual general meeting and drawing attention to important points in a coherent and easily understandable way
  15. Authorise payments when required

Other requirements

  • None


Training, experience & qualifications

  • A financial training to Financial Controller level is desirable
  • A financial qualification would be useful

Knowledge & skills

  • Proven capacity for strategic thinking
  • Proven self-starter with evidence of achievement of objectives
  • Attention to detail and meeting deadlines
  • Able to develop and deliver advice, training and other kinds of support to Trustees and staff
  • Good understanding of SSAPs as they affect charities

Interpersonal skills

  • Excellent team-working and leadership skills with people of diverse backgrounds and levels of knowledge
  • Excellent negotiating and influencing skills
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills including ability to adapt communication styles to a variety of circumstances
  • Skilled at belonging to or working with business networks to enhance the work of the Trust


This job description is subject to change. Job descriptions are updated in consultation with the post-holder on a regular basis to ensure they continue to reflect the needs of the role.


For further information about this job please contact Berny Simcox, CEO

| Office tel: 07860 878 462

Version control

Date / Author / Version / Status / Notes
1 Mar 2018 / Tim Little / 3 / Draft

Page: 1