ArizOTA Board of Directors Emergency Meeting

June 28, 2017
6:30-7:05 p.m.


Call to Order
Welcome Board Members and Guests / Time:
A quorum was established and Benjamin Gross called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.
Meeting Location:
Conference Call
ArizOTA Board Members Present:
Benjamin Gross, OTR/L,President
Vacant, Past President
Amy Armstrong-Heimsoth, President Elect
Veda Collmer,Esq., OTR/L,Secretary
Lori Lambert, COTA/L,COTA Liaison
Charlotte Satterwaite, MHA/Ed, COTA/L 2 Year Board Member
Patricia Crist, 1 Year Board Member
Sara Stephenson, 1 Year Board Member
Katherine Schofield, DHS, OTR/L, CHT, Treasurer Elect
ArizOTA Committee Chairs Present:
Donna Gilbert, OTR/L, CHT, Legislative Affairs Co-Chair
Debbie Hines, M.A., OTR/L, Legislative Affairs Co-Chair
Secretary’s Report
Presented by:Veda Collmer / No information to present.

Treasurer’s Report

Presented by: Tamara Turner

/ No information to present.

President’s Report

Presented by: Benjamin Gross

/ No information to present.
Vice-President’s Report
Presented by: Heather Williams / No information to present.

3-Year Board Member’s Report

Presented by: Meagan Orban / No information to present.
2-Year Board Member’s Report
Presented by: Charlotte Satterwaite / No information to present.

1 Year Board Members’ Report Presented by: Patricia Crist and Sara Stephenson

/ No information to present.

COTA Liaison’s Report Presented by: Lori Lambert

/ No information to present.

Legislative Committee’s Report Presented by: Debbie Hines & Donna Gilbert

/ No information to present.

Membership Committee OPEN

/ No information to present.

Finance Committee

Tamara Turner

/ No information to present.

Marketing and Public Relations Committee

Sabrina Wade and Joy Springer / No information to present.
Nominations Committee
Meagan Orban / No information to present.
Publications Committee
Joy Springer / No information to present.
Programs Committee
Oaklee Rogers / No information to present.
International Liaison
Evelyn Andersson / No information to present.
Tucson SIS
Chad Spear / No information to present.
Neuro SIS
Sharon Buchanan / No information to present.
Vision SIS
Jan Menke / No information to present.
Pediatric SIS
Meagan Orban / No information to present.
OT/OTA Student Representatives / No information to present.
Old Business / No information to present.
New Business / Vote to continue lobbyist contract for 30 days to negotiate a new contract. Motion carried.
Open to the Public / No information to present.
Next ArizOTA Board of Directors Meeting: / Date:TBD
6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Northern Arizona University – Phoenix Biomedical Campus
435 N. 5th St., Phoenix, AZ 85004
Virtual Attendance:
Google Hangout.
Connect with
Adjournment of Meeting / Benjamin Gross motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Boardseconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.
The motion carried.