Youth Policy and Youth Employmentin South East Europe

Seminar, 21st – 24thOctober 2009

Brdo, Slovenia

Provisional agenda


Thursday, 22 October
09.30Plenary Opening (open for media)

  • Welcome words on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Sport - Office for Youth of Republic of Slovenia, Director, Mr. Peter Debeljak
  • Importance of youth employment, Mr. Ulrich Bunjes, Deputy Director, Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe
  • Introduction to the seminar context, aims, objectives and programme

Presentations of the preparatory team and participants

11.00Social context of employment of young people in the region

Dr. Metka Kuhar, Faculty for Social Science, University of Ljubljana

Questions and discussion

12:00Measures and Programmes for better employability of youth,

Ms. Mateja Sedej, Undersecretary, Head of Sector for Long Life Learning, Ministry of Labour,

Family and Social Affairs

14.30Working groups: researchers, policy makers and practitioners - Sharing about youth employment

realities in the countries of SEE

16.30Sharing about youth employment realities in the SEE countries, continued in working groups


Conclusions of the day

Friday, 23 October
09.30Plenary, Presentation of good practices in promoting youth employment and employability

  • Activities of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission and SALTO Resource Centre SEE, Ms Sonja Mitter
  • Active Labour Market Programme for Youth, United Nations Development Programme, Mr Alban KRYEZIU
  • Recognition of Non-Formal Learning (NFL) - Project NEFIKS and Second Chance Employment Programme PUM

11.30 Plenary, Presentation and discussion on good practices in promoting youth employment and employability in the region

Forming thematic working groups (see below)

14.30Thematic groups on major issues to be tackled:

  • Relevance of education for employability: formal, vocational and non-formal education
  • Work and family life
  • Working conditions and types of employment
  • Mobility for employment
  • Support measures in relation to youth employment

16.00Plenary, Presentation of thematic groups' results

17.00Plenary, Elaborating initiatives for enhancing youth employment and employability in SEE

Saturday, 24 October
09.30 Plenary,

Elaborating initiatives for enhancing youth employment and Employability in SEE

10.45Presentations of conclusions and outcomes of planning the initiatives

11.15Concluding session(open for media)

- Mr. Hanjo Schild, Head of Unit, Partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the field of Youth, Strasbourg

- Ms. Sonja Mitter, Coordinator, SALTO Resource Centre South-East Europe, Ljubljana

- Mr. Zorko Škvor, Ministry of Education and Sport - Office for Youth